Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

That's where he needs to go, the garbage entrance, because he is trash.

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I would say much more than that if I could get away with it!

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Pretty soon he’ll have to go blackface so people don’t recognize this lying cheating hateful Dispicable scum jackal.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Justin Trudeau has no convictions of his own. In fact it appears as though he is dead inside. The Global elite are causing chaos across the world. These Global elites a running a campaign of defenestration. Few people are prepared to distrust elites. They have been brainwashed. They automatically trust. Few people have had any experience with the extraordinarily rich and powerful. They are insulated from view by our envy of them. And insulated by social structures and social organizations designed to give the impression that they truly care about you or me. The enormous bureaucracy is not there to deliver services you have been convinced are free. And are the only way of doing things. A free market in medicine would not enable restricting the amount of medical students admitted every year. Doctors benefit by those restrictions! Of course. More doctors would mean less wait times, obviously. They are not trained to understand health and how to preserve it. They know nothing about the causes of disease. They prescribe drugs according to symptoms. Of course the pharmaceutical complex manufactures and profits every time a doctor prescribes a pill or lotion or drug.

The medical bureaucracy is run to make huge profits and yet people recently voted against establishing private clinics.

The structure as it exists is like it is because it is hugely profitable.

Our taxes build the hospitals. Doctors and the pharmaceutical industry and the attendant bureaucracy profits enormously.

That is why hospitals are in the state they are in. Private hospitals would certainly make money. But the facts are their profits would be curbed by competition as would the costs associated with more doctors lower costs,

And the hospitals would not get run down. Private hospitals invest in better equipment and regular maintenance — costs which are tax deductible. Competition ensures a better product. Public hospitals run down because more of the available money goes to management. Management becomes bloated. Managing publicly funded hospitals is a chore. The hospitals are chronically underfunded in a public system. No one within the entire health industry in Canada is motivated to do a better job.

Socialism benefits a few; a few rather than everyone in society.

But people are easily brainwashed. The credentialed class listen to the CBC and read the Globe and Mail and imagine they are insiders rather than being the class of people most easily brainwashed. Why is that the case? Because they spent every moment of their lives within confining structures where brainwashing is rampant.

These people are like Pavlov’s rats. When certain tuned voices sing their songs the brainwashed class of subjects within the credentialed masses sing the chorus.

H. G. Wells novel The Time Machine perfectly illustrates this phenomenon. In fact the movie made in the 1950s of Wells vision of the future captured the essence of the Pavlovian response,

Watching the movie is usually discomforting — the more so for todays watchers. Society today more resembles the dystopian reality than in the 1959s.

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Dead inside. MK Ultra.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The Great White North , soon be called . " Canada's Great North". Soon after all references to The Great White North will be removed and forever forgotten in Canada's Historic Archives.

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They will do it.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

he/she/it is running out of places to sneak into, soon no where to hide anywhere

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Someone should put a word in the P.Ms ear, RESIGN, follow your friends into “exile”, the prime Ministers of Britain, NewZealand and Scotland, they left before loosing complete credibility.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

It would appear Bolshevism is alive and well in Canada emanating from the Liberal Party. ?

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I interpret our sad situation differently .Arrogant elitist Trudeau sees himself more on par with a Czar ruling and starving his poor peasants with impunity.It was the Bolsheviks who took out the Czar in a revolution when they'd had enough .Of course that was long before the bullet proof vests Trudeau has been sporting of late due to the growing distain even hatred for him . Regardless history should be a cautionary tale to Trudeau and his ilk.

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It certainly is.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Blackface Trudeau is pure Evil!

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Talking about Yukon... That's a pic of the the riding of Newmarket Aurora.

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Was reading an article with comments shared by his half brother when poof, it disappeared. He was saying that Trudeau was not vetted for the position( usual procedure) because of the known payment to buy silence was known. Now being said by her father that she was only 12, not 17 as portrayed!!!he is told what to say and what to do by WEF so this info won’t be released. Anyone else read the article? Very interesting I can now not find it. More cover-up???

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He just better not come to my town. He may just learn the meaning of redneck!

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Now we see why Trudeau is flooding Canada with New Illegal Immigrant voters.

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