Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thanks Brad for pointing out the distressing truth about our country, if you recall I mentioned sometime ago that I heard a young Muslim being interviewed and he predicted that by 2060 Canada will be under Muslim rule and Sharia Law, a comforting thought but alas I won’t around anymore! Regarding the unmarked indigenous graves and the revelation that it was a hoax and our P.M who promoted the whole issue remains silent, the RCMP will not get involved unless invited by the Kamloops Reserve who started this whole falsehood and will not reveal how the 8.000.000 was used nor reveal the study done by an anthropology student from Fraser Valley University! Our Canada as most of us have known it is a lost once beautiful and envied country and this has happened very quickly under the evil hand of Trudeau.

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Liberalism is poisoning all traditional elements of Canadian society. Anglos and Christians will become a tiny persecuted minority in due time. Thats how much Justin Trudeau hates our country, for one thing.

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to be fair, the GPR study was done by a professor of anthropology, not a student.

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I have read two different accounts on this and they both mentioned a student of anthropology from Fraser Valley University, her name was mentioned but I do not recall it.

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Dr. Sarah Beaulieu. A professor.

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Apology due, I found her name but the articles I read didn’t call her professor, you would think she would want to clear her name!

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I suspect she is not allowed to and under some kind of gag order by the band. Or she stands by her report, which should call some inspection into her qualifications to make the statements she made about GPR.

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau doesn't like to visit Christian communities because he doesn't get to "dress up".He doesn't like white anglos because we know what he truly is and he can't fool most of us.He doesn't like the baby boomers for the same reason that we knew his father's agenda and we know his.Baby boomers are also more aware of what is true or not about Canada's history that he is trying to rewrite to suit his purpose.

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He's a dangerous fool and puppet of the highest order.

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Wonder what he gets in return.Maybe the powers who own him will throw him under the bus once he is no longer useful.sound familiar?

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Once the religious supremacists seize power, Trudeau will be seen as nothing more than a means to an end, a useful idiot whose brain couldn't grasp the degree to which supremacist religious leaders and politicians used his idiot mind.

In other words, when a "Mohamed" becomes PM, Trudeau will be meaningless.

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Just like the white men.

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What Trudy wants

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i am waiting for that day to come.

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Rant no. 24532290087554… Canada is in danger with him. We should be on red alert. He is a menace to this country and others. Did you see how despised he was at NATO? They had secret meetings without him. He addressed an empty room! and he was threatened that they would drop Canada. I mean tge Feds are considering taxing all homeowners now. So city taxes and Federal?? he’s trying to punish us for all the bleeding he did to this nation where they had to touch the pension fund and now house taxes??? NO. There will be a civil war if he passes that.

No one will pay. No one should. I strongly believe you should not pay property taxes its wrong in every sense.

Well wasn’t it 3 weeks ago it was confirmed he swings both ways? he lives Pride festivals. He is at home there. I knew he was “special”, a ling time ago. And no one would care if he wasn’t so odious and corrupt. He has contempt for Christianity because it condemns sodomy and relations with same sex and children, because it is one of God’s biggest offences. But hey- he counts in degenerates to boost his ego and feed that inner narcissist incessantly.

He has thrown Freeland under the bus so imagine how self-centered he is? No one is safe with him. He would turn on his kids and family. He’s desperate.

They still will not retract the false statements made, that there are NO mass graves. Its been confirmed by indiginous investigations using special equipment, satellite footage, all kinds of tools, scanners and soil testing. Nothing but rocks.

He makes me sick everyday. I am afraid, just like the US, Canada may not get rid of this plague upon us. There are bad rumours that Biden admin has a plan in place to ensure he gets 4 more years despite his failing mind. Biden admin put a Veto on the SAVE ACT which prevented non citizens from voting. Now without enforcing ID or address literally anyone can vote. Anyone. Which confirms his open border policy letting over 22 million in was for election interference. But again, he isn’t being tried for treason on election fraud.

Trudy is going to find a way to let immigrants & illegals vote, non citizens; he copies Biden on everything. He seemed confident on CBC in his interview that he will be celebrating many MORE Canada Days… unsaid but implied that “as PM” he will. He knows something. Soros and Rockefellars, China will help him somehow AGAIN. Only one option remains to remove him as PM. Do Canadians have to hire their own mercenary??? I mean, he is a stubborn mule just like Pooh Bear in China. He just won’t leave! His dad finally resigned. But I wonder what it took back then. I know it was as bad for back then. Press hounded him he was hated disliked everywhere he went. Like father like son. Is he this self-centered that he truly is oblivious to exactly how much he’s hated? Are his minions scattering and constantly say “yes your highness”, to him?? That is what I believe. He surrounded himself with yes people. Anyone else is fired, resigns or is shuffled.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

The've got us in their globalist hooks now, only a matter of time before Old School Canada falls. Poilievre may delay it, but the commie destroyers and religious supremacist cult leaders will return.

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Jul 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

Agreed. They throw each other under the bus until he is discarded. He is a useful idiot, until he’s replaced one day. Not by Poillievre but someone dark and sinister in the globalist plan.

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One can bet the Globalists are cooking up schemes to fully take over Canada now.

Part of it being an eventual take over of the Liberal Party, which really should be called the "Third World Domination Party of Canada"

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

I agree that he is a dangerous entity.The problem is he doesn't look like a dangerous entity and most people are unaware of how much of a threat he actually is.He has also captured the media so most people have no way of finding out the truth about his ultimate plan for us.My only hope is that more of the former ministers like Wilson-Raybould Jane Philpott, Mark Garneau,Bill Morneau etc..come out with more information about the corruption in that government.I am certain they all have juicy stories to tell.Like you I would not care what his sexual orientation is if he was a good person doing a good job and if he was up front and honest.That's not the case unfortunately.

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This is why he always leads with his "standing up for the oppressed" theme. No doubt he has been instructed on how to position himself in this regard. To me, behind-the-scenes, he's a HATER of the highest order.

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

I agree.You don't need a psychology degree to notice how much pleasure he gets from lecturing, admonishing and punishing.He IS full of hatred and drunk on power.I have noticed the same about Freeland.(remember how orgasmic she looked when freezing bank accounts during the Freedom Convoy) Wonder if this is part of WEffer training and indoctrination.

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Sadistic attitude toward Canada.

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Difference is, Freeland is, or was, the Number Two.

We have a few bright spots on our side, however: at the very first breathing of that orgasm, a savvy Forum leader would have ended them both, quietly and overnight.

For anyone that is opposed to any kind of digital identity or currency (which is to say, nearly the entire western world of plebes), she has written at least two reference points.

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The only thing that's protecting him against anything right now is his position.

There's never going to be any leadership review as long as he breathes.

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Jul 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

Why would anyone and particularly a Christian politician who is not a LGBTQ want to attend a so called pride event? No one should have to comprimise their beliefs and dignity to please what could be considered by many a perverse group.

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Liberals want the entire country compromised

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Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau is thinking exactly as Freeland did here.

She offered him many loyal years of carrying his water, only for him to dump her when she got a little too close to his position.

When he finds out that the "supremacists" have force-fed him his own medicine, he's going to be seriously shocked beyond belief.

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Once Canada gets a religious supremacist in place as PM it will be game over for whitey, if it isn't already

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Brad Salzberg

The move is on. How many muslim, the multiple citizenship to Muslim run countries, MPs in parliament & cabinet & appointed to task forces/offices and such. Christians are the most persecuted in the world and they have brought the persecution to the western world and across the Atlantic to our shores, literally.

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Canadian media obviously have been instructed to NEVER report on worldwide Christian persecution.

Trudeau pays their.salaries, and they never do.

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Anyone got guns and maybe some Dundee knives?

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you will need a hell of alot to stop what is going on in canada.

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Only one.

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Check this out..... Don’t think Mick Jagger expected fans, at the Rolling Stones concert in Vancouver, to boo when he mentioned Justin Trudeau.

Watch to see how Mick gets them cheering again. https://x.com/brianlilley/status/1810388504234566116?

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So little patience for the pride crowd, get back in the closet

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