It's always a matter of $ and who profits by it. A third shot? It's your body that produces immunity not the shot but they have us believe this one doesn't work long though every Asian flu shot is good for a year, mmm??? Yes politicians have INVESTED in companies that supply things for a pandemic and a quickly ending pandemic may not see the investment make enough profit so continue the BS. Viruses become less harmful with each mutation because it's not in their best interest to kill the host, thereby killing itself. But the BS produced now of "more contagious? And OMIT much less harmful not requiring vaccinations for it. They have feared the public and want us to keep running and not look back, just obey every regulation. THINK FOR YOURSELVES CANADA.
It's always a matter of $ and who profits by it. A third shot? It's your body that produces immunity not the shot but they have us believe this one doesn't work long though every Asian flu shot is good for a year, mmm??? Yes politicians have INVESTED in companies that supply things for a pandemic and a quickly ending pandemic may not see the investment make enough profit so continue the BS. Viruses become less harmful with each mutation because it's not in their best interest to kill the host, thereby killing itself. But the BS produced now of "more contagious? And OMIT much less harmful not requiring vaccinations for it. They have feared the public and want us to keep running and not look back, just obey every regulation. THINK FOR YOURSELVES CANADA.