Apr 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Wait until the Muslim connection kicks in........

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Apr 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Didn't see any mention of the Trudeau Foundation and its massive increase in donations starting in 2015, not to mention the resignation of some board members with scruples

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Apr 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Yes. China bought Trudeau the election, and don’t forget Obama’s help! Big financial and organizational help. Together they gave us a WEF and China puppet.

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Apr 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

the only thing that i am wishing for brad, i hope president trump gets back into power, remember trudeau backstabbed him, and trump sayd i will never forget. lol. go get him president trump and tell the canadians the truth whats behind this imbecile in ottawa.

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Apr 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

We seem to already be in this position where one resigns an another appointed. Let look at Eby in BC he was never voted in, they made sure his opponent could not run. Then you have Jagshit who won a riding in Burnaby. He does not even live in BC. So how the hell does this happen? Another China interference. If he ran in his own neighbourhood he would not have won. China is heavily into to BC for many years now, they new they could make sure he won. Then we have Ken Simms as Mayor of Vancouver, with a little help from China, then you got whats her name as the mayor of Toronto, all helped along by the Chinese. There are none so blind than those who refuse to see. No wonder I never voted all my life. I believed that the government was nothing but a legal mafia. Now I look back and yep they are so corrupt it is unbelievable.

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In my time long ago this was considered treason and was punishable by death.As for democracy it is long dead in Canada.You are living an illusion if you think you are living in a democratic country.Remember the "unacceptable views" that landed people in jail 2 years ago.And there's much more rules coming soon Stay tuned.

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China/USA/Canada have been in cahoots for years.

They pretend they are enemies when in reality behind the scenes they are doing what’s best for China. They just pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes on us with Covid…..

In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.

Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..


They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!

We have already been exposed to the coronavirus. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!

Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..


Look at the beginning of this old stack talking about it. ….


We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.

Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔

All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!

Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.

Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:

-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots

-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired

-got rid of Trump

-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.

-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.

Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing to make them legally accountable.

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Profressor Frolic will need go to the back of the class - and then larn sumthin - if he really thinks the China-Can relationship "was initiated by Pierre Trudeau" - in the C20th!

Anglophiles who take such pride in their connection to the 'mother country' may blanch a bit about that same fealty when the real dynamics of their colonial situation get uncovered. said 'relationship' begins when Lord George Macartney left England in 1792 on the first official British Mission to China. The mission’s purpose was to convince the Chinese to buy British manufactures, with which to pay for all the silks and teas & chinaware which the commercial houses in England traded widely in for handsome profit. It was causing serious drain on the country’s supply of silver to import those treasured items from the East, anathema to the mercantilist spirit of the financial interest which employed Britannia to rule the waves.

Lord George - for his efforts, received the following reply from the Celestial emperor: ""act in conformity with our wishes by strengthening your loyalty and swearing perpetual obedience, and to "tremblingly obey and show no negligence!" = a sign of things to come.

From there on, the troubled tenor of our tenous 'dynamic' never faltered - I've already mentioned the early arrive of the infamous "BETHUNES" TO THE REAL SEAT OF POWER" in the C19th... and the grandson's noble sacrifice to the same Empire - in it's continued CCP marxist format - a century or so later.

What is so hard to grasp about "the way things really work" in this ol world? You are ruled by bagmen, thieves, and minions of the $power, you've taken their shekels for a life's worth of material abundance, and when they come soon to claim the riches of an arctic treasure they beleive their's by right - divine or otherwise - you will utter nary a peep of protest - knowing in thine heart that the reward for complicity with the moneychangers .... never changes.

Sixty trips to China doth not make a 'watcher' into a sage. For what does - we would need start with Mencius - and his well known story of King Xuan and the ox - but I'm certain that would try your patience too much. Instead, let's close this out, with a tip o the turban to the ol Zhuangzi - that encyclopedic guide to the art of being,explicitly undertakes to examine the theme of

"how to protect and preserve one’s life and last out one’s years while living in the social realm, especially in circumstances of great danger: a life of civic engagement ina time of social corruption."

Work written done several millennia in the past - yet much more topical than anything Professor, Confessors, or Mendacious Media Messer can scribble bout in the present!

Be done with thy whimpering o folk of folly! The ox shall NOT be spared - in the halls of the BLACK-FACED DEMON KING!

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RemovedApr 5Liked by Brad Salzberg
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