Bet your bottom dollar they did

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The UN has been telling the world we all need to have less children, this has not been the case globally but seems more in the free world tha Trudeau hates the same as his father did.

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I am 74. I immigrated to Canada when I was 7 years old. My mother was old stock English. If there had been no war my father and mother would never have met. Obviously he had Jewish features and many Jewish characteristics. In the early 1950s my father could see the future was going to be much different than the received rhetoric and propaganda to which people were being subjected. My father was attached to the British Expeditionary Force sent to Palestine in the 1930s to pacify the Jews and the Arabs. The Balfour Resolution was not popular with the Arabs.

Dad was on Malta during the siege. He was at El Alamein. He was captured by German paratroops on Leros and sent to German prison of war camp outside Munich. He was fairly fluent in German. He escaped and eventually returned to England. My father always had piles of books at home. He was increasingly suspicious that nothing at all was as reported; indeed he reasons that anything from government was a lie. He was a curious man and hated conformity. He had witnessed enough conformity and death as a consequence of following orders to repel him for the rest of his life. His father had been blown if a horse during WWI and gassed. He died in the mid 1920s as a consequence; shortly after my father was born. My father witnessed first hand many of the events reported on after the war. He and my mother while watching TV which he only watched if it was the news or something political or something about the War. He would often turn to my mother while laughing aloud and exclaim “…bollox!” So naturally I grew up wondering why he would differ so much with the conventional narrative. Before I go on — my father here in Canada was very successful. I’d rather not identify him. I have a very curious family and would rather not identify him. He won the usual rack of medals and was mentioned in dispatches twice.

Our house was full of history books; army stuff, navy stuff, Air Force stuff, religious history books, political biographies, history of wars, peace, broken promises, lies, corruption, war profiteering; and etc.

His work in Canada meant a good look behind the scenes. Growing up I was influenced by the rhetoric of the times and the atmosphere. I was a normal kid; until president Kennedy was shot. Suddenly I was witnessing history; I was 14 then. After that I began to pour over my Dad’s books. I have all his books plus dozens of economic books and more history books and science books than make any rational sense. After Kennedy’s assassination I found conventional schooling began for me to seem rather trite and shallow. I came slowly to the conclusion that almost everything was a lie. My father told me that all the German soldiers he met including a couple of encounters with the Gestapo did not resemble the “bollox” and lies told after the war about the war. In fact we had three families of Germans in the community where I lived. It is obvious to me and many others my age that the main stream politicians are liars. But turning to the politicians as a source of change is naïve. They are mere puppets. Newspapers never report the machinations and contrivances brought about by a powerful elite one seldom if ever hears about.

I live in Ottawa and out of curiosity walked the entire length of Wellington Street on two occasions — once on a Sunday with my wife and our dog. Nothing as reported or said by Trudeau or any other politician resembled the facts on the ground; nothing!

Just as my father observed the truth does not exist. Once one realizes the extent of the lies and the power of propaganda to shape peoples beliefs and literally shape their reality and understand how long this has been going on you’ll never see the world the same way again.

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My Grandfather fought in WWII and he wouldn't watch TV either and reminded us, "believe none of what you hear and half of what you see".

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I would not put anything past the WEF and Trudeau. Their immoral manipulation constantly hurts Canadians.

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