Truest words ever said/printed for all Canadians & other countries to see!

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Appreciated, wish it were under better circumstances, but in truth, the Trudeau's k*lled that.

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Hopefully, measures will prevent a repeat but it won't be easy with the Liberals in control. They're probably working on such a repugnant strategy right now.

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As in, wait out ten years, comeback and continue to destroy Canada

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Turdeau was a ready and willing accomplice, immune to any power of suggestion except his own personal advancement at the expense of others.

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I listened to a Trish Wood recent podcast where she was interviewing Kyle Kemper ,Trudeau's half brother who has polar opposite views to our PM about how things should run in this country.He said he feels Trudeau should engage with people rather than enrage people.He also stated that he believes his brother is being used and that someone is probably blackmailing him with some information that would be very detrimental to Trudeau should that information become public knowledge.In no way is he excusing his behavior .Quite the opposite in fact.I seem to remember you saying something similar to that Brad about the blackmail bit.Interesting and wonder if we will ever find out what that's all about.

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Sexual impropriety is my guess

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The interview with David Krayden and Kyle Kemper is also quite revealing in regards to Trudeau governing policies and his mismanagement of the Pandemic!

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Thanks .Will try to find and listen to that too.

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Always after the fact. Always after the damned fucking fact.

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That, friend, is the essence of Canadian media

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All I want to hear is that cell door slammed shut.......with JT behind it!

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not me, i want to hear the sound of the swing in front of the hoc. that would be delightful.

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A note of interest, Plett was a Trudeau appointee, bet our P.M regrets that!

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Couldn't imagine someone could actually have that much integrity. hey ? Ha Ha !!!His pick came back to bite him in the rear.Hope more find the courage to do the same and reveal more about his lack of ethics..

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