Pinball wizards hate “tilt “ … game over. The Progressive impulse hijacked by the so called elites to advance their totalitarian agenda hate it that they have been outed — the signs everywhere are flashing “tilt” … game over.

The main stream media is eating its own tail!

So many alternate media outlets exist they cannot be stamped out. Those media in most cases encourage discussion and respond to the insatiable demand for truth people deprived of it are hungry to satisfy.

One aspect of the so called ‘alternate media’ our so called elites find most egregious is the Wayback Machine; a digital archive which began cashing websites in October 2001.

Journalists can use the Wayback Machine to view dead websites, dated news reports, and changes to website content. Its contents has been used to hold politicians accountable and expose their lies and contradictions.

The Wayback Machine is not a perfect instrument, still the public is not a court of law. The public are perfectly capable of assimilating information delivered from “the horses mouth” and capable of verifying information over time. The public may then draw conclusions they may not have otherwise concluded because otherwise certain facts intentionally concealed previously never saw the light of day.

Recently Justin Trudeau lied but unfortunately for him he lied on camera — saying things he later denied saying. This denial was recorded in a public examination of the truckers convoy protest in Ottawa.

In the instance he came across as a typical “lying” politician. A friend of my wife was shocked when I showed her the clip.

No longer can the public be fooled all the time — now only some of the time. In the future maybe never.

When the pinball wizard “tilts” the player is denounced by the sound of some sort of loud alarm.

Progressives everywhere are being defeated. The totalitarian impulse will never be entirely quelled but now we can keep an eye out for those who harbour those impulses and dismiss them before they cause the usual conflicts.

Are you reading this Justin Trudeau? What about you Chrystia Freeland? — both known liars!

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I was reading about the rise of youth violence and home invasions . There is one easy way to stop that, build more jails and pass a law that allows home owner to shoot and kill anyone that breaks into their home. This is exactly what a sheriff and Texas did, in one year home invasions dropped to ZERO.

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I posted a reply and it was blocked. lol

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ALL the time 🙌

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Congratulations to Ezra Lavant at Rebel News who was the first person to interview Geert in the airport after his win...

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So glad I seldom watch or read Canadian Liberal/NDP funded media, or I would not know any world news. Very happy watching the massive wave crashing across Europe. Their farmers have been at war with the globalists for MONTHS and will now get help with the new right of Center parties. USA and Canada are up next!

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With 15 months to go before our own general elections, it is a bad idea to assume that the tides are turning on our own turf.

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We cannot afford to get complacent for sure.That Trudeau has more than one trick up his sleeve.Will stop at nothing to remain in power.

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Diversity is NOT strength 😾🙌💯

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just take a look at poland, there is only one word to describe that place in europe, and that word is wow.

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