We are angry mostly because we feel BETRAYED.Our rights have been trampled on and we are being treated like we aren't intelligent enough to raise our own kids and make our own decisions about our own health and our lifestyles.Senseless rules are being rammed down our throats and they are deliberately bankrupting the citizens of this country as well as the country itself .It is very difficult to watch the arrogance ,the self-righteousness,the condescending ways.We are a tolerant people but they have made it so that it is IMPOSSIBLE not to hate them and wish them gone.

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Woke ideological governance favouring special interest Canada, against the will of the Canadian majority-- a democratic fundamental

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Everything done in underhanded sneaky ways ,under false pretense like we are too stupid to realize what's going on.I resent being told what to do by someone who has no idea what REAL life is all about and lives in a dream world where you don't have to work for anything.If I want to join a cult I can do it on my own I resent being forced into one I resent having my views deemed unacceptable and most of all I object to the offensive name-calling by someone who lives off the taxes that I pay.This will go down in history as the rape of Canada.Let's NEVER forget what Trudeau has done to us.

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By "us," I think it means Canadian-born Anglophone, white Canadians who Trudeau has intentionally worked to disempower and transfer to poverty

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I loathe Trudeau. All the reasons. But! I loathe more the NDP!!!!!! Much more! They are the enablers of massive abuse of Canada.

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My mama told me you never say you hate someone. I'm 65 and she's 91, but sorry, mom, I hate this prick with every fibre of my being. I didn't vote for him and I knew when he gave his little "Canada has no national identity" interview things were going to be bad. I was right.

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Canada has been hijacked and established a ethnically diverse Liberals that are abunch of self ssrv serving ing amateurs, led by a narcissistic egotistical lecherous scoundrel .

Trudeau is aware and capituled to China to maintain his power however he's bitten off more than he can chew......he's played all his cards and now they're being called out.

Even his Griffter ex wife bailed seeing the writing on the wall .

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Liberal Cabinet a motley crew of Québécois Anglophone haters, half citizen Christian haters and LGBT fanatics

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like i have said many times over brad, something major has to happen in this country, and i still believe it will happen, as for sing, who will take him, he is not allowed in his own country, the americans call him a terrorist. i guess china is the only place.

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This didn’t happen in the last 8 years. It’s been quietly going down for decades in a carefully managed game of chess. The conservatives are just as much in on it as the NDP. Canada has long been controlled by a Uniparty., and by the time the average sheeple wakes up to that fact it will be too late. Hell it’s probably already too late.

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50 years since the first Canada hating commie Trudeau began the war on a free and democratic nation.

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Absolutely TruDope has spoiled a Country that we were proud to live in now with lots of residents seeking to leave Ontario all because of the leadership of this government by Dictatorship that he has imposed on Canadians he needs to take his Partner Jug head and get our out of Canada go live in China he would fit in

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1-2-3 Canadians...we love thee. The ethos that once existed in Canada, before optimism and love of country was destroyed by Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, media and Canadian academia.

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oh no, the 1967 ear worm song.

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What is most annoying is how they blatantly lie about our countries financial status, both Freeland and Anand stated that Canada is performing better than all G 7 nations and we have triple A credit rating and that other countries are lining up to invest in Canada, are we really supposed to believe that B.S when bankers and economists say the opposite.

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And yet the funding of the Midden Stream Main Sewer Media that keeps this information suppressed is not openly discussed, except by a few independents like Rebel Media. Will anything change come election time, in my experience of Canadian voters, probably not.

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After the next election the MSM will be busy looking for jobs at Walmart

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We can live in hope, it springs eternal, and costs bugger all!

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We can only hope an election will some soon. If we have to wait till 2025, how much more havoc will he impose on the country?

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Immigration should be stopped immediately , it's become a National Security Issue. Immigrants come into Canada illegally , with no intention of integrating into Canadian Society. They bring their own crimes, religion , laws and problems with them , most are here for free food, lodging and money. Most should be deported and than asked to apply for entry into Canada legally , this has become a worrisome issue all over the World. Countries are starting to realize that this is an organized plan to destroy a countries stability in hopes of introducing the WEF,s Green Program around the World. Canada needs to act now before it is too late.

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I just hope he is prevented from escaping from Canada when he loses the next election. Trudeau needs to be held to stand trial for crimes against humanity and Canada.

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Not so fast there people. Mark Carney (UN Special Envoy for Climate Financing) is reappearing, right on cue 18 months before the next election. IMO: He is the next Liberal leader, and while Canadians will be celebrating the departure of Justin Trudeau, the Globalists new guy will be implementing the remaining parts of the WEF, UN, WHO global one world government agenda in Canada cheered on by an ecstatic Liberal party who will remain in power. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party “strategy” of constantly attacking “Trudeau” instead of the Liberals, is making the Liberals jobs easier. Next election they will say “We listened to Canadians and replaced Justin Trudeau, now vote for us again” And Canadians will. 🇨🇦

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God forbid!!!

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The forced vaccination, false accusations such as child graves, releasing unpunished human traffickers, attacking boring gun collectors while releasing and tolerating street gangs random shootings. De-banking of opponents of Trudeau is one of the most tyrannical things ever done in Canada.

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Almost every other country hates Trudeau . Even PUTIN hates Trudeau . he said if we ever create a Women's Platoon he would want Trudeau to led it. . lol.

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Apr 20
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The next giant wave will be African and muslim

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