This is just gross. Great work as usual. But man is it ever sickening.

Austerity isn't for them. Austerity is for the plebes. They are above all laws. They put themselves there by infesting our system of governance with parasites. And there's no cure. Other than maybe killing the host?

I feel like we're being killed slowly, ravaged regularly but not enough to end the suffering. Isn't there anything Canadians can do? Make her pay the money back?

IF we ever get out of this mess we have to ensure this infestation never happens again.

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That would be wonderful.

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In my opinion we need to start at the top, abolish Royalty worldwide, these parasites can’t continue to live their privileged lives of the backs of the rest of humanity, what useful purpose do they serve?? We can’t lay this on Mary Simon, it is our outdated system that allows this kind of waste of money and Trudeaus insatiable EGO.

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Mary Simon made her own choices. She's fully capable of making good decisions but chose the latter.

I have a postgraduate degree in Sociology (and came out unscathed and maintained my Conservative values) so I understand social systems, the development of self in relation to the social, and all that jazz. But that only applies up to a certain point. Right from wrong is the first rule of thumb especially after a certain age. Expecting her to know the difference isn't unreasonable for me. These people are taking advantage of everyone.

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Jul 15, 2023
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Seduced from the inside is a communist specialty.

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They have access. We don't.

But what we do have is strength in numbers. We outnumber them and communication is key. They know that. That's why Trudeau's doing everything in his power to censor the internet and pay State media to pump out his propaganda. He has to control the message. If he doesn't, then he's screwed. And he knows it. All these autocrats, authoritarian psychopaths, elites know that.

He can try to censor the Canadian public but we will find a way to go around him. At some point people are going to get so fed up with Trudeau they'll organize something and have him thrown out of office.

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We outnumber them, but lack comparable political organization.

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Jul 16, 2023
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You're not wrong. The left is a highly organized tight group.

And beating the left overall, Democrats in the US, and Globalists like Trudeau at their own game is something I've been hearing alot about lately. We have to beat them at their own game. But we don't play dirty. We should. But we don't. Because we aren't like them. That's why we're losing.

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Jul 16, 2023
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Jul 15, 2023
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But will they?!

First of all, I love my family (but).

My Dad is a diehard Liberal Party voter who loves the Trudeau's. I've tried for years to explain to him that there are better ways of governing. I've tirelessly pointed out what is wrong with Liberal Party policies. He just takes it as a challenge to prove me wrong. He shuts down, and won't listen, then he gets mad. He takes it personally. I tried to tell him about libertarianism. After explaining it to him he shook his head and said "I don't know what that is". Even though I just told him. What he meant was "If it isn't Liberal, I don't believe it."

The general public is naive and lazy. They don't want to put any effort into politics, policy, and definitely not ideology. They don't want to know how the sausage is made.

The Liberal Party agenda comes with an entry of easily digestible ideas (ideology) that are just straight up lies. Like Tim Hortons is sold as a great Canadian coffee, hockey and all that. But try buying anything at Tim Hortons that isn't bad for you. It's a no-go zone for diabetics!

He doesn't even realize he's swallowing the worst biggest false ideology, the thing he doesn't want, but went to Tim Hortons and "ate the bowl". Remember that Tim Hortons add?😅

The rest of my family, siblings, aunts, etc., all get really mad 😠 😡 and aggressive. They respond with "I hate politics", "they're all the same", "they say they'll do something but once they get in they do what they want", and "that's why I don't vote".

You can't have an intelligent conversation with these kind (brainwashed) of people.

They're insecure, or uneducated, or lazy, and they don't think it affects their personal lives.

That's the thing with Liberals, the guy next to them could be on fire 🔥 but as long as the Liberal isn't on fire then nothing is wrong. It's exasperating.

To make things even worse, if someone actually tries to put their neighbor's fire out and the Liberal was planning on roasting smores, they'll hurl personal attacks at the person trying to put the fire out, while they promote smores 😅

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One factor is having media in the Liberal's pocket to trash any Conservative Party leader, be it O'Toole, Poilevre or otherwise.

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Yet if anyone on the right did what they did, cheated like they do, they'd hang for it. The Liberals and Democrats think they own the ball. We don't just have to take it away from them. We have to change the game.

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Jul 15, 2023Edited
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The problem is that it is all about the kind of people we and they are. Except Canada is my country. It was the kind of country that suited the majority of the kind of people that live here.

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Pierre Trudeau cancelled that with the Charter.

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Good point!

Everyone cites the Charter of Rights and Freedoms but it's a double edge sword, and they planned it that way. Dirty rotten liars.

I was pretty young when PET was PM. And I can remember the time he slapped someone across the face with his white leather gloves.

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Unlike like the French in WW11 , Canadians are siding with the ( enemy ) that is marching across Canada and doing nothing. We are lost I fear.

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Jul 15, 2023
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I will check it out. I have alot of family in New Brunswick.

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Jul 15, 2023
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An issue like having no term limits on PMs and MPs is a set up for an eventual end of democracy.

The two-term limit is the obvious thing to install in federal politics, should have been done decades ago, but they never will, and if you notice, media NEVER speak of it.

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Those people are weak.

They don't like confrontation.

They lack assertiveness.

They don't want to say anything that might get someone mad.

They'd rather talk to everyone else about you, behind your back than risk what could happen if they confronted you to your face.

Ya they say "sorry", but they don't mean it. It's superficial niceness.

You find out pretty quickly who's who when the shit hits the fan. Like mandates, vaccine passports, etc.

That was a big eye opener for me.

When my whole family (immediate and extended) (except my husband, son, one cousin, and one step-sister) turned on me.

When I complained to my Dad about Trudeau (his idol) making an experimental vaccine mandatory, and said he's preventing me from travel, going to a restaurant, etc., he said "get vaccinated, problem solved".

He had zero empathy for me, he didn't appreciate the big picture, and he was smug about it.

Here we are all concerned about alot of scenarios, lots of anxiety, etc., and I have no family support. When times get difficult families should be able to rely on each other. But nope. Even my family saw me as the enemy.

I never would have thought that could happen.

And my other first cousin told me I should be put in a gulag for being so selfish, because people like me are a threat to his wife, who has poor health (not my fault).

I don't see these people as "nice". I see these people as passive aggressive, weak, afraid, gutless, superficial empty vessels.

I appreciate people who are straightforward and willing to debate or discuss things. I am so bored to death of people who only ever talk about the kind of wine they like, or other meaningless chit-chat. They don't talk about politics, religion, or anything else worth discussing because they're weak, they can't debate, and they can't simply discuss serious things without getting upset when ot matters. I don't always want to talk about serious things but not being allowed to ever talk about important issues, relegates me to idol "chit-chat".

Thank God my husband is a patient man. He listens to everything I have to say, whether he agrees with me or not, and he doesn't get all upset. And thank God my son thinks like me. They're really all I have.

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Jul 15, 2023
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Have you looked at a smores lately? Chocolate crackers on the outside and white marshmallow on the inside 😂😋

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Like most Aboriginals, Mary Simon is a spendthrift, taking advantage of Canada and taxpayers!! She should resign and go. She is a disgrace as is Trudeau!!

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She's more than a "spendthrift". She's corrupt. She has no integrity, that pesky condition that holds most people back.

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A simplistic person, cutting herself off social media as she's afraid of negative comments about herself. However, she's useless to Canadians except for wasting their money, which she's become comfortable with. She's no lady.

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A bear of very little brain

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She's just like Trudeau. No integrity, no shame, and greedy. She knows right from wrong. She doesn't care.

Greed is a very strong motivating factor for most criminals. The general public doesn't realize that criminals commit crimes, not because they didn't get a fair shake in life, but because they're just so damn greedy. And yes, she and Trudeau are criminals. They have a criminal attitude. They share an attitude that supports the beliefs of their criminal organization, their club, (like Hells Angels who try to convince everyone that they are just a motorcycle club). Liberal elites see themselves as virtuous Gods who believe in the values of Liberalism, the basic rules of the organization. Except they don't tell the truth about what Liberalism really is, and the goals of the organization.

While we have come to realize that Liberalism is a mental disease, and an amoral cult that uses criminal activity as their means to an end, this revelation goes unchallenged by mainstream media who perpetuates it. Whatever they want, they get through deception (the message, propaganda), outright theft, and brutal force.

Why do they do this? Because somewhere along the line they learned that these methods work for them and done a certain way they get away with it. That notion that occurs to most of us, (just because you can, doesn't mean you should), doesn't occur to them. It's like they've killed that little guy inside them, that voice that says "don't do it". These people have crossed so many lines that it isn't even an issue for them anymore. That's ingrained antisocial behavior. Criminals are antisocial. These people have criminal attitudes. That ongoing criminal attitude that supports their criminal thinking that leads to behaviors (like Trudeau's pancake flipping photo ops done for nefarious reasons) has yet to be challenged by law enforcement, or society. That makes them, and their organization, a risk to public safety, just like any other criminal.

But in my trained opinion, these people are a high risk to public safety.

They have access to everything, coupled with values and attitudes that have gone unchecked. Anyone who thinks this is just hyperbole, I say look around. How much real damage has this cult done to Canadians, our society, our economy, our education system, our children?

I would say alot.

My grandson's first year in junior high was his worst school year ever. He's a popular kid who plays hockey, who was happy go lucky, was bullied by a trans kid in his school all year. Biological she and her mindless little shits hit him, kicked him, make him cry, told him to go kill himself.

All because he said 👋 to her at the beginning of the year because he knew her from grade 6, but committed the crime of using her first name. Apparently she identifies as "sky" now. And because her mother is a teacher at his school, "sky" gets away with her bullying, because she's (trans, or something) and fits into this new category, Trudeau's protected class (trans women are women) where anyone can identify as anything at any time.

And why is Trudeau creating this new violent deranged protected class of weirdos, that he uses as a weapon to divide families and target people?

Because he can. Because of who he is and the access he has.

I could cite tons of examples of how Trudeau has touched all our lives, and so can you. That's the point.

Trudeau hasn't done any of this for Canadians, to benefit Canadians. He's hurting Canadians. People are dying because of his "policies". MAID is a perfect example. So is abortion. It's like genocide without the gulags, firing squad and open body pits. And the people who support him are just as guilty.

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Simplistic in the brain, it's obvious.

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Does it get any worse? A PM and GG who lord over the common people like master and slave. The taxpayer money that they spend pampering themselves on so called GOVERNMENT BUSINESS is a SHAM. If they were truly concerned with this country and the people in it they would stop spending our money on themselves and their so called friends. The opposition should be the regulators of how much can be spent on hotels and meals per person. Any over that amount would be the responsibility of the spender. They make a salary. That way the opposition would also be required to follow the same rules when they take power.

The Canadian Armed Forces are buying their own helmets these days? Does Trudeau buy his own clothes. When I see how much is spent by government officials it truly turns my stomach. Seeing how many people are living on the streets and the number of families going hungry, and these smug, arrogant, authoritarian, leaders who were elected to lead us, not rule us, spending our hard earned money on unnecessary trips, food, and clothes. Have they heard of conference calls?

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Privileged elite class, as governments are in China, Russia and other communist nations. It's where Canada is heading under Justine Castro.

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I worked for the federal government for $20yrs. I understand what it means to be mindful and respectful of the public's money. In fact there are strict laws and policies in place that determine how much money is allotted for any employee who has to travel during work, for work. For example, the Correctional Officers who have to drive 4 hours to transfer inmates from one prison to another, are allotted $7 for lunch and $14 dollars for supper. Most of them just packed a lunch and grabbed a coffee. Because it's not that convenient to go out dining with cuffed inmates in tow. It's only these privileged snobs who forget they work for the public on the public's dime who think they're entitled to their entitlements! The rest of us know the difference, respect the public, and follow actual policies, that are laws designed to ensure the public's money isn't being wasted or spent on things that aren't absolutely necessary to do the job. It's not supposed to be a paid Holiday! These people are disgusting! They make the regular public service workers look like chumps when othing can be farther from the truth.

This cream of the crap that somehow floats to the top, that is impossible to flush because it won't go down, are breaking these laws! They're really not allowed to do this.

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Our G.Gs extravagant lifestyle is Trudeau approved, he thinks that this makes him look more important internationally, he doesn’t concern himself with cost as he indicated in different phrasing sometime ago. In my opinion she is simply his puppet!

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Done for image on the world stage, as everything Trudeau does is all about.

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Controller in Chief, showing up in person to control the message.

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Exactly. He doesn't give a crap about the public and what we think. He believes our taxes belong to him. He doesn't respect or abide by the laws. He has no regard for the Canadian economy. He doesn't understand the value of money or hard labor intensive work. He can't even flip a pancake without it splattering all over the place and coming out crooked and f'd up.

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Our taxes are his tickle-truck piggy bank

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My email amplifying on my earlier comment…

Subject: Here she goes again! $$$ is no object

Date: July 16, 2023

To: info@gg.ca

Bcc: Many

A simplistic person who cuts herself off from social media because she is intimidated by negative comments about herself, many of which are honest and factual.

However, she is useless to Canadians except to waste their money, which she has grown accustomed to.

If only she had the dignity and humility to back down when she realizes it's wrong. Alas! She will ride in the wake of a shameful prime minister.

You are not a lady, Mary.


Peace, Order and Good Government

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Peace, Order and Good Government...no such thing when a True-Dope family member controls our country. Deport the whole family.

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Just one of many Aboriginals who are delusional about what they can get away with and lie about!! Look at what tjeAboriginals are doing in Winnipeg re: landfill and how the mob harassed and became violent with a homeowner in Winnipeg!!

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They are part of Trudeau's protected class of people who see themselves as victims who get away with their rhetoric and violence. They're just another part of Trudeau's plan (a group of stupid people who fall for his ridiculous lies who will do anything he tells them to do), another weapon in Trudeau's arsenal, designed to target and destroy the white Christian Conservative Patriotic Canadian.

Trudeau's playing them, using them to destroy us, to destroy Canada 🇨🇦 and create his Post Nation State.

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the white Christian Conservative Patriotic Canadian-- exactly.

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Amen to that!!

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Simon was chosen to represent Canada's native culture and her actions speak volumes. Given any chance they will rob the taxpayer of as much as they possibly can and proclaim that it is owed to them and that we deserve it.

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She is simply exercising her Inuk privilege.......After all.....didn't the white man kill all the seals?

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Just another group of people Trudeau playes, to use against Canadians, to destroy the Canada 🇨🇦 we love and create his Post Nation State.

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That's the whole kit and kaboodle.

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