She did nothing wrong and must refuse to do this insane ideological ‘training’. It is ridiculous. Grow a spine, Sue, you are in politics. BC is scaring the hell out of me, it is sinking into Trudeau Communism.
this needs to spread far and wide, I have no social media, so for those out there please share....Brad thanks for everything you do and report. The other scary part is BC is getting ready for UNDRIP, they are going to hand over crown land to the natives.....
You are welcome. Someone has to report a comprehensive dismantling of Canada, and its re-emergence as an anti-democratic, anti-Christian and anti-Anglophone authoritarian nation-state.
Absolutely. Eventually many Canadian cities will hear the call to prayer a number of times per day when demographics shift - it will happen slowly; and at the beginning with the call only on a special day or two per year. But almost imperceptibly the "slow drip of sharia" will happen as it is happening in France, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, England, etc and as it did happen in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon. Sadly, so many Canadians are so arrogant to believe that our democracy is immune to islamism - and when they wake up, it will be too late. I do notice that there are some movements in Europe that are aware of the danger islam poses to their democracies, such as the election of Geert Wilders and the recent demonstration in Belfast. And Poland has done a good job to this point in keeping islamic migrants out of its country. However with the recent election of the left wing government in Poland, who knows if this means a flood of islamic invaders.
It is an invasion of white Anglo-Canada orchestrated by the extremist liberals-NDP. However, I think the Progressive Conservatives are supportive of huge numbers coming in to Canada as well.
The Liberals are loosing ground in BC and the rest of Canada, In fact Europe is starting to block or reduce immigration and have finally come to their senses. Democracy is starting to win over the draconian WOK forces that are destroying the Democratic World all over Europe and the Western World.
Bang on Brad re your article. Robinson, who is Jewish, said nothing offensive about Jewish nor tMuslim, people, she remarked on the barren land that was established for the Jewish people and a few Palestinians.
I made a similar comment on X and remarked that Israel has become a wonder of the world, self sufficient in food production, able to defend itself against the surrounding Arab countries who hate them and want to annihilate them. The Jewish people are very industrious and successful throughout the world,, is that why so many people hate them or it may simply be envy. Eby, has become a huge disappointment and seems only interested in aligning himself with Trudeau and Singh and loves his new found power!!
It is part of the playbook to gain authoritarian rule and this woman resigning over doing absolutely nothing wrong, shows that it is working. Even if she said something that didn't align with the narrative or was unpleasant aren't we supposed to denfend everyone's right to speak their mind even if we don't agree with them? If is deranged and hateful speech calling for harm to someone or a specific group, then it's a threat and this is what criminal laws are for. Wasn't what the prime minister said about the unjabbed and truckers and their supporters hate speech? Should we send him to an informed consent, unjabaphobia, truckerphobia and bodily autonomy course?
News out of Ottawa , Trudeau just expanded his media censorship laws today. Trudeau is trying to stop Canadians from hearing about all his scandals and his low poll rating .Clearing he trying to manipulate the outcome of the next election. Trudeau should be ARRESTED immediately for Election Tampering and FRAUD .
Now Trudeau is lying again, he said he is pissed off at Bell because they laid off all those workers. Trudeau cut off some of their founding, now there will be only CTV News for Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto , the West will only get some . Trudeau did the same with the internet , Trudeau said it would benefit investors , now you only get what Trudeau wants you to see and hear. It's just about controlling what Canadians see and hear and say , CBC is big on that . Trudeau is also planning on passing a Bill which passed will get you two years in jail if you say anything bad directed at him personally. It's what China does now. Where do you sign up for the resistance army.
What she said was true! Wokies and Radicals shouldn’t be allowed to rewrite history. Jews worked hard to take a tiny piece of swamp land and turned it into a thriving nation. The fanatics surrounding Israel can’t get over their own indoctrinated hatred for others, that it impedes their own progress.
Watch out Canada! Don’t let what happened to Lebanon and many other countries happen here. Once the demographics shift too much, it’s over! Makes me so sad, so many have bought into the crap that has been fed to them.
Trudeau plans on putting out Sticker's like those Cigarettes Health Warning Stickers but for Gas and Oil. What a Lunatic , he reminds me of these lunatic Nazi's the ran Germany during WW2.
Are there similarities between Islamism and Ebyism? Should NCCM have a training program against anti-Semitism? If the latter wasn't, there'd be peace! Selina Robinson understands.
I support Anglophone Canadians in the same way that an Imam supports Muslims or a Rabbi supports Jewish people. If some people don't like it, too bad. Islam and their problems are not my problem, they have 1000's of non-profit organizations using Canadian tax payer dollars to push their agenda on Canadians. They don't need CAP to get it done.
So...if you approve of Imam's supporting Islam, but disapprove of CAP supporting whites, what does that make you other than a hypocrite?
To put this stuff to rest, contact Justin Castro and the Liberal government who set immigration policy. In truth, it's all their doing. They brought them and used them for political purposes. GO to the top, to the ultimate entity responsible for racial chaos in Canada. Not only that Trudeau and his gang of globalists did it intentionally to cause social chaos-- as drawn from Marxist philosophy.
Where the line crosses into anti-semitism is when people call for the destruction of Israel or apply a double standard for Israel. For example I haven’t seen protests against the numerous attacks by Islamists against Christians, such as those that have occurred in Nigeria, Egypt, etc.
She did nothing wrong and must refuse to do this insane ideological ‘training’. It is ridiculous. Grow a spine, Sue, you are in politics. BC is scaring the hell out of me, it is sinking into Trudeau Communism.
The exact point of this article.
I agree , BC is like California , totally insane.
Sorry, I mean Selena.
Here is another transition to woke......
this needs to spread far and wide, I have no social media, so for those out there please share....Brad thanks for everything you do and report. The other scary part is BC is getting ready for UNDRIP, they are going to hand over crown land to the natives.....
You are welcome. Someone has to report a comprehensive dismantling of Canada, and its re-emergence as an anti-democratic, anti-Christian and anti-Anglophone authoritarian nation-state.
The Tide is HIGH,
What could go Wrong?
With giving Authority to the ANGRY RED MOB?
askn fer a fren 🐸
What a bunch of hocus pocus bs. "ISLAMOPHOBIA" G.T.F.O.H!!Eventually no more Canada!! 😤
Shariah! It's not coming! It's here!
Unofficially, Eby just invoked Sharia
Canada: NDP-Proposed Speech Law Calls to Jail Those That Praise Fossil Fuels
Overreaching speech restrictions.
More NDP fascism.
What a sick and twisted bunch of political leaders we have in Canada-BC.
Hate to say, but it really seems it's just getting worse...
Absolutely. Eventually many Canadian cities will hear the call to prayer a number of times per day when demographics shift - it will happen slowly; and at the beginning with the call only on a special day or two per year. But almost imperceptibly the "slow drip of sharia" will happen as it is happening in France, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, England, etc and as it did happen in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon. Sadly, so many Canadians are so arrogant to believe that our democracy is immune to islamism - and when they wake up, it will be too late. I do notice that there are some movements in Europe that are aware of the danger islam poses to their democracies, such as the election of Geert Wilders and the recent demonstration in Belfast. And Poland has done a good job to this point in keeping islamic migrants out of its country. However with the recent election of the left wing government in Poland, who knows if this means a flood of islamic invaders.
Enslavement is the cults universal goal
500,000 more coming
It is an invasion of white Anglo-Canada orchestrated by the extremist liberals-NDP. However, I think the Progressive Conservatives are supportive of huge numbers coming in to Canada as well.
It's everywhere, I think.... Senior BBC Employee Branded White People A "Parasitical Deviant Breed"
Yeah 🤷🏻
WHITES are the problem🙌🏻
Only for the 1% of the 1%!
The Rest will Do THEIR bidding!
Gladly 🤡🐏🐑🙁🤮
The Liberals are loosing ground in BC and the rest of Canada, In fact Europe is starting to block or reduce immigration and have finally come to their senses. Democracy is starting to win over the draconian WOK forces that are destroying the Democratic World all over Europe and the Western World.
Look behind the religious facist cult and $$$ is the motivator
I hope you are right.
Bang on Brad re your article. Robinson, who is Jewish, said nothing offensive about Jewish nor tMuslim, people, she remarked on the barren land that was established for the Jewish people and a few Palestinians.
I made a similar comment on X and remarked that Israel has become a wonder of the world, self sufficient in food production, able to defend itself against the surrounding Arab countries who hate them and want to annihilate them. The Jewish people are very industrious and successful throughout the world,, is that why so many people hate them or it may simply be envy. Eby, has become a huge disappointment and seems only interested in aligning himself with Trudeau and Singh and loves his new found power!!
Liberal, NDP transition to slaves of religious supremacists
It is part of the playbook to gain authoritarian rule and this woman resigning over doing absolutely nothing wrong, shows that it is working. Even if she said something that didn't align with the narrative or was unpleasant aren't we supposed to denfend everyone's right to speak their mind even if we don't agree with them? If is deranged and hateful speech calling for harm to someone or a specific group, then it's a threat and this is what criminal laws are for. Wasn't what the prime minister said about the unjabbed and truckers and their supporters hate speech? Should we send him to an informed consent, unjabaphobia, truckerphobia and bodily autonomy course?
Yes 100%
News out of Ottawa , Trudeau just expanded his media censorship laws today. Trudeau is trying to stop Canadians from hearing about all his scandals and his low poll rating .Clearing he trying to manipulate the outcome of the next election. Trudeau should be ARRESTED immediately for Election Tampering and FRAUD .
Now Trudeau is lying again, he said he is pissed off at Bell because they laid off all those workers. Trudeau cut off some of their founding, now there will be only CTV News for Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto , the West will only get some . Trudeau did the same with the internet , Trudeau said it would benefit investors , now you only get what Trudeau wants you to see and hear. It's just about controlling what Canadians see and hear and say , CBC is big on that . Trudeau is also planning on passing a Bill which passed will get you two years in jail if you say anything bad directed at him personally. It's what China does now. Where do you sign up for the resistance army.
What she said was true! Wokies and Radicals shouldn’t be allowed to rewrite history. Jews worked hard to take a tiny piece of swamp land and turned it into a thriving nation. The fanatics surrounding Israel can’t get over their own indoctrinated hatred for others, that it impedes their own progress.
Watch out Canada! Don’t let what happened to Lebanon and many other countries happen here. Once the demographics shift too much, it’s over! Makes me so sad, so many have bought into the crap that has been fed to them.
Trudeau plans on putting out Sticker's like those Cigarettes Health Warning Stickers but for Gas and Oil. What a Lunatic , he reminds me of these lunatic Nazi's the ran Germany during WW2.
Are there similarities between Islamism and Ebyism? Should NCCM have a training program against anti-Semitism? If the latter wasn't, there'd be peace! Selina Robinson understands.
NCCM should be non-existent
Sorry to change subject…..
Government departments are spying on citizens without warrants!!!!! We are just like Russia/China!!!!
The ghost of Osama bin Laden agrees
I support Anglophone Canadians in the same way that an Imam supports Muslims or a Rabbi supports Jewish people. If some people don't like it, too bad. Islam and their problems are not my problem, they have 1000's of non-profit organizations using Canadian tax payer dollars to push their agenda on Canadians. They don't need CAP to get it done.
So...if you approve of Imam's supporting Islam, but disapprove of CAP supporting whites, what does that make you other than a hypocrite?
I believe antisemitism is very much needed in our country and world wide!!!
To put this stuff to rest, contact Justin Castro and the Liberal government who set immigration policy. In truth, it's all their doing. They brought them and used them for political purposes. GO to the top, to the ultimate entity responsible for racial chaos in Canada. Not only that Trudeau and his gang of globalists did it intentionally to cause social chaos-- as drawn from Marxist philosophy.
Where the line crosses into anti-semitism is when people call for the destruction of Israel or apply a double standard for Israel. For example I haven’t seen protests against the numerous attacks by Islamists against Christians, such as those that have occurred in Nigeria, Egypt, etc.