If we cannot oust a treasonist criminal then he needs to arrested and tried for his crimes against humanity and his fraudulent handling of the planned covid event, for which he is personally profiting from every shot. He is also guilty of hate crimes against the people of Canada witnessed around the world..... and there is also a high likelihood that he will be found guilty of pedophilia.... this criminal must be removed and held accountable!

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He should be tried a long time ago because he will not stop until destroying more and more … my question is where is the opposition ?!

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Another question which comes to mind.... How is it that we, the people cannot fire our employee for failure to do his job? He should be fired for abandoning his post and dereliction of duty..... in addition to all of his criminal actions.

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One of his big campaign promises that got a lot of support was to get rid of the "First pass the post" concept, where the election is over before it even hits the Manitoba / Ontario border. When asked about this promise later, he said "Why should it be changed, I won, didn't I?" Another in a lengthening list of lies. There was also a suggestion not to report voting results until all polls had closed. He ignored that as well, knowing that he could gloat about a victory even before Western Canada voted.

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This is something I have said for a very long time... Wonder why the west feels so 'left out' for lack of a better term at 3:00am? Because they are! They literally have no say, and not for any reason except they are left behind before they can even say hello. I'm surprised we don't see more talk of a separation from that side of Canada. The other issue I have is the Speaker of the House, that post should be non-partisan and frankly paid position of order rather than elected members. The ridings where we have a speaker go terribly unrepresented yet people have no clue of this. Most people think if you have the Speaker in your riding you somehow have an upside.

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He is a big LIAR and most of the time he never answer the questions in the parliament from the opposition

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By constitutional convention, the governor general exercises these prerogatives only in accordance with advice from the prime minister. But by the same conventions, he or she retains special personal authority in times of -->EMERGENCY or in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES<--. In such cases, he or she may -->APPOINT or DISMISS A PRIME MINISTER<--; they may also dissolve Parliament.

Our "expert" from McGill may want to chime in.

cc. @GGCanada

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I think that there should be 2 Trudeau's on this list.

Confidence votes in Canada

At the federal level, six governments that lost confidence votes: Arthur Meighen’s in 1926, John Diefenbaker’s in 1963, Pierre Trudeau’s in 1974, Joe Clark’s in 1979, Paul Martin’s in 2005 and Stephen Harper’s in 2011.

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Only 4600 calls ?

Well, it's a start. If only the Canadian Libtard/NDP coalition would answer the phones.

I was told a few years ago by a Commisionaire in a Vancouver Govt bldg ( while I was trying to find an office which no longer exists) .. that our Federal Government is NOT set up to a) answer the phone b) deal with the public.

Basically, the man told me ,"They don't want to talk to you. "

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Dictatorships don't permit public communication

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It's time, those involved in the agenda of implementing the NWO to be removed and fully investigated by a NONCORRUPT entity. They must be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

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A duty of the govonor general is to desolve parliament so yes she has full power to fire him and his corrupt lackeys

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If not for media, passing years would have enlightened Canadians on what "progressive ways" in government really mean.

Seriously? CBC and CTV might be the worst, but most media cowtowed to Justin Trudeau.

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Agreed. ...but they are government funded as I understand it. So, they spout the current Government's propaganda as if it is gospel. At the end of March, I understand that even Medical Doctors are no longer allowed to decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated or not. It is a Political decision and they will lose their long earned Doctor privileges if they don't comply. There livelihood like many others will be destroyed.

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Even more reason for them to stand up like they are doing in the UK.

Today thousands of HMO workers joined together and threw there uniforms at PARLIAMENT. This is what we need more professional's to get off there asses and do something

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All evil will fall hard

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yet she did nothing. does nothing but spend hard earned taxed dollars stolen from the people

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"Hi, this is the voicemail of the Governor-General's office. Mary Simon is out buying clothes right now and is unable to respond to your call."

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Give Trudeau a sex change...turn him into a eunuch...

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Trudeau should not mix politic with religion or preach for any religion by using his position as prime minister

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Blame NDP Jagmeet Singh for propping up this useless PM! Time to focus and bombard Jagmeets office with e-mails and phone calls.

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Trudeau might think there is no Democracy in Canada but 50 million Canadians disagree . If he starts using his SS ( RCMP ) troops to suppress and arrest Canadians he will soon learn that Canadians will fight to the death need be to protect Democracy in Canada. I am sure that the European Union and The United Nation would intervene to protect Democracy in Canada. No-one wants a DICTATOR in North America.

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