Brad, it's amazing how the general public can't seem to connect the dots between Trudeau and his caucus which is made up of multinational miscreants that hold citizenship in many countries as you pointed out.

My understanding was if you hold dual citizenship, you couldn't run or become a member of parliament, it seems I'm wrong.

Liberals have no loyalty to Canada and that is clearly evident with the recent Trudeau giving away 20% of our country to a corrupted band of Nunavut natives without any consideration of Canadians approval. This land is rich with natural resources and will be exploited by multinationals with the cooperation of local native leaders who will sell out their greatest opportunity for short term gains.

A recent scathing report by an organization exposed Trudeau has single handedly turned Canada as the most corrupt country harboring criminals,terrorist ,money laundering and drug dealers in the world. Maybe this explains why Justins planes are intentionally breakdown in order to complete loading cargo holds full of nefarious contraband.....MULE for hire.

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Connecting the dots , and its prevention, is a key point within the article.

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Once Adolf Trudeau is gone we need to pass a Law STATING that you have to born in Canada to hold any POLITICAL position. I hope someone is keeping tabs on those ( COLABITORS ) who for money turned on our Democratic Canada. Block/Ban CBC by destroying their Ratings is one. We will have to pass common sense laws on this gender bulls- it and reduce immigration back to the pre-communist era . 2015-2025 . It can and will be done if Canadians just get out and vote.

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Dual citizenship in Parliament is a globalist scourge

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It was a joy to watch Anand and a few other Cabinet members being interviewed before heading into their second-in-four months Liberal Retreat in Montreal. A reporter pinned that fact out then asked what they hoped to achieve, seeing as their poll numbers continue to SINK. Last meeting didn’t work, what’s new? They looked like deer in the headlights, only one of them could talk, they were so uncomfortable. Typical Liberal word salad ensued. BUT at least it was not the usual softball question.

Strategy. I copy tweets covering REAL World NEWS from Europe, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, WEF, WHO to @CBC @CTV @Global @National Post and ask them WHY they are not delivering the news? Then I say once Pierre gets in they will all go bankrupt because they don’t do their job and Canadians will refuse to bail them out.

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Anand and the rest of the Liberal MPs bought into the idea that Trudeau's socialist woke revolution would be a success, while nothing is guaranteed. Besides, they has no choice but to join the woke revolutionary movement, if they had any desire to advance within the ranks.

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To join Trudeau's Cabinet you either have to be DUMBER than him, or a real KI$$-A$$.

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Must follow the Wef creed, or no advancement

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that trudeau and klaus schawb love to do.

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Jan 23, 2024
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I agree. I can’t believe these “bimbos” and a$$es online praising Trudy and defending him like he is an innocent king. They can do no wrong. Usually these women are DEI, or involved in business or politics. Involved in immigration or school system, boards and committees. The rational women are usually all similar; as in they are anti-woke, anti-globalist, family oriented, trying to get by, have knowledge of USA and world politics, are not corrupted by school systems, and mainstream media. Support their husbands (on all aspects), are not easily manipulated online without doing research. There is a pattern to the division. I for one am glad to not be on this bimbo wagon. I hate pink socks, and Trudy makes me cringe. There is nothing he can do or say to ever convince me he is working for Canadians or Canada. He is his first priority like all sociopathic narcissists.

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The New Hampshire Primary results are in. ... Darth Vader has a Commanding Lead.

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I once had several Twitter accounts and a FB account too but that was long ago - LOL

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There is a good chance that the West is heading a major conflict if not WW3. Trudeau a true 1940ies style QUEBEC ISOLATION is busy trying to DESTROY Canada's Military. Ditto for Max Bernier.



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well it's about time that Canadians start taking charge & not being so passive!

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Running down Canada as racist and homophobic was a calculated Liberal plan to lower national self esteem

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Here are the percentages of Muslims for several countries …


• The US … 0.9

• Greece … 2.0

• Germany … 3.6

• France … 4.0

• The UK … 4.4

• Canada … 4.9

• Italy … 4.9

• Denmark … 5.5

• Belgium … 6.4

• Austria … 8.3

• Bulgaria … 9.8

• Israel … 18.0

• - - COMPARE - -

• Lebanon … 67.8

• Egypt … 90.0

• Jordan … 97.1

• Turkey … 99.8


OK, now take a guess …


Which of these countries have government policies that support very generous Social Welfare Systems ?


Which of these countries have government policies that tend to be Pro-Hamas, and Anti-Israeli ?


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Professional $$$ suckers are the Mid East nations and Muz charities.

Decades long fleecing of the west

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Netherlands: Muslim block streets for outdoor prayers in Amsterdam


Are there no mosques in Amsterdam? There are plenty. So why block the streets? Doing so is a demonstration of presence and power. Dutch citizens see that Muslims are in the country in large numbers, and that authorities dare not anger them by asking them not to inconvenience everyone by holding prayers in the street.


Nothing could make this clearer. This is an obvious and out-right attempt at INTIMIDATION, but it is not a wise one. Europeans are capable of making difficult decisions.


In 1945 the British Air Force was asked by the Russians to shorten the War by bombing Dresden. They did and the fire storm that it produced killed 20,000 people. Most Historians have concluded that the number of lives saved, including Germans, was even greater. Keep that in mind when you are considering the current situation in GAZA.




That ‘Turn the other cheek’ saying must be understood in context. No one would continue to turn the other cheek forever. A better understanding of the phrase would be “Don’t sweat the small stuff, but when you’ve had enough KICK A$$”.


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my friend brad, we have them on the run, now its up to pierre to keep the pressure on, one thing i would do is shut down the hotels, let them go to quebec, and one other thing, since the english are being treated like crap, i would exile guilbeault to quebec, do not come into canada, remember you will have no more security detail.

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Media underplay the crap treatment of Anglophones in Quebec. Obviously, they work for the Liberals.

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I see two B.C.'s north of the 49th Parallel.......British Columbia.....and Balkanized Canada.........

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Every time I read an article written by the enemy, I nearly lose my mind. Because they write such BS garbage that they're basically lip-singing for Trudeau and his cabal. So of course my natural inclination is to try and contact them to provide some semblance of a rebuttal or simply just to ask them if they are suffering from head trauma and is there anything anyone can do to help them, like maybe propose a referral to MAID? But as luck would have it, there is absolutely no way to contact them. Even though they claim to be fair and balanced and they even offer the reader some space to submit a comment regarding a possible error in their report, they are notoriously absent. They don't easily provide a phone number, but if you finally do find the list of 100 departments you can call, nobody ever answers the phone, or returns a call, or responds to an email. They literally can say whatever the hell they want and it's impossible to challenge them.

This reminds me of an offender I knew in 1998 who was on probation for walking into the local TV-station with a box with a gun in it. The doors weren't locked back then and anyone could just walk in off the street. He was pissed off because he burned his Dad's house down but the news report wasn't written correctly in his opinion. After all it was about him, so he likely had a point. He was obviously suffering from significant mental health issues. Or was he? 😅

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Susan Delacourt, media stooge of the highest order

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Good, Trudeau needs to leave sooner than later and take Jag with him.

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put him on a one way ticket and face the crime in his home country. you would never hear from him again.

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Extract from what Bill Rymer wrote...

Yet we live in an age of the totalizing enterprise of ever-expanding government intervention and bureaucracy while in the face of the increase of state intervention there are almost no methods to verify the successes and failures of taxpayer funded programs. Over 70 plus years after Deming helped revive the Japanese economy our own leaders have forgotten the importance of measurable success.

So let us examine several of the reasons why governments often fail to measure the success of expensive programs:

1. **Groupthink and Echo Chambers**: Decision-making groups with limited perspectives can fall into the trap of groupthink, where countervailing evidence is filtered out of discussions and warning signs about potential pitfalls in a policy are ignored. This can lead to an overemphasis on certain pieces of evidence that support the preferred policy, while ignoring others.

2. **Short Institutional Memories and High Staff Turnover**: High staff turnover can lead to short institutional memories, limiting the capacity for learning because the lessons of the past quickly get forgotten. This can be particularly problematic in democratic governance, where high churn amongst politicians is inevitable.

3. **Overly Rigid Hierarchies and Inward-Looking Institutions**: Institutions with low levels of accountability, where people lower down a decisional chain fear speaking out against a policy orthodoxy, tend to make more policy mistakes.

4. **Bias Towards Project and Product Success**: Organizations often have a bias towards measuring 'project and product success' rather than a broader view of success as 'problems are solved with development impact'.

5. **Complexity of Measuring Success**: The complexity of measuring success can also be a factor. For example, even with billions of dollars spent on weatherization, it's still unclear just how much good this approach to energy efficiency has accomplished.

In particular Socialist governments are most often the leaders of the inefficiency pack. So let us examine several reasons as to why socialist governments may not measure the success of their programs:

1. **Complexity of Central Planning**: Under central planning, there is no profit-and-loss system of accounting to accurately measure the success or failure of various programs. Without profits, there is no way to discipline firms that fail to serve the public interest and no way to reward firms that do.

2. **Inefficiency and Misallocation of Labor**: Under socialist planning, government commands were used to allocate employment and thereby did not permit the hiring or firing of workers for strictly economic reasons. The problem with this was inefficient production, underemployment, and misallocations of labor.

3. **Lack of Democratic Legitimacy**: Some countries feature strong roles of the government in the economy, but because they lack democratic legitimacy, they do not serve the will of society.

4. **Modern Economies are Too Complex to Plan**: The Soviet disaster shows that modern economies are too complex to plan. State ownership and scientific planning would replace the anarchy of the market. However, the complexity of modern economies makes it difficult to plan and measure the success of programs.

So, its time for a little “quality control” of the delusional ideationists whom we have entrusted with our health! We, like MacArthur, must smash the grip of the globalist trusts and multinational conglomerates who are experimenting with the human genetic blueprint because these oligarchs are transhumanists who detest their fellow man!

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Is this a game show now? Lot's of questions being asked in heavy rhetorical style - but light on critical thinking.

How does highly selective 'dot connecting' make anything better - or clearer? How does targeting "foreign born" MP's as the source of woe accommodate the issue of who - among DUAL PASSPORT holders has real heft to influence people and politics?

How - when one dreams of laws to make political office exclusive of foreign born nationals - does that solve the problem of those [you can't talk about that]dual-citizen persons NATIVE=born to the place but whose core loyalties are to state and entities outside of CANADA yet get to dictate what goes on in CANADA? Hint: it doesn't; you are favoring partisan politics over your national interests.

Folks who object to being bullied by a government with a clearly foreign-controlled agenda have some splainin to do - when the parties who most publicly and persistently protested about GENDERBENDER ideological warfare being pushed on them turned out to be MUZZIES! Likewise, the demographic profile of those who refused the death jab in CANUCKISTAN is heavily weighted to those same "foreign born" elements who do not appreciate governments trying to control their bodies OR their families... at the same time as the crackers who want to point fingers at everyone save themselves took DIVERSITY and DEATHVAX scams lying down!

North of 88% of Canuckistanis allowed the faux government- bigpharma subdistributor in Bytown to mindbend them into taking "experiment gene therapies" with no trials or proven benefits. And some 2/3 of those 88% happen to still belong to that part of the demographic once known as "white european"

If you are really looking for someone to blame there Mr & Mrs Fudd... try pointing dat der shotgun away from your own derriere! Being a CONSERVATIVE does NOT mean "let's find a suitable scapegoat for our own inability to stand up to thuggery." It means taking responsibility - for one's own actions - or lack thereof. .

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You have a point but not allof us whiteys have bent over for that useless, satanic piece of garbage masquerading as a human. Funny how continously whiteys are all lumped in the same boat. again a convenient way to foster division in Canada. THIS whitey is fighting the good fight! I'll stand with ALL Canadians who will stand for our true north strong and free, white, red, black, yellow, the color of our skins means FUCK ALL when facing satan.

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The Liberals are racist against whites

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Muslims have a 1400-year long History of not getting along well with their neighbours, but I have a solution to that difficulty. … NO NEIGHBOURS


Here is they proposal.


Refugees seeking a new home in North America could be provided with an Authentic Canadian Settler Experience. This would begin with the creation of two new Caliphates, EAST MOOSE-ILUM and WEST MOOSE-ILUM. I’d suggest a little North of Cochrane Ontario for the East Moose-Ilum and the Sandy Lake region of Saskatchewan for West Moose-Ilum.


To recreate an AUTHENTIC CANADIAN SETTLER EXPERIENCE each accepted candidate would be provided with: $200, 3 acres of Land, and an Axe, compliments of the Dominion of Canada.


Hell, they could even implement a Sharia-based Constitution should they choose to. I’ve provided a few suggestions below to give them a running start at that.


Go To It:

1. Muslims are to subjugate the world under Islam (Quran 9:29).

2. Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.

3. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death.

4. Criminals of genocide, mass-rape, looting etc (Hiraba) will not be punished if they repent.

5. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

6. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38)

7. No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring.

8. Amputation punishments for successive thefts: 1st left hand, 2nd right hand, 3rd left foot, 4th right foot, 5th head.

9. You can enslave for sex or work (Quran 4:3 4:24 5:89 33:50 58:3 70:30)

10. One can have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is clear of her period and/or delivery. If she has a husband, then her marriage is abrogated when she becomes a captive.

11. You will kill non-Muslims to receive 72 virgins in Heaven (Quran 9:111)

12. Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab. Taharrush Gamea is the coordinated seхual assault of a girl or a woman in public by a mass of Muslim men. Taharrush Gamea is not a "game" as some Muslims claim. In Arabic, Taharrush means "harassment," Jinsi means "seхual," and Gamea (pronounced and spelled, Jamai by non-Egyptian Muslims) means "mass" or "group."

13. You can beat sex slaves (Quran 4:34)

14. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay a Jizya tax (Quran 9:29)

15. You will terrorize non-Muslims (Quran 8:12 8:60)

16. A Muslim shall not be put to death for murdering an unbeliever.

17. Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve Mohammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)

18. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.

19. A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.

20. A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.

21. A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).

22. Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).

23. A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.

24. A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death.

25. A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.

26. A woman can have 1 husband, a man can have up to 4 wives, but Muhammad can have 9.

27. A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.

28. Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).

29. A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34).

30. A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.

31. A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.

32. A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.

33. A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.

34. A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.

35. Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal."

36. Husbands are obliged to provide only food, clothes and accommodation to wives. Anything else including doctor’s fees, medicines etc is a charity to her. A rebellious wife does not get anything.



Part Two


Christmas 2023 - Russia vs Ukraine




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