Brad love the picture, these two could be Klaus's, who knows now a days!
But the real problem in mismanagement by the governments of Canada, any money funded for these programs to help the homeless are eaten up in administration costs, (but yes lets pay for federal governments menstrual products @ $16 million annually)!
But the homeless could be taken care of right now, by the Federal government, reversing it's plans to spend $700 MILLION annually, on abortion clinics in the Middle East and Africa, or so they say they are???
That $700 MILLION, should be split up between the provinces, working out to $63 MILLION each and those 230,000 people would be taken care of in the first year!... Then the provinces could use that annual money to provide housing, education, employment for these people, instead of pretending that the federal government is doing good, in the foreign countries! BS!!!
Sure I think we should help the less fortunate, but not at the expense of your own people!... Take care of them first, putting them back on track, looking after themselves, creating employment, will help in the long run, not these short term bandaid repairs, that just turn into a money pit, for the government to use on the world stage, while bankrupting your own people, is not the way to do things!!! WTF?
Communism and financial capitalism are both totalitarian instruments of oppression cultivated by certain elites with the intention of collapsing our civilizing instincts and turn us all into programmed unreflective automatons. Justin Trudeau was hand selected by Klaus Schwab to implement the fall of compassionate man and replace him with instrumental man. Every man and woman today has been rendered subservient to the state. The financial structure extant is not an economy; it is an apparatus. A communist structure is not an economy; it is an apparatus. Both are totalitarian in their manifestations. Each of them are totalitarian in that society is managed from the top down. A real economy and the society in which it flourishes is emergent. We cannot foresee the future. Thousands of participants in a real economy are seeking to maximize their opportunities; the marketplace decided whether an emergent discovery or opportunity is acceptable or desirable. But we cannot predict what those discoveries might be or how desirable they may be before they are manifested.
Totalitarianism implies that a small cadre of elites decide in advance what is acceptable, including speech and what is desirable including who decides. The dream of some is absolute control over your labour and its rewards.
Whom are they deciding what the cost of money is. Powerful people lower interest rates, manipulating the public to borrow beyond the means of the many when those powerful people then raise the interest rates.
There a many services today where there is no optional providers. The price of gasoline raises and lowers according to the prices demanded by a limited number of refineries. Electricity is provided by only one provider. Medical care is withheld by rationing.
Everyone is dependent on the state to redistribute enough of the enormous tax revenues pouring into government coffers to provide medical care. By withholding funds obviously care deteriorates or disappears.
When the central banks raise interest rates people whom have barely managed to get by but have adjusted to a certain limited cash flow suddenly are confronted by price increases they cannot embrace. They may get laid off or their wages may not keep up with those rising costs.
The market place did not work out gradually the cost of labour or the cost of money or the cost of various goods or services.
The costs and prices of everything suddenly changes when decisions are made to reverse policies implemented with intentional aims and intentions which alter the expectations of people in entire countries. These top down run policy changes are not market driven. The effect is control. Control is effectively totalitarian. A financialized economy is the same as a communist economy.
A financialized economy is not a capitalist economy. It is not a market economy. A communist economy is the same thing as a financialized economy. It is not a market economy. Neither one is an economy.
Control is the aim of totalitarianism. In effect a small group of people intentionally collapsed the market, erecting an enormous tax collecting structure, and a policy making, and policy enforcing structure instead.
Bureaucracies metastasize while more and more people work for the continuance of state totalitarianism. More and more people are co-opted to enforce the diktats of totalitarianism. Every bureaucrat then advances his or her interests by advancing the interests of the state. You can be sure that this implies employing the agencies of state violence.
This is more than evident at the moment.
The enquiry into the justification for employing state violence against the truckers and their supporters is underway. Of course, as is the usual practice, no employee of the state at any level is interested in taking responsibility for actions taken against the protestors. Justin Trudeau well and truly understands that no one at any level of the state apparatus will take the least responsibility for the debasement of a constitutional right to protest and speak. All are only to happy to use the violent means the state provides to de-legitimize the rights of the truckers to protest in the precincts where the states edicts are crafted.
The exact same instruments of the totalitarian state emerged when the COVID showed up. No one dares oppose the conventionally received edicts. No matter whether the necessity of employing the states apparatus was necessary or legitimate or not; the response was a manifestation of totalitarian intransigence.
The state made sure the people were obedient. The state closed down every avenue the non-compliant could protest or defy. This is the present reality in Canada.
The state demands compliance across the board and ensures compliance by controlling societies access to any and all
avenues which would countervail the states totalitarian diktats.
Communists countries actually took great care of their citizens health. Canadian health care is quite substandard from my experience.
But I would compare Trudeau generosity with euthanasia, to Nazis treatments, to get rid of physically mentally damaged people or as Klaus Schwab says in his book,: Useless people"
UPDATED: It is despicable. Like one reader said, the millions going out to other countries BEFORE fixing and taking care of your own country shows how unfit this ruler and administration is. If you look at history, Kings, Queens took care of their Kingdom first above all else. The tyrants which have always been around, kept the ppl poor, and hungry and taxed them to death. Which is where that saying came from. We should have no homeless ppl in 2022. They (the govt), want to be progressive, woke, and climate fanatics- but don’t want to advance civilization by eliminating hunger, poverty, and disease. Those should be the priorities of leaders regarding the ppl. Instead suddenly it’s climate change. They would rather euthanize the homeless now. This is abuse and MURDER. It should ONLY be an option for those suffering with irreversible disease or severe trauma, amputations, burns etc. A last resort. Not offered for free like candy. I guarantee suicide booths will become a reality in the future if this Trudy continues to persist on ruling Canada.
Look at the British PM, she resigned this week because the ppl want an election and are unhappy. Boris Johnson even commented saying before there is civil unrest and the situation would escalate, resigning was the solution. BUT Trudy doesn’t get it. That we don’t want him. He is classless and won’t resign!
They take care of refugees better than Canadians in need. That is not a leader of a country. That is a showoff pony that must show his tricks to the world to seem worthy of praise. While underneath there is chaos and despair in his own country. SHAME.
Trudeau must go! He has brought nothing but lockdowns, death, division and debt, for our country. My heart aches for this homeless man. This is evil, plain and simple.
Why? All beliefs are unverifiable. Social realities are not permanent. Certain beliefs held by societies at any moment in history are artificial constructs. Beliefs are emergent and are held emotionally rather than intellectually. Interplay among societies participants are in every sense reflexive rather than deductive. Beliefs are impermanent. This, because they exist within our social structures of control. When whatever controls extant no longer have force it is because the old methods are fading and new ones are emerging; ergo beliefs change.
At one time it seems a vast majority believed in God; so they said. No doubt participating in the construction of a cathedral, built to glorify God, consolidated beliefs around its manifest forms — not only the architecture and its parts, but the attendant dialectic, the ritual of the mass, the vestments, the social architecture and so on. The hierarchical social structure was stacked; the people at the bottom, then a superstructure; priests, nuns, bishops, archbishop, cardinals, monsignors, various other orders of this and that, and at the top, the pope, then angels, and archangels and God.
And then there was another stack; rules and sins, and rewards and punishments. All together an impossible structure to refute. And calculated to control. If one misbehaved, penalties were harsh; punishment was severe. Heretics were burned at the stake. And eternal burning is what you’d expect in hell. Better to believe and obey than be excommunicated.
When people vote today it is because they believe in democracy. Or else why vote? Elections though seldom activate every person in the entire electorate. Beliefs fade!
Does voting matter? Did it ever matter? I suppose most voters are believers. But why? Clearly powerful interests are not countervailed! Fewer people believe today than they did in say 1959, that their votes counts. But beliefs are powerful.
Believing is a substitute for much more action than driving to the polling station. It appears as well that powerful interests bend the rules of engagement. What else is new?
Many people believe still that Pierre E Trudeau was a god send. Why? He divided Canada as has his son. They promised unity and promulgate division. A divided people are weak. A divided people are a conquered people. They are divided because they believe stuff. They believe stuff because the hierarchical structure from top to bottom imparts beliefs. The people whom are promoted have to believe; their power and their incomes dependent on it.
But then the wheel turns. Moveable type destroyed the churches hegemony over information. The priest used to hold up a book few people could read. If you couldn’t read how could you contest its content. Reading the Bible today reveals its content to be so full of contradictions and myth making, it no longer informs consent; or supports consent either.
Today the Internet is exposing the existing structure to the countervailing — from the power elites point of view — menace of facts not in accord with the existing construct. The prevailing belief stack and it’s adherents stack is being subjected to the judgement of countervailing facts, which is causing anxiety among the believers.
Brad love the picture, these two could be Klaus's, who knows now a days!
But the real problem in mismanagement by the governments of Canada, any money funded for these programs to help the homeless are eaten up in administration costs, (but yes lets pay for federal governments menstrual products @ $16 million annually)!
But the homeless could be taken care of right now, by the Federal government, reversing it's plans to spend $700 MILLION annually, on abortion clinics in the Middle East and Africa, or so they say they are???
That $700 MILLION, should be split up between the provinces, working out to $63 MILLION each and those 230,000 people would be taken care of in the first year!... Then the provinces could use that annual money to provide housing, education, employment for these people, instead of pretending that the federal government is doing good, in the foreign countries! BS!!!
Sure I think we should help the less fortunate, but not at the expense of your own people!... Take care of them first, putting them back on track, looking after themselves, creating employment, will help in the long run, not these short term bandaid repairs, that just turn into a money pit, for the government to use on the world stage, while bankrupting your own people, is not the way to do things!!! WTF?
Communism and financial capitalism are both totalitarian instruments of oppression cultivated by certain elites with the intention of collapsing our civilizing instincts and turn us all into programmed unreflective automatons. Justin Trudeau was hand selected by Klaus Schwab to implement the fall of compassionate man and replace him with instrumental man. Every man and woman today has been rendered subservient to the state. The financial structure extant is not an economy; it is an apparatus. A communist structure is not an economy; it is an apparatus. Both are totalitarian in their manifestations. Each of them are totalitarian in that society is managed from the top down. A real economy and the society in which it flourishes is emergent. We cannot foresee the future. Thousands of participants in a real economy are seeking to maximize their opportunities; the marketplace decided whether an emergent discovery or opportunity is acceptable or desirable. But we cannot predict what those discoveries might be or how desirable they may be before they are manifested.
Totalitarianism implies that a small cadre of elites decide in advance what is acceptable, including speech and what is desirable including who decides. The dream of some is absolute control over your labour and its rewards.
Whom are they deciding what the cost of money is. Powerful people lower interest rates, manipulating the public to borrow beyond the means of the many when those powerful people then raise the interest rates.
There a many services today where there is no optional providers. The price of gasoline raises and lowers according to the prices demanded by a limited number of refineries. Electricity is provided by only one provider. Medical care is withheld by rationing.
Everyone is dependent on the state to redistribute enough of the enormous tax revenues pouring into government coffers to provide medical care. By withholding funds obviously care deteriorates or disappears.
When the central banks raise interest rates people whom have barely managed to get by but have adjusted to a certain limited cash flow suddenly are confronted by price increases they cannot embrace. They may get laid off or their wages may not keep up with those rising costs.
The market place did not work out gradually the cost of labour or the cost of money or the cost of various goods or services.
The costs and prices of everything suddenly changes when decisions are made to reverse policies implemented with intentional aims and intentions which alter the expectations of people in entire countries. These top down run policy changes are not market driven. The effect is control. Control is effectively totalitarian. A financialized economy is the same as a communist economy.
A financialized economy is not a capitalist economy. It is not a market economy. A communist economy is the same thing as a financialized economy. It is not a market economy. Neither one is an economy.
Control is the aim of totalitarianism. In effect a small group of people intentionally collapsed the market, erecting an enormous tax collecting structure, and a policy making, and policy enforcing structure instead.
Bureaucracies metastasize while more and more people work for the continuance of state totalitarianism. More and more people are co-opted to enforce the diktats of totalitarianism. Every bureaucrat then advances his or her interests by advancing the interests of the state. You can be sure that this implies employing the agencies of state violence.
This is more than evident at the moment.
The enquiry into the justification for employing state violence against the truckers and their supporters is underway. Of course, as is the usual practice, no employee of the state at any level is interested in taking responsibility for actions taken against the protestors. Justin Trudeau well and truly understands that no one at any level of the state apparatus will take the least responsibility for the debasement of a constitutional right to protest and speak. All are only to happy to use the violent means the state provides to de-legitimize the rights of the truckers to protest in the precincts where the states edicts are crafted.
The exact same instruments of the totalitarian state emerged when the COVID showed up. No one dares oppose the conventionally received edicts. No matter whether the necessity of employing the states apparatus was necessary or legitimate or not; the response was a manifestation of totalitarian intransigence.
The state made sure the people were obedient. The state closed down every avenue the non-compliant could protest or defy. This is the present reality in Canada.
The state demands compliance across the board and ensures compliance by controlling societies access to any and all
avenues which would countervail the states totalitarian diktats.
Nicely stated
Convenient fix for a Liberal govt. that overspends. Besides it releases funds to bring in more migrants while at the same time removing Canadians.
In the "removal" business.
Communists countries actually took great care of their citizens health. Canadian health care is quite substandard from my experience.
But I would compare Trudeau generosity with euthanasia, to Nazis treatments, to get rid of physically mentally damaged people or as Klaus Schwab says in his book,: Useless people"
UPDATED: It is despicable. Like one reader said, the millions going out to other countries BEFORE fixing and taking care of your own country shows how unfit this ruler and administration is. If you look at history, Kings, Queens took care of their Kingdom first above all else. The tyrants which have always been around, kept the ppl poor, and hungry and taxed them to death. Which is where that saying came from. We should have no homeless ppl in 2022. They (the govt), want to be progressive, woke, and climate fanatics- but don’t want to advance civilization by eliminating hunger, poverty, and disease. Those should be the priorities of leaders regarding the ppl. Instead suddenly it’s climate change. They would rather euthanize the homeless now. This is abuse and MURDER. It should ONLY be an option for those suffering with irreversible disease or severe trauma, amputations, burns etc. A last resort. Not offered for free like candy. I guarantee suicide booths will become a reality in the future if this Trudy continues to persist on ruling Canada.
Look at the British PM, she resigned this week because the ppl want an election and are unhappy. Boris Johnson even commented saying before there is civil unrest and the situation would escalate, resigning was the solution. BUT Trudy doesn’t get it. That we don’t want him. He is classless and won’t resign!
They take care of refugees better than Canadians in need. That is not a leader of a country. That is a showoff pony that must show his tricks to the world to seem worthy of praise. While underneath there is chaos and despair in his own country. SHAME.
"Poor, hungry and taxed to death"...exactly where True-Dummy is taking Canadians.
EXACTLY! like we are so ignorant like sheeple and peasants in his mind, we can’t process getting screwed.
Trudeau must go! He has brought nothing but lockdowns, death, division and debt, for our country. My heart aches for this homeless man. This is evil, plain and simple.
So why is he neck and neck with Poilevre in the polls? It makes NO SENSE.
Why? All beliefs are unverifiable. Social realities are not permanent. Certain beliefs held by societies at any moment in history are artificial constructs. Beliefs are emergent and are held emotionally rather than intellectually. Interplay among societies participants are in every sense reflexive rather than deductive. Beliefs are impermanent. This, because they exist within our social structures of control. When whatever controls extant no longer have force it is because the old methods are fading and new ones are emerging; ergo beliefs change.
At one time it seems a vast majority believed in God; so they said. No doubt participating in the construction of a cathedral, built to glorify God, consolidated beliefs around its manifest forms — not only the architecture and its parts, but the attendant dialectic, the ritual of the mass, the vestments, the social architecture and so on. The hierarchical social structure was stacked; the people at the bottom, then a superstructure; priests, nuns, bishops, archbishop, cardinals, monsignors, various other orders of this and that, and at the top, the pope, then angels, and archangels and God.
And then there was another stack; rules and sins, and rewards and punishments. All together an impossible structure to refute. And calculated to control. If one misbehaved, penalties were harsh; punishment was severe. Heretics were burned at the stake. And eternal burning is what you’d expect in hell. Better to believe and obey than be excommunicated.
When people vote today it is because they believe in democracy. Or else why vote? Elections though seldom activate every person in the entire electorate. Beliefs fade!
Does voting matter? Did it ever matter? I suppose most voters are believers. But why? Clearly powerful interests are not countervailed! Fewer people believe today than they did in say 1959, that their votes counts. But beliefs are powerful.
Believing is a substitute for much more action than driving to the polling station. It appears as well that powerful interests bend the rules of engagement. What else is new?
Many people believe still that Pierre E Trudeau was a god send. Why? He divided Canada as has his son. They promised unity and promulgate division. A divided people are weak. A divided people are a conquered people. They are divided because they believe stuff. They believe stuff because the hierarchical structure from top to bottom imparts beliefs. The people whom are promoted have to believe; their power and their incomes dependent on it.
But then the wheel turns. Moveable type destroyed the churches hegemony over information. The priest used to hold up a book few people could read. If you couldn’t read how could you contest its content. Reading the Bible today reveals its content to be so full of contradictions and myth making, it no longer informs consent; or supports consent either.
Today the Internet is exposing the existing structure to the countervailing — from the power elites point of view — menace of facts not in accord with the existing construct. The prevailing belief stack and it’s adherents stack is being subjected to the judgement of countervailing facts, which is causing anxiety among the believers.
Why media say nothing.