Feb 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Canadians are slowly but surely beginning to realize who and what Trudeau is doing to Canada. Trudeau knows this , that is way he is rushing to bring in as many illegal immigrant into Canada to vote for him in the 2025 Federal Election.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau is working according to plan and he is protected by mainstream media and the judiciary. The indigenous of this country know what the gvt is doing: Deny, Delay and then Distract, they have lived it for a century. This is what we all are now living through. The button was pushed to activate all these gvt sleeper cells all over the world in March 2020, Canadians have not escaped this war on mankind as we now it.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

What are we supposed to do? Complaining about this is the echo chamber of substack is getting tiresome and does not seem to be helping. Also, what are the alternatives when all of our political “choices” seem corrupt? How exactly do you propose that people “wake up”. If I sent your opinion piece to everyone I know, only a handful will read it and guaranteed they will be the ones who already are eyes wide open. We are portrayed as crazy, right wing, misogynistic, domestic terrorists for daring to have these thoughts about our “esteemed PM” who “saved us” from what would have for certain been a much more deadly pandemic. Most people have not moved beyond CoVid based on the number still wearing masks where I live and most certainly are not thinking how this all relates to communism and a digital control society.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

We must make this happen, where can I sign up?

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And the hits just keep on coming, the facts as stated in this article are true and we are far past ever being able to counter it. Apathy abounds in all our sons command we are finished as a free democratic country. Follow my lead folks and hide all your weapons do not turn them in we will all need them in the revolution that hopefully will come.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not even his ostensible idiocy is going to provide cover this time.

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Maybe you could restore my comment? Where would it suddenly go? The World Economic Forum and the United Nations Agenda 21 — 2030 “You will own Nothing and Be Happy” slogan and its 22 line list of intentions is more than chilling; it is evil!

How and why it has come to that, is history. The agenda is not new. It is ancient. It is Communism.

Indeed it is terrifying!

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I wonder what I should conclude when my post is deleted while I’m composing it — especially when it is full of actual references to historical events and uncomfortable conclusions. Conclusions which one would think were what is sought here at the Cultural Action Party of Canada Newsletter.

My post was long and took me more than a few hours to compose. Either your sight does not support lengthly compositions for whatever reasons or you are uncomfortable with the conclusions. I suppose you can read these comments as they are composed?

Why would it just disappear in the middle of a sentence?

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Anyone else suspicious about th middle son’ death???? Just wondering. Was he in their way?????

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Canadians- get a backbone and stop mr. Ungodly’s plans. He figures changes are now nailed shut with the convoy decision, made by a Liberal relative that he appt.🤮convoy was the best thing ever and ‘it’ was afraid of losing his power!!! He’s a waste of good air space!!!

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CSIS has the near impossible task of defending Canada from the Liberals.

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The Conservatives should be focused on discrediting Dominion Voting Machines on every front leading up to the next Federal Election...which maybe soon. There is need for a logic push to ensure only the reliable/recountable paper ballads are typically being used across Canada if received on or before election day only...and submitted only by Canadian Citizens.

I'm convinced Trudeau won the last election due to the tinkering of Dominion Voting Machines. By simply observing what is still transpiring regarding the last US presidential election ballot count manipulation, suggests Dominion Voting Machines can be tampered with and cannot be trusted.

This is where hyper-technology must secede to the tried and true manual ballot counting, because only with honest elections can we hope to boot Trudeau...it's quite a quandary Canada is finding itself in these days.

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nothing can bring the fairy princess down, there is, but no one will do it.

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The youngsters are so brainwashed and cannot think for themselves.. The boomers are past their prime. Everyone else works directly or indirectly for the GOVT. The Govt even pays the musicians of this country. When you still see so many, alone w/masks on in cars; both young and old. In spite of all the evidence and tests that prove masks are useless for stopping virus transmission my doctor's office/Vet office still require your mask compliance. I am not sure there is too much hope. Not enough folks have woken up or will wake up. Mostly Canadians are sheep. It seems Canadians want BIG GOVT...

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If Trudeau is Teflon, then our system of governance, our elections, our Institutions, are corrupt. If that isn't enough to get a pos like him out of office, then nothing will.

Maybe it always was an illusion.

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