All this social revolution stuff is a camouflage. The West is cooked. The elites are gathering up their chips and heading for the exits. They certainly do not want you to discuss the causes and consequences of the collapse.
Ukraine exposed the absence of capability of the NATO smokescreen to cover up the coming collapse. The U.S. led connivances in Ukraine or the promulgated COVID contrivance which the Neocons and the Liberal left promulgated by means of their wholly controlled media properties has exposed the shabby construct which is the West.
These elites gutted the economies of the U.S., Canada, Europe, G.B., France, Germany, etc., striving to corral the economic and social agency of the entire globe. Except the BRICS are not interested.
What is left of the real economy is a bankrupt shell run by a pack of psychopaths.
Justin Trudeau is a shallow minded puppet at the beck and call of Global elite masterminds whom in their hubris and by their actions have been exposed. …The entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. These elites are not the politicians — they are men and a few women drink on power. The U.S. has no means of promulgating and successfully winning a war against Russia or China. There is today in Canada no means of prosecuting a war against Russia or China. The heartland manufacturing economy does not exist, not in Canada, the U.S., France, Germany, GB, or anywhere in the dying West.
The West had been run into the ground. The rest of the world has no interest and sees no benefit in participating in a Ponzi scheme.
Where will all the looted treasure find anywhere to invest. The BRICS do not need the West.
What does the West have to offer. The entire population of the BRICS is looking on in amazement as the West self destructs.
LGB…etc., is a manifestation and an illustration of the power of propaganda . It has become a phenomenon similar to the phenomenon manifest in the rise and fall of the USSR. It is manifestation of a mesmerizing ideology. Institutionalized madness is rampant and on display for the rest of the world to see.
When a nation or civilization falls it is almost always from within. A close examination of the causes disclosed a reason largely unpalatable to western minds. The brainwashed mind has no capacity for self reflection. “It is what it is” is a reflexive statement disclosing a very real phenomenon — people in the West are bound by a tautological Gordian Knot.
We in the West are bound by an ideological construct too horrifying to contemplate.
Anne Applebaum’s book Gulag has it that people sent to the Gulag as political exiles upon returning to St Petersburg and Moscow often said there must have been a mistake. Communism had lost none of its malignant appeal for men and women bound by their ideological blindness. Canada is a young country and knows not its history. Its foundational roots are buried under an insulating leaf litter accumulating for 150 or more years. The young are often painfully naïve. Tragically many adults can only look on the opportunities lost in a misspent youth. Throwing the most important lessons of thousands of years overboard while imagining adherence to an ideology like progressivism is having tragic consequences. Discovering one has been intentionally brainwashed and intentionally abused is nothing like a slap in the face. It is a knockout punch.
We have collectively bought into a malignant ideology like the brainwashed consumers we are. We know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Canadians are nice and nicely submissive. They passively hand over responsibility for their precious children to the State rampant. Willingly!
Well, the unions don't help..... Check this out...... I wanted to share this because this needs to be passed on to other union members that don't even know this is what their union dues are paying gives the illusion that not just the unions but their members feel like this which is false....most don't....
The way the Left is trying to seize and control minors reminds me a lot of how the Khmer Rouge did the same thing, often getting children to kill their own parents with machetes, or having them witness it. The Communists taught that traditional families and family values are wrong and the state should raise and control the children entirely. This is also shown in the movie about Communism in Greece during their civil war (called Eleni (1985) based on a book by Nicholas Gage) -- when Communists shipped 38,000 Greek children off to Eastern Europe, essentially stealing them from their parents at gunpoint. Trudeau has the same mindset.
The Left likes to demonize anyone who does not subscribe to their ideologies as "far-right", "hateful", "fascist" and "racist." Leftist morality, if you can call it that, is interesting. It positions itself as the sole arbiter of truth and sees as evil anyone who opposes whatever narrative they spin about "oppression." Leftism is like religious terrorism: it is self-justifying, fanatical, and has no limits. It has no business in government, education, military, media, etc. For decades the establishment kept radical Leftists at the margins, but now it's gone mainstream. If unstopped it will turn into a full-blown dictatorship soon. They are using the trans issue to divide and conquer. They are sacrificing minors to an evil ideology, so they can seize absolute power.
He just insulted, discriminated, accused millions of parents across Canada by stating as a fact that they are all far right radical extremists, supremacist, fascists, racists, trans and gigamaboo whatever phobic. And religion basically has no respect or worth under Trudope. Him and his WEF CULT. His sick maniacal tantrums are very Hitleresque. Nothing but verbal diarrhea comes out of his mouth. He gives stupid orders to his goons and they do what he says as ling as he pays.
Our freedom of speech and rights are gone. If ppl still think we are free they are kind of wrong. This is the preemptive strike before digital ID and harder changes are imposed on a society. He is so angry right now he wants to punish Canadians. He gets off hurting Canadians. But lies to the world that he helps us.
First you must break the ppl, create food scarcity, create a disaster such as restrictions due to a pandemic or a war. Tax the ppl until the economy collapses and a country such as China swoops in to take over. It’s their dream to acquire Canada. He would let it happen. He is following the WEF agenda and will not stop. He has to go. He can’t handle all the hate. So he will impose restrictions and behave like China to get what he wants and punish us further. He said he will not resign. We need to make him resign.
We are forbidden from taking law into our own hands. But if this was Italy, he would have been ended brutally. Mussolini was killed in a very brutal way. How else can u remove these clowns we don’t want running our country?? Do we have to declare war on our govt and ask another country to step in? We can’t go to the Crown as we should and ask for Britain to step in cuz Charles is WEF himself. I mean we pay them for protection and to stay part of the Commonwealth for what? if we cannot solicit aid?
Can we not petition for aid in removal of our government? What is so bloody hard for him to get that we don’t want him. I cannot handle anymore terms with this child of satan. I know I rant a lot but there is no where else to do it outside your home.
Other countries are using his over-rated sense of self- importance and narcissism to get what they want then will let him fall flat on his face. He was not even vetted (as all others are) for leadership!!! His personal history should never have seen him run!!! An incompetent wimp from the get go and now he pouts. His father, unbeknown to many, manipulated a way to say the country was in dire straights and he can claim leadership(🤮) permanently. Wished I had saved that article!!! Your post is right on. Thank you.
His father wrote a book on his dream socialist communist visions for Canada. I did not read it but it is Trudope’s 101 playbook. Today, I saw the symbol for “little boy lover” used by pedos and it’s the SAME symbol for his foundation. I mean for everyone to see- its a very specific triangle. This came from a US govt site tracking these symbols from convicted ppl’s computers and dark websites. Are we surprised at this point? There were laws he changed in regards to kids and consent for sex in Canada. I believe they altered the age to suit their needs. Sick.
I just went to click “buy now” for Rebel New’s book “the Lobranos” and it booted me off their website!!! there is interference going on everywhere it seems.
It's unreal that the adjudication of children between parents and abusers nowadays is almost on par. Just the thought of it used to be preposterous and sickening.
You know pitch forks and fire always still works. I watched India force leadership to run for their lives with clothes on their backs. Millions took to streets and invaded the palace. This is the only way to get the government out by force of the ppl. No heads up, or chance for him to call mercenaries in. It’s a quick turnover. But that would be “incitement and criminal and an act of war” bla bla. We the ppl have no power to remove this clown unless everyone agrees to take these measures. Why can’t we call for an election? or vote no confidence?
Is Trudope gay or all over the board. Seems to be hounding on sexuality. For his benefit??? Just asking!
The abused abuse others
All this social revolution stuff is a camouflage. The West is cooked. The elites are gathering up their chips and heading for the exits. They certainly do not want you to discuss the causes and consequences of the collapse.
Ukraine exposed the absence of capability of the NATO smokescreen to cover up the coming collapse. The U.S. led connivances in Ukraine or the promulgated COVID contrivance which the Neocons and the Liberal left promulgated by means of their wholly controlled media properties has exposed the shabby construct which is the West.
These elites gutted the economies of the U.S., Canada, Europe, G.B., France, Germany, etc., striving to corral the economic and social agency of the entire globe. Except the BRICS are not interested.
What is left of the real economy is a bankrupt shell run by a pack of psychopaths.
Justin Trudeau is a shallow minded puppet at the beck and call of Global elite masterminds whom in their hubris and by their actions have been exposed. …The entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. These elites are not the politicians — they are men and a few women drink on power. The U.S. has no means of promulgating and successfully winning a war against Russia or China. There is today in Canada no means of prosecuting a war against Russia or China. The heartland manufacturing economy does not exist, not in Canada, the U.S., France, Germany, GB, or anywhere in the dying West.
The West had been run into the ground. The rest of the world has no interest and sees no benefit in participating in a Ponzi scheme.
Where will all the looted treasure find anywhere to invest. The BRICS do not need the West.
What does the West have to offer. The entire population of the BRICS is looking on in amazement as the West self destructs.
LGB…etc., is a manifestation and an illustration of the power of propaganda . It has become a phenomenon similar to the phenomenon manifest in the rise and fall of the USSR. It is manifestation of a mesmerizing ideology. Institutionalized madness is rampant and on display for the rest of the world to see.
When a nation or civilization falls it is almost always from within. A close examination of the causes disclosed a reason largely unpalatable to western minds. The brainwashed mind has no capacity for self reflection. “It is what it is” is a reflexive statement disclosing a very real phenomenon — people in the West are bound by a tautological Gordian Knot.
We in the West are bound by an ideological construct too horrifying to contemplate.
Anne Applebaum’s book Gulag has it that people sent to the Gulag as political exiles upon returning to St Petersburg and Moscow often said there must have been a mistake. Communism had lost none of its malignant appeal for men and women bound by their ideological blindness. Canada is a young country and knows not its history. Its foundational roots are buried under an insulating leaf litter accumulating for 150 or more years. The young are often painfully naïve. Tragically many adults can only look on the opportunities lost in a misspent youth. Throwing the most important lessons of thousands of years overboard while imagining adherence to an ideology like progressivism is having tragic consequences. Discovering one has been intentionally brainwashed and intentionally abused is nothing like a slap in the face. It is a knockout punch.
We have collectively bought into a malignant ideology like the brainwashed consumers we are. We know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Canadians are nice and nicely submissive. They passively hand over responsibility for their precious children to the State rampant. Willingly!
Well, the unions don't help..... Check this out...... I wanted to share this because this needs to be passed on to other union members that don't even know this is what their union dues are paying gives the illusion that not just the unions but their members feel like this which is false....most don't....
CUPE K-12 Bulletin......
The way the Left is trying to seize and control minors reminds me a lot of how the Khmer Rouge did the same thing, often getting children to kill their own parents with machetes, or having them witness it. The Communists taught that traditional families and family values are wrong and the state should raise and control the children entirely. This is also shown in the movie about Communism in Greece during their civil war (called Eleni (1985) based on a book by Nicholas Gage) -- when Communists shipped 38,000 Greek children off to Eastern Europe, essentially stealing them from their parents at gunpoint. Trudeau has the same mindset.
All totalitarian societies maintain a special youth program. Ours is LGBT/Trans
The Left likes to demonize anyone who does not subscribe to their ideologies as "far-right", "hateful", "fascist" and "racist." Leftist morality, if you can call it that, is interesting. It positions itself as the sole arbiter of truth and sees as evil anyone who opposes whatever narrative they spin about "oppression." Leftism is like religious terrorism: it is self-justifying, fanatical, and has no limits. It has no business in government, education, military, media, etc. For decades the establishment kept radical Leftists at the margins, but now it's gone mainstream. If unstopped it will turn into a full-blown dictatorship soon. They are using the trans issue to divide and conquer. They are sacrificing minors to an evil ideology, so they can seize absolute power.
Plan from day one of Bast-Turd son
That is why we must some how stop him!!!He is sheer evil!!!
He just insulted, discriminated, accused millions of parents across Canada by stating as a fact that they are all far right radical extremists, supremacist, fascists, racists, trans and gigamaboo whatever phobic. And religion basically has no respect or worth under Trudope. Him and his WEF CULT. His sick maniacal tantrums are very Hitleresque. Nothing but verbal diarrhea comes out of his mouth. He gives stupid orders to his goons and they do what he says as ling as he pays.
Our freedom of speech and rights are gone. If ppl still think we are free they are kind of wrong. This is the preemptive strike before digital ID and harder changes are imposed on a society. He is so angry right now he wants to punish Canadians. He gets off hurting Canadians. But lies to the world that he helps us.
First you must break the ppl, create food scarcity, create a disaster such as restrictions due to a pandemic or a war. Tax the ppl until the economy collapses and a country such as China swoops in to take over. It’s their dream to acquire Canada. He would let it happen. He is following the WEF agenda and will not stop. He has to go. He can’t handle all the hate. So he will impose restrictions and behave like China to get what he wants and punish us further. He said he will not resign. We need to make him resign.
We are forbidden from taking law into our own hands. But if this was Italy, he would have been ended brutally. Mussolini was killed in a very brutal way. How else can u remove these clowns we don’t want running our country?? Do we have to declare war on our govt and ask another country to step in? We can’t go to the Crown as we should and ask for Britain to step in cuz Charles is WEF himself. I mean we pay them for protection and to stay part of the Commonwealth for what? if we cannot solicit aid?
Can we not petition for aid in removal of our government? What is so bloody hard for him to get that we don’t want him. I cannot handle anymore terms with this child of satan. I know I rant a lot but there is no where else to do it outside your home.
Trudeau hijacks our country, Bast-Turd that he is
Other countries are using his over-rated sense of self- importance and narcissism to get what they want then will let him fall flat on his face. He was not even vetted (as all others are) for leadership!!! His personal history should never have seen him run!!! An incompetent wimp from the get go and now he pouts. His father, unbeknown to many, manipulated a way to say the country was in dire straights and he can claim leadership(🤮) permanently. Wished I had saved that article!!! Your post is right on. Thank you.
Menace to Canadian society, 24/7
His father wrote a book on his dream socialist communist visions for Canada. I did not read it but it is Trudope’s 101 playbook. Today, I saw the symbol for “little boy lover” used by pedos and it’s the SAME symbol for his foundation. I mean for everyone to see- its a very specific triangle. This came from a US govt site tracking these symbols from convicted ppl’s computers and dark websites. Are we surprised at this point? There were laws he changed in regards to kids and consent for sex in Canada. I believe they altered the age to suit their needs. Sick.
Yes. A totally bizarre family- or are they just a group of people, unbelieving of ‘family’. Touch his kids and the story would be different!!!
This email just disappeared as I was starting to read it!!!!!
I had to come to the substack site to find it!!!!
Trudeau is censoring??!!
Edit. Now it’s back? As unopened? At the original time sent as 1:13 pm cst.
What’s going on?
I just went to click “buy now” for Rebel New’s book “the Lobranos” and it booted me off their website!!! there is interference going on everywhere it seems.
What the heck.
Unreal. They are trying to scare people? They are letting us know they are watching us ?! For what?
To protect China/liberal party?
CBC receives 1.2 BILLION a year of taxpayers money not 1.2 Million as stated in this article.
CBC receives 1.2 BILLION not 1.2 Million as stated in this article.
It's unreal that the adjudication of children between parents and abusers nowadays is almost on par. Just the thought of it used to be preposterous and sickening.
No doubt about that. Govt want to transition Canada to Trans Capital of The World
You know pitch forks and fire always still works. I watched India force leadership to run for their lives with clothes on their backs. Millions took to streets and invaded the palace. This is the only way to get the government out by force of the ppl. No heads up, or chance for him to call mercenaries in. It’s a quick turnover. But that would be “incitement and criminal and an act of war” bla bla. We the ppl have no power to remove this clown unless everyone agrees to take these measures. Why can’t we call for an election? or vote no confidence?
Public have no recourse for those things under Canadian law.
So HE thinks🙄🙄🙄