In Canada, Where Parental Values Are "Far-Right"
"Parental rights are far-right" is pure media propaganda. Just because the far-left say so, in no way makes it factual.
“Let me make one thing very clear: Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country."
-- PM Justin Trudeau
Bringing forth a relevant question: what forms of intolerance have a place in this country?
Intolerance being a two-way street. As far as CAP can tell, the "big three"-- government, media and Canadian academia-- have little to no tolerance for certain segments of our society.
Heterosexuality is certainly low on the charts. Christianity is off-limits. Conservatism in all its forms is perpetually belittled by the powers that be.
In their stead come post-modern "values" as perpetuated by the controlling institutions of Canada. Euthanasia to rid unwanted elderly Canadians posing a burden on healthcare. Abortion limits reproduction of natural-born Canadians. Transgenderism sterilizes youth, transitioning them to sexless beings incapable of human reproduction.
So-called "conspiracy thinkers" refer to such measures as "population control," of which the government of China stand as innovators.
To make up for a population shortfall, a fact which government had five decades to rectify, is dealt with through a panacea our Liberal government call "immigration policy."
Over the next three decades, these circumstances are certain to transition white Canadians into a minority community. Notice how mainstream media never breathe a word about this?
It’s entirely planned and pre-meditated. In 2023, our Liberal government prop up the media industry by providing them with billions of dollars annually. CBC alone receive a bursary of $1.2 million dollars per year.
All this results in the Canada we live in at present. Government has with full intent fragmented society into distinct divisions. Largely based on ideological beliefs-- also known as societal values-- Canada is today a society divided.
Within this context, LGBT and its transgender offshoot stand at the pinnacle of social divisiveness. In many respects, it comes down to a matter of "values," both personal as well as within a larger societal framework.
In terms of government-endorsed and financed LGBT rights, the overall "vibe" coming from Canada’s woke warrior contingent can be summarized by the following:
"Parental values are far-right."
Did you hear? Parental rights are now a “far right” political issue, as stated by Justin Trudeau.
“It may be that the prime minister didn’t mean to disparage millions of parents by lumping them in with other far-right radicals like white supremacists and fascists, but that he did so speaks to his tendency to shoot from the lip.”
One thing that can be held as a truism stands as follows: never do mainstream media speak of ideological sources for such a twisted position.
To be sure, LGBT politics are a post-modern phenomenon. A look back in history delivers no precedent for the movement. Tossed aside by media is the fact that from an ideological point-of-view, tangible precedents do indeed exist.
All of them are found within authoritarian societies of history. Communist China, Cuba, the former Soviet Union, as pertinent examples.
Leaders of communist revolutions of the 20th century-- Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, advanced family-oriented ideologies rooted in Marxist philosophy.
The family unit, and therefore children, are "properties of the state." The very same "value system" is today advocated by LGBT activists, as supported by Canadian government, media and academia.
We begin to recognize the parallels. Not viewers of CBC, or readers of the Globe & Mail, but rather a community of astute political observers who have exercised due diligence in getting to the root of the socialist assault on Canadian society.
Western Values generally include unity of family, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, democratic governance, rule-of-law, civil rights, individual liberties, right to protest, freedom of religion.
Marxist Values generally include: submission to the state, no private property ownership, anti-capitalism, cultural relativism, disillusion of class structure, social revolution.
Let us consider these values within the context of LGBT activism in Canadian society, particularly as they apply to our country throughout the eight-year period in which Justin Trudeau has ruled our nation.
LGBT transitions responsibility for children from parents to the state. Our Liberal government internet censorship laws eradicate freedom of speech.
While private property ownership exists, it’s more difficult than ever for Canadians to afford a home. As a result of carbon taxation and farmland fertilizer impediments, affording farmland in Canada is more difficult than ever.
During a three-year run of Covid as disseminated by China, individual freedoms were sublimated by our federal government. The right to protest publically-- a standard of western democracy-- was met with militancy by Trudeau and the Liberals, including a Charter-breaching freezing of bank accounts for a number of citizens who participated.
Covid also brought erosion of rule-of-law, whereby invocation of the Emergencies Act by the Trudeau government temporarily suspended a fundamental of democracy.
Again with China's Covid, freedom of religion was suspended as it applies to Christian communities. Pastors were arrested and imprisoned on trumped-up charges. Christians in China have been persecuted for decades.
Any of this ring a bell for readers? Is what we describe not eerily reminiscent of authoritarian states of 20th century history.
In every case of communist revolution and totalitarian political seduction, government-sponsored programs exist which set their sights on youth populations within their societies.
"In an effort to return China to its communist roots, Chairman Mao Tse-Tung turned to the youth of the country to help start the Cultural Revolution. Mao called on young people[Red Guards] to take down leading intellectuals, party leaders, and their own parents."
Talk about scoring a bulls-eye. Too bad erudite intellectuals in media don't think so. Not once have Canadian eyeballs stood witness to any form of theorizing that falls into an historical analysis of the development of neo-socialism in Canada.
We draw our conclusion: eight years of Justin Trudeau as prime minister, eight years of an undermining of freedom and democracy.
Eight years of erosion of freedom of expression. Eight years of covert transition from democracy to pseudo-dictatorship. Eight years of establishment media cover-up of the entire phenomenon.
LGBT and its various permutations fit neatly into a 50-year socialist seduction of Canadian society. Keep in mind that communist always play the long game-- as China does in terms of its geo-political seduction of western nations like Canada.
LGBT/Transgenderism is in no manner an organic development. The movement is a socialist construct designed to undermine western values.
"Parental rights are far-right" is media propaganda. Just because the "far-left" say so, in no way makes it factual.
Pitting community against community, Canada's "woke revolution" continues to divide society into opposing factions. Karl Marx would have been deeply impressed.
Is Trudope gay or all over the board. Seems to be hounding on sexuality. For his benefit??? Just asking!
All this social revolution stuff is a camouflage. The West is cooked. The elites are gathering up their chips and heading for the exits. They certainly do not want you to discuss the causes and consequences of the collapse.
Ukraine exposed the absence of capability of the NATO smokescreen to cover up the coming collapse. The U.S. led connivances in Ukraine or the promulgated COVID contrivance which the Neocons and the Liberal left promulgated by means of their wholly controlled media properties has exposed the shabby construct which is the West.
These elites gutted the economies of the U.S., Canada, Europe, G.B., France, Germany, etc., striving to corral the economic and social agency of the entire globe. Except the BRICS are not interested.
What is left of the real economy is a bankrupt shell run by a pack of psychopaths.
Justin Trudeau is a shallow minded puppet at the beck and call of Global elite masterminds whom in their hubris and by their actions have been exposed. …The entire economy is a Ponzi scheme. These elites are not the politicians — they are men and a few women drink on power. The U.S. has no means of promulgating and successfully winning a war against Russia or China. There is today in Canada no means of prosecuting a war against Russia or China. The heartland manufacturing economy does not exist, not in Canada, the U.S., France, Germany, GB, or anywhere in the dying West.
The West had been run into the ground. The rest of the world has no interest and sees no benefit in participating in a Ponzi scheme.
Where will all the looted treasure find anywhere to invest. The BRICS do not need the West.
What does the West have to offer. The entire population of the BRICS is looking on in amazement as the West self destructs.
LGB…etc., is a manifestation and an illustration of the power of propaganda . It has become a phenomenon similar to the phenomenon manifest in the rise and fall of the USSR. It is manifestation of a mesmerizing ideology. Institutionalized madness is rampant and on display for the rest of the world to see.
When a nation or civilization falls it is almost always from within. A close examination of the causes disclosed a reason largely unpalatable to western minds. The brainwashed mind has no capacity for self reflection. “It is what it is” is a reflexive statement disclosing a very real phenomenon — people in the West are bound by a tautological Gordian Knot.
We in the West are bound by an ideological construct too horrifying to contemplate.
Anne Applebaum’s book Gulag has it that people sent to the Gulag as political exiles upon returning to St Petersburg and Moscow often said there must have been a mistake. Communism had lost none of its malignant appeal for men and women bound by their ideological blindness. Canada is a young country and knows not its history. Its foundational roots are buried under an insulating leaf litter accumulating for 150 or more years. The young are often painfully naïve. Tragically many adults can only look on the opportunities lost in a misspent youth. Throwing the most important lessons of thousands of years overboard while imagining adherence to an ideology like progressivism is having tragic consequences. Discovering one has been intentionally brainwashed and intentionally abused is nothing like a slap in the face. It is a knockout punch.
We have collectively bought into a malignant ideology like the brainwashed consumers we are. We know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Canadians are nice and nicely submissive. They passively hand over responsibility for their precious children to the State rampant. Willingly!