Brad..good comments, however your missing the big picture. Trudeau couldn't care less about indigenous, ethnic or old stock Canadians except French Canadians & Quebec.

Justin is deliberately breaking up Canada for his globalist associates in waiting .

Make no mistake all evidence is staring you in the face here are factual examples.

- collapse confederation

- bankrupt Alberta, Saskatchewan

- create ethnic silos and consternation amongst each religious factions.

- drive economy to unsustainable debt

- increase immigration to major cities

- collapse military as an excuse to abandon our sovereignty over arctic region.

- increase civil service to appease unions

- print/send dollars to offshore pet projects.

I could go on for hours, but this will fall on deaf ears .Thank god my time left will be spent in a 3rd world country having abandoned this TAXATION SHITHOLE.

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Pretty much encapsulates the situation, dire as it is.

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Obviously people in Edmonton Alberta and indigenous people who support the NDP don't realize they are supporting a political movement that is as bad or worse than Justin's herd of socialist LIEberals. The NDP have their lips firmly planted onto the butt cheeks of the LIEberals.

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An important observation

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He is counting on the Muslim vote for sure but they need to open their eyes to see how they are only being ‘used’ by him. He’s truly a lost cause.

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A lost cause creating a lost Canada.

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It may not occur to the majority of people sitting on the sidelines, that the everyday events as reported in the MSM, in Canada, are not as it is hoped you believe. The Prime Minister lies. So much of the friction in Europe is not reported in Canada. But the friction in Canada, has the same causes, as cause frictions in Europe.

The Liberal government intentionally distracts you and me. Trudeau is Prime Minister of a country whose allegiances are to the promulgators of the New World Order. Whom are these promulgators? Where do they live? To whom are they allied? Trudeau has no interest in solving problems — of any kind! The problems are not accidents. They are intentional. Few people believe such a thing.

But the lid on Pandora’s Box is falling off its hinges. The leaders of important countries — which it is hoped you will believe are run by mad men are fed up with the Rules Based International order — so called. The mad men are here in Canada. They are in the United States. Great Britain has more than her share! The West and the Washington Consensus is a disaster zone. In fact the project has become unaffordable. Trudeau is not a statesman. He is not the least interested in unity. He has a vested interests in destroying Canada and her national interests. Trudeau is acting to have Canadians’ be subservient to the New World Order — what he calls “…build back better.”

That is a lie and an intentionally deceptive meme. Like the “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” is a deception, meant to give power to a small clique of easy to influence Supreme Court Judges, while at the same time defenestrating parliament, the Charter is a means of imposing “The Rules Based Order” in Canada. The Rules Based International Order is intended to undermine representative democracy and replace it with the New World Order, hence the deceptive phrase, “…Build Back Better.”

NATO, to which Canada belongs, is an arm of the New World Order, which would impose the Rules Based International Order upon ever last person on the planet tomorrow, if it could. Almost every social friction is amplified. These are intentionally distracting.

Trudeau promised unity, yet his actions and words couldn’t be more fractious if they were planned to be so. What sort of country permits its media to be owned by citizens of another country? Do people really believe they are being told the truth?

Will the mainstream MEDIA in Canada report Viktor Orban’s public statements? Would most Canadians understand the importance of it?

This morning when I checked my inbox — lo and behold I was in receipt of an email from Alex Krainer’s TrendCompass. It is a must read, though too long to quote in full. In it he asks some questions?

Is the EU about to begin disintegrating? Does Orban know something we don’t? What’s Intermarium, Precious?

Google Alex Krainer, for the full text. But, he, quoting Viktor Orban’s “shockingly blunt public statement” made in Romania at the “Tusvanyos 2023” festival is here:

"If one is involved in European politics as I am, then today's 'western values' mean three things: migration, LGBT and war. The European Union rejects christian heritage. It is managing population replacement through migration, and it is waging an LGBT offensive against family-friendly European nations.

Just a few days ago we saw the fall of Lithuania which had a really fine, remarkable, great child protection law, which Hungary used as a starting point when constructing ours. And I see that, under great pressure, the Lithuanians have withdrawn and annulled child protection laws that they had adopted in 2012. ...

Our Constitution however, affirms the place where our children will live as being our homeland. It affirms our identities as being men and women because that's what we call family. It also affirms our borders, because that's how we can say who we want to live with. When in 2011 we created the new Constitution, a Hungarian, national, Christian Constitution, different from other European Constitutions, we did not make a bad decision.

Indeed, let us say that we did not make a bad decision, but rather a good one because since then we have been beset by a migration crisis which clearly cannot be dealt with on a liberal basis. And then we have an LGBT, gender offensive which, it turns out, can only be repelled on the basis of community and child protection.

Well, we have to say that Europe today has created its own political class which is no longer accountable and no longer has any Christian or democratic convictions. And we have to say that federalist governance in Europe has led to an unaccountable empire. We have no other choice. For all our love of Europe, for all that is ours, we must fight."

This, including Alex Krainer’s comments, I think provides a technicolour perspective on the reason for the war in Ukraine. Mentioning the rejection of Christian Value’s replacement by the liberal west is spot on.

The so called West has become the enemy of mankind. The West is corrupt. It was corrupted. We are complicit because we went along with the means and methods of the corrupting influencers. It did not begin yesterday, not at all — but here we are. Recent events in Canada and around the world suggest an intentionality which once again has brought mankind to the brink.

In a few short sentences Viktor Orban has cleared the air. He spoke truth to power. As well Krainer had given us a geography lesson and a history lesson. He headlines, further on in the article,“Mackinder’s Heartland Theory” who understood the balance of power was about which power controlled them”heartland.”

Krainer again … “The full magnitude of the west's loss of Ukraine, a veritable geopolitical tectonic shift, will probably start to become apparent over the coming months and it will only escalate the panic of the hapless western leadership. In April this year, Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki gave away their anxious mindset when he said that, "If we lose in Ukraine, we will lose the world for decades. Defeat in Ukraine could be the beginning of the end of the Golden Age of the west." By “we,” Morawiecki did not mean your or I. He meant the western political class and the degenerate oligarchy that employs them.”

That said it appears to me that the Ukraine disaster is a continuance of what was once upon a time called “The Great Game.” It was no game when the phrase was coined. The outcome of the Ukraine incident will not be a game either.

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Thanks for your comments! So many of us admire Viktor Orban from Hungary's style of leadership. Ironically my father who is Hungarian and had left Hungary communism, is absolutely against Orban!! He is so programmed!! it's been a very difficult 3 plus years!! In Canada the entire system has always been broken & corrupt from the get go... a slow kill. It 's up to the people to take the reins and establish a Republic for the people. Thankfully there are many people in Canada who recognize the writing on the wall or now the newer immigrants are starting to realize that coming to Canada might have be a huge mistake!

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Orban cares about Hungarians. Trudeau cares about gays and Muslims

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Hope the rest wake up and see the liberals for what they are and it is not the truth on what they say that comes out of their mouths

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