Well what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Basically the NDP are going to lose their shirt in the next Federal election, so let's give then 10 seats out of their current dismal 25. It is likely the Liberals will lose seats as well, so let's give them 140 seats out of their current 160. Therefore that would give the coalition New Undemocratic Liberal Party (NULP) a total of 150 seats, leaving 188 seats up for grabs. The Conservative Party only mustered 119 seats last go-around and has the potential to rally for another 30 or 35 in the next election for a total of 149 or 154, the latter is what the Liberals are afraid of and why a coalition with the NDP is on the horizon. Basically it's tight, and clearly the Conservative Party must now also consider a coalition in order to get over the top, if Canadian is to regain it constitutional freedoms. Therefore, it would be important to open coalition talks with the Bloc Quebecois Party...as impossible as it may seem, it must be done or we nose-dive into communism.

Certainly provincial sovereignty must be granted Quebec as prerequisite to the pact and also equally to each province, thereby ending the dominance of the federal government, which is ironically adherence to the exclusive powers as set out under the Canadian Constitution of 1867, affirming... what goes round, comes round. During the Ottawa Freedom Trucker Convoy everyone was hugging everyone regardless of provincial allegiance...this now takes on a higher national meaning, a flag the Conservative Party must start waving...soon.

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The Québécois centric Bloc foil a Conservative Victory. QUEBEC wins

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

It is more than possible, it is going to happen. The Liberals/NDP don't want to lose power even if it turns Canada into a dictatorship.

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The goal is a dictatorship, imo.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The result will be a split of Canada into 4 or 5 countries, the martimes, Quebec, Ontario, the western provinces and the northern territories.

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It is possible for certain

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

The one thing that’s been overlooked today is that by 2025 prince sparkle socks and the “ New Delhi party” coalition will have pissed away all of our money and our credit rating will have tanked. So how are they going to make any valid election promises?

We have all discovered that the woke bunch are dealing with much lower IQs than the rest of us but surely if they are all starving to death they might clue in that “the costly coalition “ isn’t looking out for their best interests!!! It’s the only glimmer of hope I’m hanging on to.

If the woke folk keep on their rainbow colored unsustainable path to nowhere we will all be getting loaded into box cars and sent to their Covid concentration camps!!! I hope they don’t plan on using green energy to power the crematoriums!!

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Extreme, but not without validity

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

When trans national organized crime, foreign unfriendly powers, corrupted politicians and bureaucrats form an unholy alliance.....a nation becomes a shadow of it's former past.....a relic......relegated to the ash heap of history......

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The ash heap of history...to be resurrected as an authoritarian state.

Marxism 101

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We need 3,000,000.00 protesters marching on Ottawa this summer.

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People reading here ought to buy a book written by Bob Plamondon: The Truth About Trudeau. Plamondon quotes Trudeau. The book has prolific end notes; quotes he attributes to Trudeau are not in doubt.

Obviously Justin Trudeau mirrors his father. I wonder at Canadians naïveté. They are being bought off. This is what dictators are known to do. …Buy off all opposition. Canada has been defenestrated; first by the father, Pierre Trudeau’s awful and artful Charter of Rights and Freedoms — which empowered the courts to make laws, rather than by our elected representatives in parliament. The Liberals use the Supreme Court to redistribute rights to every minority claimant whom are then easily bought off — in return for voting Liberal. These minorities now are sustained by a constant drip of federal funds which properly they ought not ever be given. Those moneys are indebting Canadians to the ever increasing tax burdens as well as to the banks. Communism is the same as Fascism in that both are eventually enforced by totalitarian instrumentation. Justin Trudeau has no qualms about using force to achieve total state power in Canada. When a leader lies every time he opens his mouth and is succoured by the organs of the state including the media — in Canadas case the CBC and the MSM almost totally owned by American hedge funds or American based corporations and the population acquiesced to this over and over again until their voices have been completely co-opted, a country is bound for the gates of hell. History records this; over and over again.

Google Unz.com and read the latest column about Israel: Persecuted Christians In Israel Are Being Ethnically Cleansed. Is Anybody Listening? As to relevance? Benjamin Netanyahu was recently rebuked for attempting to reduce the independence of its Supreme Court. This is a move by a totalitarian government. Canada Supreme Court lost its independence when Pierre Trudeau made the courts subservient to the Liberal party. At least the Israelis objected by protesting in the streets which Canadians have been told is not an acceptable way of voicing their objections. Parliament he informs us is the proper place to voice one’s objections. That would be a parliament he fails to heed. Decisions are made in the PMO’s office and enforced by the courts or some other non objective venue wholly manned by the establishment. It is an odious turn from representative government to dictatorship.

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Canada is run by this unholy duo that represent 2 parties that have stacked the deck in their favor. Imagine how many employees work for Federal government has tipped the scales and colluding with unions to perpetuate this charade every 3-4 yrs by securing these voters by arbritating in their favour. Ask yourself and be honest, the majority of employees have sat on their asses for 2 years at home paid,received bonuses and now extorting taxpayers for more.

CANADA IS IN A DEATH SPIRAL even Pierre will be pushing sand against the immigrant tide who are the majority of government employees.

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Will we call them the new amalgamation LieNDP ( LieNewDumbParty )

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