Remarkably even The Guardian seems to be distancing itself from Trudeau


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A vote for Trudeau is a vote for the destruction of Democracy and the The Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada. " PERIOD "

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I think you misunderstand the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Unless you understand the historical context within which it emerged, which is no doubt the case with most Canadians, you’ll tend to praise it rather than damn it. I posted this recently:

December 10, 2022

Cultural Action Party of Canada

It’s passing strange where the people are so unfamiliar with their constitution they argue for any shenanigans the Liberal party gets up to as being entirely within the purview of the prime minister. I have written here and elsewhere that Canada is a federation not a confederation despite that the association affirmed in 1867 has been called Confederation since then. One has the impression that the premiers of Canada’s provinces are not familiar with Canada’s constitution.

I have also written that it was the elite in what today corresponds with modern southern Quebec that wanted Canada to be a federation. Jurisdictions in a federation have more autonomy than would be the case in a confederation.

The elites in Canada East hated that Great Britain governed Canada after the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763. Through this treaty, France ceded all of New France to Great Britain (except Louisiana.) New France was the most successful of the Old World countries endeavours in North America up until the American Revolution. New France controlled the vast continental interior of North America. …Until the American Revolution after which Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States on September 3, 1783.

This of course made Lower Canada a poorer place. The next blow to Lower Canada’s fortunes was the construction of the Erie Canal. Built between 1817 and 1825, the Erie Canal traversed 363 miles from Albany to Buffalo. The canal enabled traders and settlers to bypass the St Lawrence lowlands further reducing incomes in Lower Canada.

The elites in Canada East did not want to be annexed by the United States. So they stuck with being loosely governed by Great Britain. It was foreseen that the rapidly expanding United States would no doubt annex Canada’s territories in the west unless something was done to prevent it.

There was a small window of opportunity; the United States was engaged in their Civil War and was distracted by it. The solution was seen as necessary; a railroad from the Pacific to the Atlantic! But that meant a more formal relationship within what remained of British North America. If Canada East was going to resist being a small island surrounded by the United States something had to be done.

A railroad would secure east west trade for Lower Canada most definitely; railroads were a tremendously expensive capital project. Only a nation of substance had the required collateral. After much back and forth between Quebec City and London, Canada was born. The elites in Quebec discovered their sovereignty was diluted even further.

Investors are one thing, but railroads don’t get built without know how, or manpower. The Scots supplied the know how, and the Irish supplied the man power. In fact the English were not a factor as regards immigration. But blaming the Anglos became a meme in Quebec continuing still in Quebec.

In 1867 Canada became a federation. Which is a different legal entity than a confederation. Over time the balance of power in Canada changed, especially with the admission of the western provinces. Pierre Trudeau, in essence representing the powerful elite in Quebec, rather than Canadas other provinces, needed an instrument of some kind to restore French Quebec power in Canada.

So a great hullabaloo was raised in the land. People across Canada thought it about time Canadas constitution rested in Ottawa rather than in London.

This was the pretext; the real aim, was the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Quebec has yet to sign the repatriated constitution as was promised. But Pierre Trudeau wasted no time in using the Charter to remake Canada. Insisting the everyone in Canada should be bilingual if they expected to participate in running the country, henceforth, was celebrated across the land. The poor fools outside of Quebec had no idea that they had agreed to a constitutional amendment, de facto, when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was made the cornerstone of restoring French power in Canada.

However given that Canada is a federation the provinces have rights only Quebec had made use of up until now. Of course Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party will do everything possible to resist the other provinces asserting their constitutional rights; but those rights were imbedded in the original structure at Confederation because at the time a federation suited the aims of what became Quebec.

Of course Justin Trudeau has continued the politics of division began especially by his father Pierre Trudeau. The provinces in concert have agency they have yet to thoroughly explore or exploit.

The premiers ought to make the restoration of Parliament their first order of business. The prime minister is one man. Canadas future should not be decided by the prime minister. He has been appropriating power he does not rightfully have. He is not a president or a king.

If Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, decided to build a deep water port on Hudson’s Bay and ship their resources to buyers elsewhere in the world; then do it. Instead of typically bending a knee to some New World Order initiative — crafted elsewhere — Canadians’ have a means of resisting those who would off shore Canadas sovereignty.

The 1982 amendments to the Constitution Act 1867, explicitly recognized provinces’ and territories’ constitutional rights to manage their own non-renewable natural resources, forestry resources, and electrical energy. This includes the power to levy mining taxes and royalties.

I’d guess that certain powers over resource development are enjoyed by Quebec, as a precedent, that the other provinces and the territories are denied.

Concluding; the provinces have been intentionally divided against one another by certain Prime Ministers. The respective premiers should meet and hammer out an agreement of mutually agreed upon strategies they have in common which they are constitutionally empowered to deploy.

Prime Minister Trudeau has chosen to assume a dictatorial role he is not entitled to assume. The provincial premiers represent the people whom elect them and cow towing to the Prime Minister the way they have is an abdication of their responsibilities. Read the Constitution.

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May I suggest the China thing is a means of throwing Canadians off the scent.

May I recommend you and others posting here read:


Canada is a satrapy of the United States and the United States is completely controlled by the Globalist bankers — the Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund — and a something most people are unaware of — the trillions of dollars of unaccounted-for dark money made instantly available to subvert, bribe, threaten, and buy influence and indeed men’s and women’s souls.

The only way to countervail this evil Behemoth is spread the word.

Unless people everywhere understand how nothing makes sense without knowing the essential nature of money they might as well stop commenting. Trudeau is a puppet. He is no doubt being threatened and blackmailed. You’ll notice how most people are living at the bottom of a well of ignorance. Even if presented with obvious and verifiable truths they seldom have enough perspective to understand the forces arrayed against them.

Tragically they are their own worst enemy. Most people do not want their comfortable lives disrupted by the truth — even if ignoring the truth only serves to ensure the inevitable outcome; their further enslavement!

Recent events may have served to wake some people up, but the magnitude of that which is unseen is frightening, no question, but at least, people, turn on the light.

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A vote for Trudeau is compared to being on an airplane going to crash, bend down and kiss your ass goodbye.

He's committed in deploying. CBDC's to save troubled banks and gain control of his communistic agenda as mentored by his task masters WEF. We now know his incestial relationship with Jug Head Singh ,Bank of Canada, and pension fraud...shit is about to hit the fan and he can't escape.

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give me immunity and see what I can do

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Does any one care that there was more Irish slaves than Black African slaves. Media do not want you to know as would destroy all this BS re black/white/BLM narrative. They would not have any thing to talk about. especially, white against white [Irish against slave traders]

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Mar 8, 2023
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A frightening thought

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