Feb 27Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brilliant article. Scary that so few old stock, white Canadians can see this truth or are indifferent to it. Sadly, I don't see the federal conservative party taking a significantly different approach than the Trudeau liberals.

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thanks very much. Too bad it will never be distributed on a mass scale

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Extract – Matt Goodwin


Time to draw a line in the sand. We've reached a civilizational moment and need to respond.


If the events of the last few months have shown us anything then it’s this. We have to stop tolerating people who have no interest in tolerating our ways of life.


That’s what I just said in a television interview in Britain which has since gone viral, clearly resonating with many people. And why did I say it?


I said it because of what’s unfolding in Britain, because of what is now staring us all in the face even if much of the ruling class refuse to see it.


Our elected politicians and democracy being intimidated and harassed by a radical, activist mob.


A politician murdered in his constituency office, a police officer murdered outside parliament, and a British soldier very nearly beheaded on our streets.

A teacher who is still in hiding because of serious threats to his life, who has been forced to accept he is ‘unlikely to ever return home’.

The highest rates of anti-Semitic hate for decades, leaving British Jews living in fear and wondering if they should just leave the country, their home, altogether.

The fact we have now spent five months watching thousands of people glorifying terrorist atrocities and, by supporting Hamas, implicitly calling for similar atrocities as those on October 7th to take place in the future.






The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy: Roger Eatwell and Matt Goodwin




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The Federal Government has tabled a new LAWFARE Bill that will allow individual police forces to lay ‘Hate Crime” charges, without involving Arif Virani, author of the new bill.


It’s now 1984 and the THOUGHT POLICE are watching you.


I’ve frequently said that one of the things most likely to trigger violence or a low-level Civil War in Canada would be a loss of faith in our Legal System.


On your mark, get set, go !!!




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Trudeau’s Online Hate Bill can be viewed from several different perspectives.


• The first and most obvious are the high penalties.

• Secondly the need to consult with the Attorney General has been removed and means that every tin-bit prosecutor in the country can now impose their own interpretations on these laws. Canada has no shortage of government appointed judges and prosecutors.

• And lastly this eliminates a ‘safety valve’. Allowing people to express their opinions, and blow-off steam, reduced the probability that they’d resort to more extreme measures.


LAWFARE has become the governments NUMBER ONE TOOL for quelling DISSENT. Removing the involvement of the Attorney General’s office in assessing what is, and what is not Hate, removed a significant impediment to Government use of LAWFARE. The doors have been thrown wide open. Expect to see huge increases in Lawfare.


This law creates the possibility that someone could face LIFE IN PRISON. for exercising a Right clearly defined in the Canadian Charter. … Sounds kinda Orwellian, huh ???


The removal of that Safety Valve can be viewed in two ways. First is public welfare and the increased risk of violence that it creates. But that is so obvious you need to wonder if perhaps that was not the actual intent. Trudeau is headed into an Election and a catastrophic defeat. One of the few, and perhaps the only thing that might improve the outcome for him would be a significant increase in Extremism in Canada. He might view that as an opportunity to ‘save us’.


I see no possibility whatsoever that any good will come from this Bill. What I do see are problems, … potentially HUGE PROBLEMS.


In all of them. Trudeau gains and everyone else loses.


I am just one person in a long line of people opposed to our Authoritarian government. If I’m removed from the line, my place will be immediately taken over by someone else. Further back in the line are the Lone Wolves, or as CSIS now refers to them the Lone-actors. This new Hate Bill will take us a step closer to that low-level Civil War that I have predicted hundreds of times. There is a relatively small number of people who want to manipulate and control us, compared to those Canadians who refuse to be controlled.







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