Who are they kidding!

When Pierre Trudeau opened the flood gates to China it should have been obvious, he was collaborating and setting Canada for a takeover.

China thinks & plans in long-term events in their favor. China knows western politicians have a history of corruption especially the French-Canadian arm of the Liberal party. Here are a few Chrétien, Martin, Dion, McGuinty, LaLonde along with our new leaders who have picked up where they left off. China has captured other leaders like Jughead Singh who understand in order to be successful you have to have strength in numbers for control.

Of course, Justin & Jughead are a Chinese tag team. Jughead Singh could raise a dime in his riding so what does that tell you? This is why J & J don't want a public inquiry .... go figure?

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China play the long term game for certain.

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I like your summary of NDP also being part of this corruption. Interesting that an unknown Brampton MPP, was planted in BC with incredible support $, a nobody from Ontario, to become the leader of the NDP. He did not live in BC! I can sure read through the haize of corruption. AND he is a WEF (World Economic Forum) member in good standing!

P.S. People in Brampton are wise to Jagmeet--he ran away into his limo when confronted and questioned by his own community members while in Brampton promoting himself.

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Planted into NDP leadership position as back up to globalist destroyer Trudeau

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The CCP (not Beijing Communist Party) is the tip of the iceberg. Politicians have been corrupted by the WEF, WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates F, NATO and UN with bribery, threats and in enough cases death to keep the others in check.

We have puppet gvts working for a foreign entity.

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Our entire system is corrupt. WHO LET THEM IN?

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That’s why climate change narrative will never stop from the liberals as it only benefits China!!

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Trudeau never tells China to clean up their environmental act now d9es he.

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The system was a corrupt design before China influence.

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This is a distinct possibility. Either Canada was set up to fall, or globalist players over the decades created an environment for our country to be converted to a globalist dictatorship.

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You think you own it stop your property tax. Question is where is their bill of sale saying they own it?

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its absolutely correct but wont go into great details. Its all a corporate even the courts. Your Birth certificate is traded on the open market I researched and found mine and the name of the trade manager and its value. Not sure if you can find it now with all the Search blocking happening on the net. They consider us entities of a corporation and all your bills even you credited cards have two numbers always the same there is a reason for this as well. Its all smoke and mirrors. The Banks the courts the so called government are all tied together to enslave the sheeple

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If I'm correct, Canada has made 'charitable' taxpayer donations to China for years and likely still does. How could China afford to financially support anything here? Strange financial politics!

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Incredibly we still give foreign aid to China. Trudeau increased the amount in 2019

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It’s time for a purge. This is not an imagined RED SCARE.

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Time to put these traitors in jail to protect them from what can come

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Time to drain the government cesspool on ALL LEVELS. I couldn’t agree more. But where to start. Bottom up or top down.

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Been going on for years.

Start investigating in BC and then work your way east. It’s all over.

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