“I wouldn’t be prepared to think I would be successful in arguing that communism is right for Canada at the present time. But such times might come," said Pierre Trudeau.
It will get worse when Trudeau closes the internet to a point where simple communication between Canadians will be screened and blocked. It be a good time to invest in a Short Wave radio.
Satellite technology where there will be hundreds of them in low orbit circling the planet will eventually make blocking internet connection moot. Users will require a ground based receiver. Governments may initiate various means of seizing them — but technology is ever changing and facilitating individual choice — so sooner or later people will have ground based reception devices. So governments, try as they might, will find it futile to stop millions of people from buying them.
Governments are powerful — in the old domains of projecting it. Most people still say they support the establishment but the Internet reigns. Information is there if people care to look. Information is a force. Governments until recently had a monopoly over information and its corollary, force.
Marshall McLuhan wrote in the early 1960s, “…the medium is the message.” That is why government encouraged media concentration, because they recognized media as control.
Government as we collectively understand it is powerful still. But instead of pretending to be your friend and mine — which it never was — it is becoming evident that government never was your friend or mine. Now governments are seen as increasingly unfriendly and inept.
Control has always been the central aim of government. Holding a monopoly over the means of disseminating information — from school textbooks, to the banalities projected on TV, or in magazines, or radio programming — enabled establishment controlled ideologies to prevail.
Minting the means of exchange is another means of controlling populations. Governments are for the most part a means of establishment control over their citizens. So taxation and redistribution provides a means of control. The rich then, can corral all the money circulating in an economy. They create all the ways in which to abate their taxes while piling the tax loads on everyone else. Of course average citizens believing all the nonsense known as virtue signalling have been set up, i.e. suckered. All the problems various university anointed — so called graduates — imagine exist, because of some sort of economic inevitability, actually serve to convey inevitability.
Governments is structured intentionally to encourage the problems they set out to solve. The world is suffering from government overreach ; which means financial overreach. The worlds financial elites — really hardly more than 100 people — have contrived to create scarcity. Millions of people though, around the world, earn their livings toiling within the orbit of these financial overlords. These people naturally support reflexively the structures within which they benefit. And given the nature of their work, they create a received version of the reality they convey. And convey it they do! Anything which might countervail the received version or threaten those in power whom are instrumentally vested in the structures of control — will work hard to destroy it.
Nations are conglomerates of people whom these financial overlords, will if they can, destroy, by intentionally deflating and inflating their currencies; while working overtime to convince people of the merits of a global economy they are desperate to create and control.
By making nationalism seem quaint, unnecessary and useless appendages of conservatism, while at the same time promoting the specious virtue of progressivism these financial overlords hope to eliminate all resistance to their true aim; absolute power over birth, life and death.
These financial oligarchs have sought to install pliant sock puppets wherever possible as a sort of soft power. In Canada, Justin Trudeau exemplifies their success. He is a confirmed Globalist. He is a servant of the financial oligarchs. What has he not done to destroy Canada’s economy? The list is far too long to include here! When a country, like an individual, borrows more money than can ever be paid back bankruptcy is the consequence.
But countries do not go bankrupt; but they are increasingly controlled by their creditors. All those billions are owed to a cabal of money lending oligarchs! Soon they make all the rules. And turn all the technologies into the means of controlling you and I and your children and grandchildren. You will pay the interests on those debts! Of course when you house goes up in price so do your taxes. When your inflated house price requires a mortgage you can never pay back while you maintain a property someone else owns and the economy is bent to the will and intention of the Globalist financial overlords you can kiss freedom goodbye. You may live well but in effect your are nothing more than a eunuch. A symbolically castrated eunuch certainly.
Men can be chemically castrated. Injections, food additives, and social control are the means. Women can be subjected to chemically induced abortions. Abortion can be made to seem like a freedom; until women find themselves unable to conceive. So the sex drive diminishes.
But “there are none so blind as those who will not see.” Brainwashing is more than a little effective.
-Trudeau got elected and brought in mail in ballots for anyone abroad basically and Increased immigration for anyone.
-Covid allowed more mail in ballots and drop boxes. They also extended the number of days to vote. All our information is stored on government computers that can be hacked.
-Konnech head in the USA was arrested but no word on investigations in Canada. Apparently they were doing business in Edmonton and Regina according to the Konnech website. They had American election workers information on servers in China. Now there is reports they had all of Pennsylvania ballots serial number info, etc, too.
- I thought Trudeau stated he basically wanted to legalize our 1.1 million illegal workers quite a few months ago? Will he do it so they can vote in the next election?
Until mail in ballots/ drop boxes stopped, voting changed to one day only ... I won’t trust any election again.
I don’t see how the Trudeau regime can be stopped anymore. If he gets the internet censorship he wants..... we are doomed.
Canada is a tragic example of people believing the is in reality something like communism — the feel good ideal inherently promised in its root word community. But communism is inherently anti-communial.
Communism destroys community. That is the aim of communists. And whom are they promoting communism, if not paradoxically, the super rich? The irony is rather awful to contemplate. Do you mean the rich want to run everything? Such a novel idea!
Whom are they that run the Liberal party if not the rich and powerful. And most of them are Quebecers. Quebecers have done well by pretending Quebec is hard done by since Confederation. They are crafty too.
Anyone who still believes Pierre E Trudeau was the person he pretended to be is a fool.
Or just plain ignorant; willing to believe without asking a single question about the dark side of say, the well named — because it fooled almost everyone as it still does —Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It was promulgate after years and years of elite Quebecers racking their brains for a strategy that would reinstated French Quebec power in Canada.
Trudeau was the guy tapped to do the dirty work. What was that? The Liberal party made sure Trudeau was elected. And made sure he was given a powerful position from which he could broadcast, especially to the young, ideas which would resonate with the young.
As Justice Minister he was in a position to attract attention. “The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.” Aside from the implicit message that any sexual activity including homosexual was no one’s business — it was a message calculated to appeal to the young.
Same strategy used by Justin Trudeau to get elected. “Vote for me and I’ll make smoking marijuana legal.”
Perhaps he was hinting that it impinged upon our freedoms to not allow marijuana smoking. It is well know that stoners’ are much more pliant than the sober.
Trudeau was never a member of the Elite in Quebec. Like Brian Mulroney he is a parvenu upstart. His father owning a few gas stations did not provide entry into the drawing rooms of the elite. But as we all know, upward mobility is a powerful aphrodisiac. The Trudeaus and Mulroney were accepted because the sold out their class to gain that acceptance, while screwing over those nasty Anglos.
Trudeau used every dialectical trick known to those with subversive intentions. The communists invented the method. Never answer direct questions. How many were fooled by Trudeau — the pretend cosmopolitan — that he was sophisticated.
In person he was smarmy and rude.
He pretended Quebecers would be happy with a patriated constitution, saying very little though, about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; as though what could be suspicious about such a creature? But he used it to ruin Canada . The Charter was used, can be used, and is used, to justify anything the Supreme Court can be persuaded is in the interests of Quebec.
Canadians are a naïve and unsophisticated people. They have been sucker punched so often they agree to be Quebecs punching bag; whenever a Trudeau shows up!
Canadians need to encourage Quebec separation. Give them Canada East and if they want the North I doubt the Indians will agree to that. Rid Canada of Quebec once and for all.
Good article. Unfortunately its to late to save Canada. Unless we closed immigration and used all the money that we give away to other nations and immigrants to change our culture to encourage more European Canadians to have more children.
Not being Canadian; didn't the good people of the country vote him back in not long ago? Kind of like the people of the state of California re-elected their wing nut as governor in a recall vote.
It will get worse when Trudeau closes the internet to a point where simple communication between Canadians will be screened and blocked. It be a good time to invest in a Short Wave radio.
Satellite technology where there will be hundreds of them in low orbit circling the planet will eventually make blocking internet connection moot. Users will require a ground based receiver. Governments may initiate various means of seizing them — but technology is ever changing and facilitating individual choice — so sooner or later people will have ground based reception devices. So governments, try as they might, will find it futile to stop millions of people from buying them.
Governments are powerful — in the old domains of projecting it. Most people still say they support the establishment but the Internet reigns. Information is there if people care to look. Information is a force. Governments until recently had a monopoly over information and its corollary, force.
Marshall McLuhan wrote in the early 1960s, “…the medium is the message.” That is why government encouraged media concentration, because they recognized media as control.
Government as we collectively understand it is powerful still. But instead of pretending to be your friend and mine — which it never was — it is becoming evident that government never was your friend or mine. Now governments are seen as increasingly unfriendly and inept.
Control has always been the central aim of government. Holding a monopoly over the means of disseminating information — from school textbooks, to the banalities projected on TV, or in magazines, or radio programming — enabled establishment controlled ideologies to prevail.
Minting the means of exchange is another means of controlling populations. Governments are for the most part a means of establishment control over their citizens. So taxation and redistribution provides a means of control. The rich then, can corral all the money circulating in an economy. They create all the ways in which to abate their taxes while piling the tax loads on everyone else. Of course average citizens believing all the nonsense known as virtue signalling have been set up, i.e. suckered. All the problems various university anointed — so called graduates — imagine exist, because of some sort of economic inevitability, actually serve to convey inevitability.
Governments is structured intentionally to encourage the problems they set out to solve. The world is suffering from government overreach ; which means financial overreach. The worlds financial elites — really hardly more than 100 people — have contrived to create scarcity. Millions of people though, around the world, earn their livings toiling within the orbit of these financial overlords. These people naturally support reflexively the structures within which they benefit. And given the nature of their work, they create a received version of the reality they convey. And convey it they do! Anything which might countervail the received version or threaten those in power whom are instrumentally vested in the structures of control — will work hard to destroy it.
Nations are conglomerates of people whom these financial overlords, will if they can, destroy, by intentionally deflating and inflating their currencies; while working overtime to convince people of the merits of a global economy they are desperate to create and control.
By making nationalism seem quaint, unnecessary and useless appendages of conservatism, while at the same time promoting the specious virtue of progressivism these financial overlords hope to eliminate all resistance to their true aim; absolute power over birth, life and death.
These financial oligarchs have sought to install pliant sock puppets wherever possible as a sort of soft power. In Canada, Justin Trudeau exemplifies their success. He is a confirmed Globalist. He is a servant of the financial oligarchs. What has he not done to destroy Canada’s economy? The list is far too long to include here! When a country, like an individual, borrows more money than can ever be paid back bankruptcy is the consequence.
But countries do not go bankrupt; but they are increasingly controlled by their creditors. All those billions are owed to a cabal of money lending oligarchs! Soon they make all the rules. And turn all the technologies into the means of controlling you and I and your children and grandchildren. You will pay the interests on those debts! Of course when you house goes up in price so do your taxes. When your inflated house price requires a mortgage you can never pay back while you maintain a property someone else owns and the economy is bent to the will and intention of the Globalist financial overlords you can kiss freedom goodbye. You may live well but in effect your are nothing more than a eunuch. A symbolically castrated eunuch certainly.
Men can be chemically castrated. Injections, food additives, and social control are the means. Women can be subjected to chemically induced abortions. Abortion can be made to seem like a freedom; until women find themselves unable to conceive. So the sex drive diminishes.
But “there are none so blind as those who will not see.” Brainwashing is more than a little effective.
Just random points....
-Trudeau got elected and brought in mail in ballots for anyone abroad basically and Increased immigration for anyone.
-Covid allowed more mail in ballots and drop boxes. They also extended the number of days to vote. All our information is stored on government computers that can be hacked.
-Konnech head in the USA was arrested but no word on investigations in Canada. Apparently they were doing business in Edmonton and Regina according to the Konnech website. They had American election workers information on servers in China. Now there is reports they had all of Pennsylvania ballots serial number info, etc, too.
- I thought Trudeau stated he basically wanted to legalize our 1.1 million illegal workers quite a few months ago? Will he do it so they can vote in the next election?
Until mail in ballots/ drop boxes stopped, voting changed to one day only ... I won’t trust any election again.
I don’t see how the Trudeau regime can be stopped anymore. If he gets the internet censorship he wants..... we are doomed.
Canada is a tragic example of people believing the is in reality something like communism — the feel good ideal inherently promised in its root word community. But communism is inherently anti-communial.
Communism destroys community. That is the aim of communists. And whom are they promoting communism, if not paradoxically, the super rich? The irony is rather awful to contemplate. Do you mean the rich want to run everything? Such a novel idea!
Whom are they that run the Liberal party if not the rich and powerful. And most of them are Quebecers. Quebecers have done well by pretending Quebec is hard done by since Confederation. They are crafty too.
Anyone who still believes Pierre E Trudeau was the person he pretended to be is a fool.
Or just plain ignorant; willing to believe without asking a single question about the dark side of say, the well named — because it fooled almost everyone as it still does —Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It was promulgate after years and years of elite Quebecers racking their brains for a strategy that would reinstated French Quebec power in Canada.
Trudeau was the guy tapped to do the dirty work. What was that? The Liberal party made sure Trudeau was elected. And made sure he was given a powerful position from which he could broadcast, especially to the young, ideas which would resonate with the young.
As Justice Minister he was in a position to attract attention. “The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.” Aside from the implicit message that any sexual activity including homosexual was no one’s business — it was a message calculated to appeal to the young.
Same strategy used by Justin Trudeau to get elected. “Vote for me and I’ll make smoking marijuana legal.”
Perhaps he was hinting that it impinged upon our freedoms to not allow marijuana smoking. It is well know that stoners’ are much more pliant than the sober.
Trudeau was never a member of the Elite in Quebec. Like Brian Mulroney he is a parvenu upstart. His father owning a few gas stations did not provide entry into the drawing rooms of the elite. But as we all know, upward mobility is a powerful aphrodisiac. The Trudeaus and Mulroney were accepted because the sold out their class to gain that acceptance, while screwing over those nasty Anglos.
Trudeau used every dialectical trick known to those with subversive intentions. The communists invented the method. Never answer direct questions. How many were fooled by Trudeau — the pretend cosmopolitan — that he was sophisticated.
In person he was smarmy and rude.
He pretended Quebecers would be happy with a patriated constitution, saying very little though, about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; as though what could be suspicious about such a creature? But he used it to ruin Canada . The Charter was used, can be used, and is used, to justify anything the Supreme Court can be persuaded is in the interests of Quebec.
Canadians are a naïve and unsophisticated people. They have been sucker punched so often they agree to be Quebecs punching bag; whenever a Trudeau shows up!
Canadians need to encourage Quebec separation. Give them Canada East and if they want the North I doubt the Indians will agree to that. Rid Canada of Quebec once and for all.
Trudope is anything but democratic. The evil twins have put Canadian democracy on hold until they can kill it.
Bad news is the soft way to say it. Sheer evil and Canadians need to wake up to the fact! Sheer EVIL!!!
All tragically true.
Good article. Unfortunately its to late to save Canada. Unless we closed immigration and used all the money that we give away to other nations and immigrants to change our culture to encourage more European Canadians to have more children.
The reset begins when Justine Castro is ejected from office. If it EVER HAPPENS.
Not being Canadian; didn't the good people of the country vote him back in not long ago? Kind of like the people of the state of California re-elected their wing nut as governor in a recall vote.
They "voted" him in...by the slimmest margin that ever occurred in a Canadian federal election since our founding in 1867.
VERY astute observation.
It will happen!!!
Who can make it stop?