The plot really is to destroy 🇨🇦 Canada. What remains after this destruction will be handed over to the United Nations. I am saddened and angered by this, yet it is becoming the truth if nothing is done.
As mentioned many times, imo, a big reason for our helplessness to fight back is found in the idea that the woke campaigns go back 50 years to the days to Pierre T the communist.
This way, the globalists can cover off all elements which may foment in terms of fighting against the decimation of Canada. It's all covered off-- media, Islam, Sikhsim, World Economic Forum, China, UN et al.
This is a perfect example of WHY, Trudeau and Singh need to be stopped!!!
A CAF Military Court with assistance from the "Five Eyes" partnership, brings International status to the investigations/charges/arrests/convictions/sentencing and prosecution of Trudeau and all others involved in this case, On a WORLD stage!!!
With NO interference, from the RCMP/JUSTICE/GOVERNMENTS in Canada, while helping the FIVE EYES, and our ALLIES, get answers about the connections between Trudeau and China, the Stolen deadly viruses and the Top Secret Files, Trudeau assisted in stealing, removing from Canada and transporting them back to WUHAN CHINA!!!
Why wouldn't the Five Eyes and our ALLIES, want to question Trudeau and get the answers needed, when they ALL could be the next targets of China, from the NEW VIRUSES, they are planning for the WORLD, in the near future???
When the WHO just announced that the World, is looking at a new Virus outbreak, by as early as MAY 2024!!!
CHINA, is responsible for 17 MILLION deaths WORLDWIDE, why are CANADIANS waiting for the next one, to happen, don't you think, the WORLD, needs to know, the TRUTH about TRUDEAU and CHINA?
More insidious infiltration of the Canadian political scene by vermin from the WEF If not for the farmers of Alberta NDP would have won the last provincial election as the urbanites in both Edmonton and Calgary mostly voted NDP for Trudeau backed Rachel Notley. Thank God for the rural Albertans and their common sense.
They love the oil fields as they know that is where the money is! Look at Fort MacMurray's largest Mosque in Canada! Supported 100 % by Trudeau/ NDP MANDATES AND POLICIES!!!
come november , 2024 if president trump gets back in, jt will be shitting bricks. he once backstabbed president trump, the shoe will be on the other foot now. i do believe jt will be on the run, as for quebec, just let them go. if miss smith is smart enough, its time to make a move and leave this once proud country.
Very good article Brad, we, I’m meaning original citizens of this country have ourselves to blame, it’s a known fact that we do not get out and vote in elections, new Canadians turn out in troves and vote in their candidate of choice and we know who those are, Canadians tend to be a complacent group of people when it comes to voting and I doubt the wealthy even bother themselves over elections, it’s too late now to reverse this take over of our country. 😢😢😢
The sooner Albertans wake up the better! As they will pay the price for falling asleep at the wheel! NDP/LIBERAL POLITICS are a step backwards! Believe it!!!!
I’m a born Albertan and still have family members in three of the major cities, they are very concerned about the change in Alberta politics, many, many East Indians in Calgary and Edmonton and they are drawn to the political scene and of course all get out and vote, the “white folks” need to correct their complacency and get out and vote! The Edmonton mayor was the most serious unfortunate choice, the move to remove the Calgary mayor may be successful.
How could Alberta's fate be spared when the entire country is whitewashed? If only all the provincial premiers dared to fight collectively. How embarrassing to be disembowelled by a deplorable international clown! Canadians are paying political traitors and disloyal migrants who once begged for Canadian citizenship only to stab us in the back. Like other dismal countries from which Canadians have failed to learn the lessons of history, we will have to experience slavery and despair once it is too late to fight back.
This is the moment in the movie when the radio operator needs be calling artie on his own position - because Charlie PC is definitely not just 'thru the wire'... but in the trench. Betrayed by WHITE STOOGES OF THE $POWER, our heroic band of last standers look around for signs of THE MAIN ENEMY...
and see "furreigner & yimmygrants" everywhere!
At a time when real resistors of "all shades" need be making common cause against the faceless terror in their midst, once agin we see resort to 'the easy smear.' Among those many who have landed in Canada in the past forty years or so - under the mistaken impression that they would be 'improving' their lives to do so - only grifters and scum are still around. Everyone who COULD do so, has already gotten out - relieved to put that BIG mistake behind them.
Does the "Sikh" community have g&s within it? You bet they do. They also have this -
"The Battle of Saragarhi is considered to be one of the greatest last stands in history. 21 soldiers of the 36 Sikh Regiment fought an army of over 10,000 Afghans and killed more than 600 of them before perishing to enemy bullets." Look it up. Learn what "loyalty to the last man" is all about. It don't have no 'color,' creed, nor head gear requirments.
Wait! Do you say "Afghans?" Ain't them the folk what Whitey and his "NATO" coalition packed up and ran way from without a fight... leaving several billions of taxpayer supplied armaments laying around to be had for the picking?
I don't know bout you - but 12th September(celebrated as the Saragarhi Day in honour of the sacrifices made by those 21 brave soldiers)is a day I remember as one indicative of better times - when Whitey knew better than to p**s all over the folks who did his fighting for him!
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡
Trudeau will pass New Voting Laws to steal the next election. The big one will be No ID mail in votes . Trudeau will say that it would be racist to exclude Canadian's who are homeless or have no Government Identification and new comers to Canada that haven't been here long enough to vote. . I am sure Trudeau will try something illegal to win.
I listened to a person speaking about how History repeats itself . It was a story about how the Weimar Republic of Germanys' , Germanys' First Democracy fell and opened the doors for Hitler to rule Germany. Germany at this time had a vibrant economy but had a decadent, immoral society , known all over Europe for its' Homosexual and Lesbian attitudes and parties. Some Historians blame these views and contributed it to Germanies economic and social collapse . The story above is a story about Canada and the United States of America and how it mirrors' the downfall of Germanies First Democratic Government . The speaker urges all Americans and Canadians to bring back those things that made our countries great, like morality , hard work and the belief in Jesus Christ before it's too late. The speaker was Donald Trump and personally it's the best thing he has ever said in my opinion.
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡
The plot really is to destroy 🇨🇦 Canada. What remains after this destruction will be handed over to the United Nations. I am saddened and angered by this, yet it is becoming the truth if nothing is done.
As mentioned many times, imo, a big reason for our helplessness to fight back is found in the idea that the woke campaigns go back 50 years to the days to Pierre T the communist.
This way, the globalists can cover off all elements which may foment in terms of fighting against the decimation of Canada. It's all covered off-- media, Islam, Sikhsim, World Economic Forum, China, UN et al.
This is a perfect example of WHY, Trudeau and Singh need to be stopped!!!
A CAF Military Court with assistance from the "Five Eyes" partnership, brings International status to the investigations/charges/arrests/convictions/sentencing and prosecution of Trudeau and all others involved in this case, On a WORLD stage!!!
With NO interference, from the RCMP/JUSTICE/GOVERNMENTS in Canada, while helping the FIVE EYES, and our ALLIES, get answers about the connections between Trudeau and China, the Stolen deadly viruses and the Top Secret Files, Trudeau assisted in stealing, removing from Canada and transporting them back to WUHAN CHINA!!!
Why wouldn't the Five Eyes and our ALLIES, want to question Trudeau and get the answers needed, when they ALL could be the next targets of China, from the NEW VIRUSES, they are planning for the WORLD, in the near future???
When the WHO just announced that the World, is looking at a new Virus outbreak, by as early as MAY 2024!!!
CHINA, is responsible for 17 MILLION deaths WORLDWIDE, why are CANADIANS waiting for the next one, to happen, don't you think, the WORLD, needs to know, the TRUTH about TRUDEAU and CHINA?
More insidious infiltration of the Canadian political scene by vermin from the WEF If not for the farmers of Alberta NDP would have won the last provincial election as the urbanites in both Edmonton and Calgary mostly voted NDP for Trudeau backed Rachel Notley. Thank God for the rural Albertans and their common sense.
Which is why the Liberals are importing millions of urban-dwelling immigrants from the 3rd world. One day, they will outnumber the rural residents.
And Canada is on the slippery slope of becoming a third world country!
They love the oil fields as they know that is where the money is! Look at Fort MacMurray's largest Mosque in Canada! Supported 100 % by Trudeau/ NDP MANDATES AND POLICIES!!!
come november , 2024 if president trump gets back in, jt will be shitting bricks. he once backstabbed president trump, the shoe will be on the other foot now. i do believe jt will be on the run, as for quebec, just let them go. if miss smith is smart enough, its time to make a move and leave this once proud country.
A psychic has predicted that Trump will have a stroke before October, that would solve a big problem!
Very good article Brad, we, I’m meaning original citizens of this country have ourselves to blame, it’s a known fact that we do not get out and vote in elections, new Canadians turn out in troves and vote in their candidate of choice and we know who those are, Canadians tend to be a complacent group of people when it comes to voting and I doubt the wealthy even bother themselves over elections, it’s too late now to reverse this take over of our country. 😢😢😢
We got hosed by Liberals and their international backers
The sooner Albertans wake up the better! As they will pay the price for falling asleep at the wheel! NDP/LIBERAL POLITICS are a step backwards! Believe it!!!!
I’m a born Albertan and still have family members in three of the major cities, they are very concerned about the change in Alberta politics, many, many East Indians in Calgary and Edmonton and they are drawn to the political scene and of course all get out and vote, the “white folks” need to correct their complacency and get out and vote! The Edmonton mayor was the most serious unfortunate choice, the move to remove the Calgary mayor may be successful.
With any luck he won’t go anywhere.
How could Alberta's fate be spared when the entire country is whitewashed? If only all the provincial premiers dared to fight collectively. How embarrassing to be disembowelled by a deplorable international clown! Canadians are paying political traitors and disloyal migrants who once begged for Canadian citizenship only to stab us in the back. Like other dismal countries from which Canadians have failed to learn the lessons of history, we will have to experience slavery and despair once it is too late to fight back.
When all else fails - more "Turban Talk" please!
This is the moment in the movie when the radio operator needs be calling artie on his own position - because Charlie PC is definitely not just 'thru the wire'... but in the trench. Betrayed by WHITE STOOGES OF THE $POWER, our heroic band of last standers look around for signs of THE MAIN ENEMY...
and see "furreigner & yimmygrants" everywhere!
At a time when real resistors of "all shades" need be making common cause against the faceless terror in their midst, once agin we see resort to 'the easy smear.' Among those many who have landed in Canada in the past forty years or so - under the mistaken impression that they would be 'improving' their lives to do so - only grifters and scum are still around. Everyone who COULD do so, has already gotten out - relieved to put that BIG mistake behind them.
Does the "Sikh" community have g&s within it? You bet they do. They also have this -
"The Battle of Saragarhi is considered to be one of the greatest last stands in history. 21 soldiers of the 36 Sikh Regiment fought an army of over 10,000 Afghans and killed more than 600 of them before perishing to enemy bullets." Look it up. Learn what "loyalty to the last man" is all about. It don't have no 'color,' creed, nor head gear requirments.
Wait! Do you say "Afghans?" Ain't them the folk what Whitey and his "NATO" coalition packed up and ran way from without a fight... leaving several billions of taxpayer supplied armaments laying around to be had for the picking?
I don't know bout you - but 12th September(celebrated as the Saragarhi Day in honour of the sacrifices made by those 21 brave soldiers)is a day I remember as one indicative of better times - when Whitey knew better than to p**s all over the folks who did his fighting for him!
"Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal".
Urbanites seem to be more and more on the left, hence leftist Mayors/Councils. To Canada’s loss.
Because very few foreigners want to live in the country.They all flock to cities.
And the Liberals know it.
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡
China is the same, always 50 years ahead.
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡
Trudeau will pass New Voting Laws to steal the next election. The big one will be No ID mail in votes . Trudeau will say that it would be racist to exclude Canadian's who are homeless or have no Government Identification and new comers to Canada that haven't been here long enough to vote. . I am sure Trudeau will try something illegal to win.
I listened to a person speaking about how History repeats itself . It was a story about how the Weimar Republic of Germanys' , Germanys' First Democracy fell and opened the doors for Hitler to rule Germany. Germany at this time had a vibrant economy but had a decadent, immoral society , known all over Europe for its' Homosexual and Lesbian attitudes and parties. Some Historians blame these views and contributed it to Germanies economic and social collapse . The story above is a story about Canada and the United States of America and how it mirrors' the downfall of Germanies First Democratic Government . The speaker urges all Americans and Canadians to bring back those things that made our countries great, like morality , hard work and the belief in Jesus Christ before it's too late. The speaker was Donald Trump and personally it's the best thing he has ever said in my opinion.
Also. The WEF is 30 to 50 years ahead of us in planning. They have a branch that is responsible for ‘organizing’ Municipalities in Western Countries. I read a LOT and wish I could pull that little piece of info out to link you all to it. I think it was on the WEF website at one point as a ‘boast’ that they have not only Ze Cabinets but ZE Councils, too. 😤😡