If treason is protected.....all other laws become superfluous......................

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A few Chinese police stations already. What if the idiot intended to swarm the country with the Chinese when comes time to tyrannically establish full communism? Far fetch!

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The left will scream conspiracy theory, but in reality, what do they know about the behind-the-scenes machinations of the Liberal Party's relationship with China.

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He is handing over Canada and ripping off the population doing it. Have never seen such evil in my life as this Lib gov’t!!!

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The most extreme ever.

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Pierre was a communist , Trudeau is a communist , and his brother wrote a book for China and he is a communist .This take over has been planned for many years ,many years.

In the future I predict that there will be more Chinese here than original Canadians .Quebeck will remain a country within a country ..The west will have to save there part of the country without B.C .They will have to also become a country within a country ,a Republic.

I would imagine that the U.S. will not like the Trudeau's move in selling Canada to the Chinese and I wonder how will the first. Ations , indians like the selling of Canada .

Prince Rupert's Sold most of the land to Canada and did form the Hudson Baycompany.. corporation

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3 Trudeau commies in a family is enough to prove the point, which media never do.

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This game plan has been in play as far back you can trace Liberals party. .Trudeau snr, Chretien , Martin, Demarre, Justin and consecutive Quebec leaders have been dealing with Chinese party for tears.

Lets not dismiss how many of these traitors have gained financially by their associations in China for decades. They have sold us out and when complete they will have Quebec independence by throwing the rest of Canada under the CHINESE BUS. God help our kids.

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Without question, Jean Chretien contributed to this mess by leading a 300-person brigade of Canadian politicians and businessmen to China in the 1990's.

Paul Martin and other PMs have contributed as well, in addition to Brian Mulroney from the Conservatives. But the worst of them all is so-called "father and son" (a lie) Pierre & Justine Trudeau.

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Jul 11, 2023
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Certainly no such thing as Canadian democracy. Especially when a Trudeau communist family member is prime minister. Pierre & Justin Trudeau have ruined Canada.

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Yes, daddy really stirred the pot!!!

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Fidel was like that...

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Jul 11, 2023
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Yes. I can’t believe in just the people I know have their heads up their***!!!!!

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