Canadian deaths are going to sharply increase from the shot. The new arrivals will step in to those spaces and replace them. Trudeau is hoping we don’t notice old stock Canadians being replaced by his new loyal voting bloc.

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China's dispersement of.the.pandemic. has its intentions.

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All part of the evil globalist plan to force people into 15 minute cities,living in high rise crowded cages,using public transportation for lack of a car,with your expenses controlled by using CBDC's' and eventually a social credit system where you have lost all freedom of choice and autonomy.Every day that goes by where we do nothing to stop THEM brings us closer to that nightmarish dystopia.

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Despair and poverty the purpose. Owning a home will be rare. Owning a car will be rare. Paying your bills won’t happen. Taxes will go to those who arrived to eat our taxes, leaving Maid and homelessness the only solution. Amazing, isn’t it. This vast and wealthy nation going full bore communist. However. We continue to be nice sheep. Vote, if we ever get to vote again.

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That is why Tamara L is in this ridiculous trial. He hates first that she was part of a peaceful protest across Canada. Don't forget all those people who stood with Canadian flags on the roadsides, overpasses etc. Not to mention the almost $20M her and others' efforts received thru 2 Fund Raisers only to have the Trudeau try to thwart it. He hates people like her. I intend to send her money for the trial along with her co-planner Chris Barber. The rest of the world loves them only Canada is too gutless to defend them by voting this 'person' out of our lives.

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Tamara represents a dying freedom that once existed, which JT has been installed to crush.

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I was one of those waving flags on the corners of streets and over passes in Vancouver. And one of those who donated money.

I think the threat of bank accounts frozen/confiscated is the undercurrent of why Canadians are afraid. It worked! We all got it!

Support opposition and you will be punished.

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We continue to be nice sheep because most people don't believe this is happening for real.If we ever get to vote again in a fair election with no interference this government will be gone.If this government gets re-elected then we know we have to restore our democracy and freedom with the use of more drastic measures.

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My sister still believes Trudeau is wonderful , she thinks that all the BAD things being said about Trudeau are fictitious lies. Still , she lives in BC , what would one expect. lol

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There are still WAY WAY too many like her.

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time to put a halt on immigration until Canada gets itself on more stable political grounds and the exit of the present liebral/ndp criminals

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Won't happen. Will be lucky to have a reduction, but wouldn't count on it.

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trudeau belongs to the "you will own nothing & be happy" club, 'nough said.

Take note that they never tell you Who will own the property. Hint: jagmeet's wife is buying.

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Marxism 101

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Of coarse she is 🤷

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We will see more and more Canadian born citizens become homeless, Torontos mayor recently asked for more federal funding to find homes for the city’s homeless refugees, not a good look for the city!! Immigrants, most notably from the Middle East, are coming with down payments and interest free loans from their country’s banks for the purchase of housing here while long time residents are being forced out for various reasons. This country is done,, thanks mainly to Trudeau and his incompetent government.

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JT wants whytey on the streets living in poverty.

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Watch out If whitey gets pushed too far he just might get angry.We have seen revolutions in other countries before.We are not immune to this.Not wishing for this but it would be viewed as self defence.Nothing more dangerous than someone who has nothing left to lose.

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Intentional by govt, Marshall law if and when we rebel

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Civilizations are like people , they grow , mature, blossom and than die. History teaches us that, it's happened time and time again. It's really up to the people pf Canada to determine how Canada goes into the future not some sociopathic freak , Trudeau must go!

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Trudeau's pulled the pin and tossed the grenade on Canada🇨🇦 at Canadians.

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For eight years running. Yes, he hates true Canadians that much.

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I say and say again , we need to storm the Castle Walls .

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Remember Trudeaus mantra - "you will own nothing and be happy" . The big plan is working. He frankly is evil! Delete me if you want!

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Luv it, not deleting.

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Idiots who know nothing are always vulnerable to cults.Klaus chose well.

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I wonder what the Universal Income Means. Trudeau has invested , (spend) the Bulk of the Canadian Pension Plan funds. It belonged to Canadians not some Freak of Nature to do what he pleases. I wonder if he plans on allowing us WHITES to even have a bank account in order to receive this Universal Income thing. I suggest you stock up on water ,food and arms and ammo because at this rate Canada will soon become a lawless wasteland , we already see the grocery selves filled with food no-one can afford. People with soon gather mobs and take the food they need.

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Yes, it is so true, I would sat that in nearly three years the number of Canadian deaths is going to be through the roof, I watched a video and US doctors were saying that they gave the people who got the shot approximately 3 to 5 years of life left, all the while having it rapidly declining the whole way. It is so sad the amount of relatives that I have that are now dying or getting sick, some of them still getting boosters. I just cant even understand, how cannot they not see that they are dying!

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