Is Trudeau Locked Into A Destructive Agenda He Cannot Escape From?
Either there is something wrong with our prime minister, something wrong with our country, or both.
Justin Trudeau brings new meaning to the phrase "to tow the line." In terms of ideological commitment, our prime minister has set entirely new standards . Busting through parameters of the surreal, Trudeau returned from Covid holiday to deliver a message to the strangers in the house:
“Individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens’ daily lives. It has to stop."
No single figure standing on Canadian soil has blockaded our economy and undermined our democracy like Mr. Trudeau. Setting this aside for a moment, we delve into another aspect of present-day politics.
Why is he like this? For what reason is this man's approach to governance hard-wired under all circumstances? No matter what occurs in society, Trudeau never augments his approach. Canada’s national leader comes across like a mutant form of political zombie.
Our country can be falling down all around him. Social conflict exists as never before. Canadians are in the streets protesting government policy. And there stands Trudeau-- unwavering, immutable, a solid rock of perpetual commitment.
Simply put-- it makes no sense. Either there is something wrong with our prime minister, something wrong with our country— or both. How did Canada end up with a national leader who behaves like a programmed robot? In thinking this situation through, our response takes the form of a political "covenant."
In religion, a covenant is "a formal alliance or agreement made by God with a religious community or with humanity in general."
There has always been a "religious zeal" underpinning Trudeau’s actions as prime minister. When it comes to the woke globalist ethos, the man is a zealot. No greater evangelist than he exists regarding immigration, refugees, multiculturalism, diversity, globalism, wokism and the lot.
In an attempt to apply logic, we point to a commonality. All involve circumstances from beyond the Canadian borders. Can the situation be one of a pay-back manifest in a political covenant?
We note synergy from within— our PM's preferential treatment toward 3rd World immigrants— another element of working on behalf of the "international.”
All of it conjuring up a light-bulb thought: can it be that Justin Trudeau is wholly indebted to these forces? Is his behavior unconditional payback for a favour bestowed upon him?
Are foreign entities responsible for Trudeau becoming prime minister? Was he then placed in a position where he must under all circumstances fulfill the promise he made in a globalist covenant? Speculation it is. Yet, CAP challenge anyone to come up with a better theory on why our PM functions as a globalist rock in a weary land.
"You place me into office, and I work for you without wavering from the tenets of our covenant."
Apart from this concept, no explanation exists. That is, apart from the idea that Justin Trudeau is mentally ill.
Like I have been saying since he was first elected: He is an evil, devious and narcissistic jackass intent on ruining Canada ad scurry back to his beloved Quebec bragging about his accomplishment. He has succeeded and personally i don't see any way back. I can't imagine any party taking on the job. The only chance of survival; exit Turdo, cut spending, get our resources back raising our GDP and one more that a lot won't like: cut some of the freebies to Canadians that don't need them.
Yes Turdo junior has completed his father's quest and quite proud of himself.
"unwavering, immutable, a solid rock of perpetual commitment." CLIMATE. Destroy the country and economy, all in the name of controlling world climate.