Like I have been saying since he was first elected: He is an evil, devious and narcissistic jackass intent on ruining Canada ad scurry back to his beloved Quebec bragging about his accomplishment. He has succeeded and personally i don't see any way back. I can't imagine any party taking on the job. The only chance of survival; exit Turdo, cut spending, get our resources back raising our GDP and one more that a lot won't like: cut some of the freebies to Canadians that don't need them.

Yes Turdo junior has completed his father's quest and quite proud of himself.

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He has not succeeded until WE the people give up. Stand and fight the battle! He will not win!!!

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"unwavering, immutable, a solid rock of perpetual commitment." CLIMATE. Destroy the country and economy, all in the name of controlling world climate.

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Right on! The folly of men knows no bounds. (or as T would say, 'peoplekind'). Good comment Del.

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Perhaps the line in relation to our PM: 'No one has wrinkles, but idiots and children'. I say a bit of each is in play here...

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I agree he is mentally ill

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Genius is a function of relatedness. The metaphysics of interactions resonant with the nature of the bond which is created. The building blocks of our universe are consciousness. There is always an exchange of energy which creates the nature of the interaction. Power hungry psychopathic dictators are parasitic in gaining control of others. However they are incapable of seeing their short comings because they are too involved in projecting guilt or responsibility unto their victims. Like the ancient caste system we are stuck in a modern caste system. The untouchables were always responsible for the failings of the Brahmans. Nothing has changed. And now the globalist will sell us on a lie where they replace us with robots, or change our genetics! However the limit of their construction is that they are driven by the nature of their consciousness bonds!! If they got rid of humanity they would have to dominate themselves or find an alternative form to exculpate. This species is blind and is incapable of self reflection and change. Their need to project guilt and simultaneous victim hood is woven into our mythologies! God does not judge us, we are bound by love. Ultimately the conflicts are spiritual. The globalists are using advanced technology to destroy the planet and want us to believe we are the cause and must make restitution!! Seem familiar well let God decide on the course of humanity! Go back to the garden and get down from the tree of good and evil, where the serpent attempts to alter our consciousness and fill us with guilt. We are at the end of an epoch! Let us subsist on a common bread made for all of us never to feed off the plates of tyrants!!

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Addendum: the US is currently involved in recreating a state in which the highest virtue of citizenship is victim hood! The borders have been thrown open and the laws have been changed to transform the country into a theme park for criminals! A world of abundance without consequences!! Caution Canada that you embrace citizenship based on equanimity and respect. Leadership based on undermining the rule of law should be immediately subject to censorship, dismissal and fine. Awaiting for change through a compromised electoral system is unacceptable and unsound. The oligarchs have too much leverage through endorsements to effect change. Anyone can be bought out!!

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Trudeau is truly a reprobate and condemned.

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