When food factories are polluters then it is confirmed that the average consumers are targeted for destruction by a predatory class.

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Predatory class is a great way to put it, I'd like to borrow that saying. 😀

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A very good point indeed

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Restricting / decreasing the use of nitrogen fertilizer will obviously reduce crop yields and hence the production of food. Even the most dense climate activist zealot must realize that deliberately reducing the amout of food that is produced is insane. The world needs more food and not less; Canadian consumers want abundant food at reasonable prices.

Once again, Canada only produces about 1.5% of world GHG; if Canada was to disappear off the face of the planet, it would have essentially no impact on "global climate change". Those who want to destroy Canadian agriculture (and the energy industry) are deranged lunatics. This movement is an attack against civilization.

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A heavy conclusion, but possibly accurate.

Imo, its not destroying it as such but seizure in communist fashion by the WEF Globalists

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Trudeau will probably give these farm lands to his Native voters to hunt and fish like they did in their traditional past. Pause. ( laugh ). The Cultural Party of Canada should sell Bumper Stickers like, ( No More Trudeau ) and ( Vote ( insert Communist Flag ) Trudeau ). ( Save Our Gun Rights ). I think the Cultural Party of Canada would rake in the Money. I think every Canadian who believed in Democracy would buy one. I would!!!

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Transfer to First Nati9ns, you mY be right

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Yep, that and he is giving away our paid for with our money and hard work land and sacred places to the Aboriginals with our funding and they have never paid for this land and keep playing the race and guilt of Whites cards. SICK OF IT!!

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A backstabbing bast-turd

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I totally agree and I wish more of us would call a spade, a spade. What are people afraid of?? We are being held hostage by the Indigenous and it needs to stop!

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Trudeau's backstabbing the indigenous too. He's giving billions to indigenous leaders but there's still no safe drinking water on some reserves and many indigenous live in terrible conditions. Trudeau's bribing indigenous leaders into giving up their land and rights with our tax dollars via the UN UNDRIP and other UN decries. Trudeau is screwing all of CAD, even though he talks a good game via "equity". Equity means the redistribution of wealth. He's taking it from the middle class, giving it to only God really knows, likely the UN. He's allowing good farm land to be bought up by Bill Gates, and China. Trudeau's a Globalist traitor.

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Western Autonomy is the ONLY common sense solution. Remove Trudeau from the equation, as he is a danger to Canada.

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It's looking a critical option

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I really don't think that our Canadian Forces would come to Trudeau's add if the Western Provinces broke from the Canadian Constitution?

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Will Trudeau's "net zero" be the next Lenin? Isn't that what he did to the farmers, then starved them to death? Well Stalin did that, Lenin let 'some' farmers keep farming.

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Just In; Liberals Withdraw Expanded Shot Gun and Rifle Confiscation from B-21.

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Feb 2, 2023
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One fundamental here is legislation to give Feds power over provincial legislation. Its creeping communism at play, imo

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Feb 2, 2023
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Certainly appears this way. SAD as hell

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