


It has been clear for a while now to the Elites, the Governments, and others with a need to control things, that more and more people would skip their daily brainwashing session with Legacy MSM and obtain their daily News directly from the Internet. As that process progressed, they would lose their control over We the People and that terrifies them. Their strategy to deal with this is multi-pronged and includes:


· Quantitative easing, aka the printing of money: deliberately creating Inflation, ever increasing prices, and eventually crippling debt for all but the wealthiest,

· Climate change policies: eliminating/reducing the use of fossil fuels and fertilizers, generating food shortages, and creating hunger and starvation in some parts of the world,

· Digital currencies to track your every move,

· Censorship: largely enacted by bought and paid for legacy MSM organizations, and enforced by Government,

· Lawfare: use of the judicial system to enforce the will of government,

· Ignoring precedents established in Common Law over centuries in favour of new progressive ideologically based legislation, based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,

· 15-minute cities: limiting your mobility, tracking your movements,

· Taxes: taking away part of the wages and hard-earned profits of ordinary citizens and then returning some of it through special programs simply places greater control over people’s lives in the hands of the government,

· COVID-19: the lockdowns, the masks, and social distancing,

· Divide and conquer strategies: keeping people from uniting and fighting for common causes such as their Rights and Freedoms.


There is only one common thread in the above, and it explains why the Government has adopted measures that are often very contradictory. It’s all about CONTROL … CONTROL … CONTROL.


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Mar 5Liked by Brad Salzberg

Brad..Trudeau junior is the quintessential manifestation of a misquided narcissistic ,sociopathic who has been drinking the Marxist coolaid since he was a infant.....even his wife saw the writing on the wall and Bailed. Justin will pay dearly for all his treasonous scandals when all his buddies turn on him..SOONER then BETTER

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It's very clear to me , every step that Trudeau takes is one step closer to COMMUNISM . I watch The House of Commons / Question and Answer Period almost very day . I have always wondered why the Opposition Party doesn't just confront Trudeau with this very question , IS YOUR GOAL FOR CANADA A COMMUNIST CANADA? I know there are certain things you ask don't ask and Trudeau really never answers any question but I would love to see his face when asked this question!

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Trudeau isn't bright enough. Who is pulling the strings?

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I meant later

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"A nation that forgets God is turned into Hell!" Psalms 9:17. In our lifetime!

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Here is a quote for Justin Trudeau from GANDHI.


“Tyrants always fail, … ALWAYS”





Civil Disobedience in the form of the TRUCKER’S CONVOY worked as expected.


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Thinking people and people who read know that Trudeau is a Communist, as is his fellow World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’ alum and graduate, Jag Singh. They are destroying Canada. Freeland and half of Trudeau’s Cabinet are also WEF. Klaus Schwab said it out loud. WAKE UP Canadians.

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