It is important to remember that Jagmeet Singh changed his name from Jimmy Dhaliwal because of previous association with the terrorists that bombed Air India. He is still on an international terrorist watch list and cannot enter 15 countries, including India. Only in Canada would the NDP elect such a person. He will do whatever he can to maintain a "power" position, exactly like Trudeau. He has alienated many NDP supporters.

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Yes, name change is important, reason why media don't speak of it.

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And yet he’s allowed here in Canada like any other terrorist 😡

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He’s a ridiculous has -been racist like Trudope , he should be removed as the party leader. He doesn’t represent anybody but himself 😡😡😡

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Yes. Singh has destroyed the NDP and what it stood for.

Funny. Donald trump and the old NDP had lots of policies in common: anti- free trade, made in Canada products, anti-China, pro Canada, anti large corporations, pro family, etc. Everything except taxes. Lol.

Trump comes in and Singh destroyed the ndp by demonizing anything trump said!!!! Singh basically adopted all the same policies as the liberals!!!!

So that told me Singh has China/liberal/ WEF handlers!!!

When is the next NDP leadership race? How can one run for leader to challenge Singh?

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He is a WEF global leader not the NDP leader....does not represent his constituents just Schwab......

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In much shorter form, I have been writing the absolutely same idea - Jag and his Dippers are fully responsible for the LIEberal misgovernment of Canada.!!!

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Good to hear it.

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No trurer words have been spoken !!

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The NDP is bankrupt and another election would be the end of the NDP, when Trudeau threatened a snap election in 2021, the NDP had NO choice but to join forces, but the next election could be it for them, unless they change their leader, to the likes of Daniel Blakie, with his Dad in his corner that could save the party!!!

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Why save a communist Ndp party again?

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Singh has Stopped Canadian Democracy from functioning. He's NO Canadian.

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