Singh is obviously another China puppet.

Was he nominated with a bunch of bussed in students too??!!

When is the next ndp leadership convention? Are they that daft to sit and watch this and do nothing?

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Singh isn't a "puppet" either. The word "puppet" suggests that there's someone else pulling the strings, someone else is making the choices, someone else is committing treason. Calling Singh and Trudeau a "puppet" is tantamount to making excuses for their behavior and blaming someone else. Singh and Trudeau were elected by the public. They both swore an Oath to the county. The buck stops with them. Sure they may be taking direction from some dark horses. But Singh and Trudeau took their 💰 and gave away our money to them.

They've sold us out.

They did that.

They didn't have to.

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Is there no way to get him out? I agree 100 percent, but isn't there some way to get him out, he supposedly works for us. How can someone run the country with thirty some percent of people wanting him. Or less now.

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Only way: vote of non-confidence from Parliament. Because Jagmeet Singh signed a partnership agreement, the chances are nil.

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Tyrants usually have 0% of the population in support unless they pay, bribe, threaten or rig elections to give opposers and the rest of the world the illusion of democracy.

In 2021 trudeau said they "call me a tyrant, so let's have an election" and China agreed. Canada has a puppet gvt taking instructions from outside influences.

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Canada is a young country. Canada has a sound constitution but Canadians are not vigilant. Ask yourselves why Canada’s Constitution is not taught in school. Why is it not referred to in everyday conversation? Canadas provincial premiers could easily within the parameters of the Constitution establish a necessary precedent and impeach him. How? Our form of government is representational. The premiers could hold a referendum, after crafting an amendment to the Constitution, outlining the steps to be taken to impeach a prime minister.

After all Canada’s Charter of Rights Freedoms was a Constitutional amendment – albeit snuck in by Pierre Trudeau as something else. In fact, it was a coup? Canada’s Parliament was neutered and the power given to the Supreme Court. It wasn’t violent or presumably unlawful. But it capped the Quiet Revolution; salutary for the Quebec elite but a divisive wedge still operating in Canada. Unless repealed Quebec will run Canada until doomsday.

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As with children, our young country is vulnerable to corruption. Currently, international player are vying for control of Canada. Trudeau does nothing--except advance the phenomenon.

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Not only has Junior and his deluded father worked tirelessly to destroy democracy, they have amassed a mountain of debt (the two Turdeaus account for $1.2 of the $1.4 Trillion in total debt), have created division within our country by pitting one Province against another and one citizen against another all the while destroying our economic dominance on the world front. They continue to ensure Canada will never be energy self sufficient and become a world supplier of clean, ethical energy. Electing these two incompetent fools represents a tragic and epic mistake. Hopefully, the fools that voted for these clowns have awakened and are ready to correct this mistake and eject Junior and his WEF acolytes from any political office in Canada.

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I love your comment at the end that it is a "premeditated" path to what we are all facing now, and what we will continue to face in the future as long as the "virus" that is Trudeau💩 stays in the PMO.

What a sh*t stain on our country.

Can we even recover from this?

I think that with the right leadership we can recover, but not unscathed. It's going to take some innovation to right this ship 🚢 (titanic).

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“ The popular pastime of modern democracies punishing the diligent and thrifty, while rewarding the lazy, improvident, and unthrifty is cultivated by the State, fulfilling a demo–egalitarian program based on a demo–totalitarian ideology. Democratic tyranny, evolving on the sly as a slow and subtle corruption leading to total State controlled, is thus the third and by no means rarest road to the most modern form of slavery.”

Erik von Kuehnelt–Leddihn

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Update. Trudeau plans on having each person in Canada help reduce their carbon foot print. We are to drive less, stop eating meat, eat more vegetables and be happy when the government raises taxes again next summer. I forgot we will not be allowed to say or sing " God Save Canada anymore , it's racial discrimination because not all Canadians believe in God. Laws will be forthcoming .

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Trudeau is working diligently to impose the WEF's top down communist like authoritarian system of one world socioeconomic governance on Canada 🇨🇦 whatever that means. Fifteen minute cities are now on the table in the UK 🇬🇧. The Dutch farmers are under attack. The government is taking their farms, their cattle, forcing them to lower their nitrogen fertilizer use. This is going to accelerate food insecurity. Trudeau has implemented the same conditions on farmers in Canada 🇨🇦. When Trudeau was questioned, Trudeau said it was voluntary. But I believe that was a lie. I called the Mayor's office to ask him if he plans on implementing 15 minute cities here and he said he hadn't heard of that. But he was fully aware of and supports DEI (Diversity EquityInclusion) and ESG (Equity Social Governance). He will likely see plans for 15 minute cities in the near future. He said if it helps the planet he supports it. I warned him to not buy into something that violates human rights. I reminded him that City Hall adopted the vaccine passport and the public didn't support that. He got his back up and said that they did what they thought was right at the time. This Mayor is definitely a convert. People have to call their City Hall and tell them you don't support any of this stuff like DEI, ESG, and 15 Minute Cities.

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I meant to say " God Bless Canada " opps.

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I do not think Canada is broken, our political system is broken, Canada has to come into the 21st century, the old English parliamentary system is archaic and old, we need to drop the monarchy, the monarchy does nothing for Canada. I t is like huge albatross around Canada’s neck. Our best foot forward would be to adopt a republican political system like the US.. Canada should be a sovereign Country, a self governing nation..we elect our prime minister separately like the US presidency..only two terms in office, no more. We clean up our political system up and start over. Never will see it in my life, but one can hope.

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Sorry Annette to disagree with you that Trudeau is not a puppet on string..he has too many handlers telling what to do..Butts..Telford..WEF..as far I am concerned he does and says what he is told to..would love to go on a one on one debate with him..no pre rules..glows off.

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If you haven't noticed the same thing is happening to our neighbors to the South. There's a big push to take guns away from law abiding people there also . They want to legalize abortion and promote and teach disgusting perverted sexual behavior in their schools also. Clearly there is a push World Wide to disarm and control it's citizens . Looks like there are bad days coming , just remember to never give up your firearms .

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Frightening times. The simple minded Trudeau being used by far left wing staff

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No I don't think so. Trudeau hand picked those staff for their wokeness. Trudeau is no simple minded dummy. Trudeau's job was to "Reset" Canada🇨🇦 and turn it into a "Post Nation State", his words. Remember when he said to the voting public, "When I'm done with Canada, you won't recognize it anymore"? I remember. This is all Trudeau.

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You can't run a drama queen out, they just change their out fit to a new image, you have to vote for ever you feel will be the most common sense party with at least the most sensible plans that a true and not lies that we have seen

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He is puppet on a string..he and his Canadian handlers have given a man date and agenda to destroy Canadian Democracy and Christianity one brick at time..he will stay power until the very last minute do as much damage as possible until elected out office..to best of my knowledge..the Governor General of Canada has the ability to call an election based on Trudeau’s performance as PM..but his real handlers are world class psychopaths who are the real puppet masters..Trudeau is as dumb as brick he could not find his way out of ligthed room with the door open..his does as he is told..he is just the podium puppet..last but not least..why are not Canadians going after GG if the it holds the power to get him out of office..probably the fix in there as well..)-:

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I agree with almost everything you said. Except Trudeau is not dumb and he's not a puppet, not at all. Trudeau ran his campaign, schmoozed with donors, and he stood there and swore an Oath to Canada🇨🇦. He willingly and knowingly did that. Nobody did it for him. And he continues to stand in front of the Canadian people spouting his treasonous agenda. Don't let him off the hook. The buck stops with Trudeau. He is 100% responsible for his choices. When the hangman comes, he can't blame anyone but himself.

Is there a cabal of dark horses in WEF UN WHO etc., out there influencing New Young World Leaders? Funding them? Giving them instructions? YES. But he didn't have to listen to them. He didn't have to do what they said. He could have found ways to expose them. Trump did. Trudeau could have worked with Trump to rid the world of this threat to the free world. But he didn't. He chose to work with people like HRC, Newsome, Soros, Democrats, the Deep State and the international dark horses and took their 💰. Trudeau sold us out. Trudeau did that.

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Concur wholeheartedly with you..we are on the same page..I can not believe the crap he gets away with..if he was in the private sector..his ass would have been thrown out Dior on his first scandal..I think party politics is over in Canada..we just know it..get a majority..get blank check..become dictator..do what ever you want ..does not work for..Canada needs a new way of governance.

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Yes, we have a big problem. Our system of governance has been infiltrated and hijacked by criminals. I don't know how we're going to fix it. Canada really is broken.

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Just watch Yuri Bezmenov videos; We were captured! And we all watched it happen over the years.

They captured our media, courts, governments, education system... everything! It only took two generations. My kids and grandkids.

The great reset isn’t so much about a reset. It’s about baby boomers passing on and they are taking advantage of demographics.

The young generations don’t know what it’s all about and their simple way of thinking is being taken advantage of. Revolutions seems to happen with the young and unfortunately it’s all socialist/communism.

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Revolutions, for the young, are romantic and ideological, practically they entrench another tyrant and his crew.

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That despicable coward of a man will lie and cheat his way through everything while being backed up by the WEF and the woke left. He has fixed the elections twice now and controls the narrative with his lying commie friends and crooked people in powerful places. One of the worst racist ever in Canada hated and reviled by all free world leaders.

The only way he can be booted out is either to be arrested and charged with treason or by all opposition parties to band together with a loss of confidence motion but we all know those self serving brown nosers in Ottawa will not do that.

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“The only way he can be booted out is either to be arrested and charged with treason or by all opposition parties to band together with a loss of confidence motion but we all know those self serving brown nosers in Ottawa will not do that.”

Do not be too sure that there is no other way than a vote of no confidence to boot him out. History is not fixed. After all history is nothing if it is not a record of change; establishments naturally resist change — unless of course it suits their ambitions and instincts for institutional preservation and of course class preservation or self preservation.

Naturally powerful interests in the present will insist the status quo ante is immutable while inclining to charging those who have the temerity to organize to effect change with conspiracy.

John Ralston Saul, in Saturdays Globe & Mail, recalling what he calls the “recent events in Ottawa,” wishes us to think that the protest leaders were manifesting “classic revolutionary theory” because , “True, only a small group among the protestors made the demand that the Governor-General and Canada’s Senate form a new government.”

Of course establishment figures like the consort to a former Governor- General would say that;

it is though not an original sentiment, is it?

Further on Saul writes, “It is amazing, perhaps depressing, that our standard political discourse remains one based on an identity as a new country, and never as an experienced and stable democracy.”

The following is from “The Constitution of Canada” by W.P.M. Kennedy; chapter 23, The Nature of Canadian Federalism. The early attempts to suppress “The Constitution of Canada” failed. Safe to say though events over the past fifty years as promulgated by among others, the Trudeau’s father and son, and especially the Liberals appear to have intentionally intended to subvert the original intent of the BNA act of 1867.

Saul’s idea of “democracy” is rather that the federal government by invoking the Emergencies Act aided in suppressing a revolution. And that emergent and spontaneous protests were a revolutionary and a non-democratic manifestation which should have been handled decisively.

Why did the Prime Minister fiddle away while the truckers annoyed him so much. …For more than three weeks. His attempt to make political hay in the middle of winter may have garnered him a few points among the pundits in the MSM, but ordinary Canadians did not line the highways in support of the truckers for any reason other than they believed or imagined the truckers would carry their sympathies to Ottawa and be heard. Turn out they were not only ignored but instead given the bums-rush.

Lord Watson delivering a judgement concerning the British North America Act of 1867 wrote:

“The Act of 1867 … nowhere professes to curtail in any respect the rights and privileges of the crown or to disturb the relations then subsisting between the sovereign and the provinces. The object of the Act was neither to weld the provinces into one, nor to subordinate provincial governments to a central authority, but to create a federal government in which they should all be represented, entrusted with the exclusive administration of affairs in which they had a common interest, each province retaining its independence and autonomy….As regards those matters which by sect. 92 are specially reserved for provincial legislation, the legislation of each province continues … as Supreme as it was before the passing of the Act.”

The provinces remain “independent and autonomous.” They had not been destroyed. They possess the executive power ‘before confederation minus the powers surrendered at confederation’. In all these cases the court did not discuss the nature of that surrender. It adopted the fact. It interpreted that fact, however, in the sense of a federation and not a confederation. The conclusion we can come to seems to be that Canada is a federation in essence; that is, that the central national government is in no sense a delegation; that the provincial governments are in no sense ‘municipal’ ; and that national and local governments exercise co-ordinate authority and are severally sovereign within the sphere specifically or generally or by implication constitutionally granted to them.

The point is when the people get fed up, and the Prime Minister behaves as though he is an unelected dictator, it is useful to know some history. Ralston Saul and Justin Trudeau both interpret their respective roles one elected, the other, an intellectual married to a former Governor General, as though the people should do as they are told and have no right to assemble and petition the government unless through a democratically elected representative.

Had the provincial premiers understood that the provinces are “independent and autonomous” jurisdictions in a Federation they would not so consistently accede to Justin Trudeau’s presumptions. He is elected. His is not an inherited role with divine rights.

The solution is impeachment. The provincial premiers are elected to represent their provinces in Canada’s Federation. History continues…

Now, offers a historical opportunity for the Provincial Premiers to act concertedly and by referendum in their respective jurisdictions, and seek public support to act to impeach the Prime Minister who lies and overreaches and fails to respond appropriately to the pleas of ordinary people. Precedents emerge in history. Justin Trudeau is a clear and present danger to Canada’s Constitutional arrangement. It began with Pierre Trudeau and continues with Justin Trudeau.

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Thanks for this

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The opposition cannot through him to the wolves because they are as tainted as he is

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Throwing him to the wolves solves nothing they need to throw him out of Government, I am not quite so sure they are as tainted as him although I would agree that Singh and perhaps some Bloc Quebec members are traitors to Canada as well and the remainder are just a sad sack of brown nosers with their snout in the trough and not true Canadian patriots or they would have kicked him out long ago perhaps about the time of the SNC lavelan scandal and the sacking off the AG simply for being honest.

The only answer is a brand new type off governing party minus the rich and elite in charge and get rid off the useless senate which costs millions and is good for nothing.

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Senate is now useless, just a bunch of appointed cronies that we pay for until they die.

Sacking the AG for not going against the law should have been the point to impeach trudeau.

When gvt is above the or lawless in our case the people have few options.

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