Sep 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

From: Richard Courtemanche

Subject: Government incompetence and corruption throughout

Date: September 13, 2024 at 3:45:41 PM EDT

To: Marc.Miller@parl.gc.ca

Cc: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, Jagmeet.Singh@parl.gc.ca

For God's and Canada's sake, Marc,

Get some balls for yourself, at least!

You, traitors and pansies of your government are totally out of touch with the Canadian reality. All Canadians ultimately are being governed by emotional projection and psychological blackmail. Unstable Trudeau is the living, breathing manifestation of every parasitical idea pathogen infecting society with delusional ideation. Yet, like a zombie, you persist as foolishly loyal and destructive, bypassing all security controls. The national idiot said, "...be accommodating and tolerant..." The truth is that too many immigrants couldn't care less about us as long they're provided for; they reunite with their own and harbour terrorists as required.

The country is a mess every which way, and you and your woke colleagues continue to feed into the insanity despite your leader's appalling reputation internationally, except where Schwab's 'useful idiot' carelessly spreads massive money at the peril of Canadians.

Wake up, for God's sake! Your narcissistic boss/friend would drop you in a minute if you were drowning in his stupidities. Think of your likely legacy now: A TRAITOR COMPLICIT IN THE DESTRUCTION OF CANADA.



Peace, Order and Good Government

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Sep 15Liked by Brad Salzberg


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Sep 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

Come on, don't be silly. you know that there's only one group that the Canada Human Rights Act doesn't protect. Surely you know that. It should be apparent by now.

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Sep 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

trudeau has three things in mind,#1....quebec #2muslims....and finally #3the lgbtq community. i would say in that order for sure.

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What a bizarre individual

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

What a bizarre democracy. What political system allows such discriminatory policies and absurdities like those that are taking place in Canada. I lived as an adult in a communist country and can swear that nothing of this nature was taking place! Canada's non existing political opposition is allowing this dictatorial policies to be promoted and implemented!

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Speaking of bizarre individuals... A health care petition provided a link to all senators... photos included. OMG - Patrick Brazo is a Senator??? ...and there's one fella that honestly, it might be his first time wearing a suit and 👔!!

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Sep 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

Three things in mind? Easy-peasy:

#1: himself;

#2: himself, and;

#3: himself.

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that is so true, however i still think his main things for the old canada, is what i listed.

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Not necessarily in that order.

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So what? It is great that you are such a good observant. Congratulation. Is that all. We know who he is, life goes on. Is that your opinion?

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Sep 14Liked by Brad Salzberg

Great article. Nailed it.

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With thanks

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I think Trudeau has the same speech writer as Kamala, the word salad queen.

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Work out of the same ideological bag

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

I believe the Liberal Party hired the Onterrible MP Bardish Chadder, or was it Barfdish Chugger ? to train the WEF led seals in 🥗 speak. Maybe that would be a good Oh Limp Hic event instead of breakdancing

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Sep 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thank you for this article with this important information.

As we potentially head into an election season please keep it coming!

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You are welcome

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Not until Singh gets his pension.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

When quebec brought in a minister of English relations years ago, you new that Canada & Québec were already down a dark road. Clearly the gvts want citizens separated like tribes so that gvt can grant or withhold rights from one at the expense of the others for support & power. That hasn't worked so well for the first nations people, half live in poverty while the chiefs that hold the power to sell to the gvt for their own enrichment. I guess the muslim imams figured that out.

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The fact that half of indigenous peoples live in poverty rests entirely within their communities , they get more than enough monies for all their needs but their chiefs and their councils don’t hesitate to enrich their own lives quite generously at the sake of their own people, most tax payers are fed up with the continuing demands of these people.

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Very interesting that the UN pushes UNDRIP, for the indegeneous people in Canada, but the Irish aren't worthy of having their own land, the French aren't entitled to their own land, Germans, Italians and so on.

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Sep 15Liked by Brad Salzberg

Bingo 💯 percent

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Gotta mention the aboriginals in Australia, then go to the real third world New Guinea...some places like neck meat - yours!!

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Why blamed them? All the underhanded use of monies given them by government from tax dollars is thanks to our education system, and open examples on how to be crooked by the white mans system. Which screws us over.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

King Louie of Kelowna has reversed the system...in 5 generations he's been able to screw white man as good as his ancestors got screwed. He is a legend. Need more Indians like him - as self sufficient as Bombardier and Air Canada! ;)

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