Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

We, as Anglo-Saxon generations living and working in Canada, NEED to know what we can do on mass to thwart or stop this terrible destruction of our beautiful country/Nation!!

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What "we can do" has never been done. I have been in this business for over 30 years, and have yet to find ANYONE willing to assist with, for example, establishing an Anglo-Canadian or Canadian Christian political entity. Our passivity is helping the Liberals destroy our communities.

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

Has it ever been explained to them in a manner they can readily digest?

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Yes, I have written and published over 3000 articles, many on this theme

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No one else has.

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Quebec tried it, anglo-quebecers. Anglos didn't join en masse because it would look anti-french and anglos in montreal were mostly bilingual, the same can't be said for francos.

So it fizzled out. We can be our harshest critics to convince.

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

If they know what they're getting themselves into, what the end game is, and why this is being done, they can be sold on the idea. Just have to be able to explain things to them in their own vocabulary. And throw in some Timmies and Molson / Coors as a bonus.

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Everything media hold back on behalf of Liberal communist assault on White Canadians

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

We are much too late, Trudeau has achieved his goal knowingly or through sheer incompetence and ignorance.

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Media has knowingly and with intent pulled the wool over the eyes of 15 million white Canucks.

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A big majority of media types are white, the same fate awaits them or is their paycheck more important?

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This irony should have been exposed within general society, but it never is.

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

We are not dealing with ordinary humans here who will ultimately concede to facts and logic.We are dealing with indoctrinated fanatics who seem to be almost demonically posessed.While us ordinary humans are trying to live our lives ,work and raise kids they are on a mission to sow confusion and division ,capturing our institutions and trying to own our kids Most Canadians are refusing to see how evil these people actually are and time is definitely running out.Blinded by a puny carbon rebate check that doesn't cover half of the extra expense of the useless carbon tax.I hear this all the time from people who should know better."Trudeau is doing a great job he keeps putting money in my bank account.No shortage of stupid blind idiots.

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Media propaganda prevents full understanding by 41 million Canadians

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Aug 1Liked by Brad Salzberg

The only way to stop him now is to steal his playbook. Emotions are absolutely everything, and he knows how to use them.

If he's offering a rebate of $200, you need to bid at least $250.

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Fascism is driven by emotions, not fact

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

OH, he definitely knows! This was actually started with Mulruney when he introduced the basis for what is happening now. Don’t ask me the legislation, cuz I don’t remember now. The PMs to follow furthered the agenda & now Trudeau is ramming it “home”. Disgusting politics.

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Destruction of: Anglo-Canada, Christianity, Democracy via Liberal Communism. Founder, Pierre Trudeau.

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

Read the book Unhumans.The Secret History of Communist Revolutions(and how to crush them)

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Yes, I wrote an article based on this book

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

Pierre says he will go back to 2015 and delete all of Trudeau’s policies. But unlike a strong resolute Canada of WW1 and 2 I wonder if we will fight for Canada TOGETHER.

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The concept of "going back" is always limited in its effectiveness

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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

so who will win canada, i say the usa, because trudeau is terrified of mr. trump. he backstabbed him once. do you honestly think he would forget this, this skinny frenchman will be on the run. along with mr. rolex . who is not allowed in his own country, as for quebec, there will come a time, when the french will miss kicking the english around, because the muslims or the chinese will take the french girls away. we all know what china did to the quiggers, killed the men and had fun with the women, do the french know this, i highly doubt it, they still think the king of the lgbtq will be their saviour. i hope i am around too see quebec die hard. because canada is just about finished, where as quebec hasn,t started.

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When Bast-turd son declared Canada a "no core identity" society, he opened the door to the game of "who will win Canada"

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Christ on a crutch will we ever rid ourselves of this asshole and his bobblehead fools

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Is he not doing what has been asked of him....? Do not be fooled by whom he is working for... he maybe getting an A+ from his employeer... Yes the ONE who owns the share of CANADA INC...????

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Bill Rymer wrote...

Those who are referring to Starmer as two-tier Keir are incorrect. People like Justin Trudeau and Starmer have three or more standards of measure. The first standard makes them untouchable placing them above the law, the second measure applies to those whom they in their Neo-Marxist socialist engineering delusion label as "intersectionally oppressed", which is why courts in Britain and Canada are revolving doors releasing criminals to reoffend without a thought for the harm they wreak on innocents, and the third measure applies to natural born citizens who have had enough of seeing the authorities undermine a Rule of Law which applies equally to all and therefore get labelled "far right" for being right. This is a situation which cannot stand nor be tolerated. Civil war is becoming inevitable since the authorities even after repeated warnings have only doubled down on Neo-Marxist policies which are literally designed to undermine civil society!

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deletedJul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg
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Jul 31Liked by Brad Salzberg

Good point!

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