Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his book "The Gulag Archipelago"stated:The most dangerous people are the self-righteous,for they do and say terrible things with the self assurance that it is for the greater good.Their morals are not informed by serious moral reasoning but by crude ideology."Trudeau is one of those,on a messianic mission to accomplish his goals and the goals of the globalists no matter what or who gets destroyed in the process.This narcissist expects to be recognized as superior even without achievements,feels he deserves special admiration and looks down on people he feels are unimportant.He is an attention seeker with an unreasonably high sense of his own importance who takes advantage of others to get what he wants.He also lacks the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others and is easily upset by criticism.Those traits are the traits of someone suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.Go consult a good psychiatrist Mr T.not only for your benefit but for the sake of all of us.

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Serious degree of mental illness in Trudy's brain

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

He is an ideological twit, same as the crew he keeps around him. You are right about him grinding an entire country into nothing to feed his massive ego and ideologies which the majority of Canadians do NOT support or want. He will push for his PERSONAL agenda items until he gets voted out in October 2025. Which gives him and his gang 16 MONTHS to continue destroying this country. Singh cares NOTHING for this country. Nor does Trudeau. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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Trudeau cares only about how Justin looks and Singh cares only about Kalistan.

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I wonder what their sock and Rolex collection conversations are like...you know, because budgets always balance themselves with other people's money

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Emoji people, please - a clown wearing a turban emoji is required. (Asking on behalf of millions of emoji users in rural everywhere Canada)

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trish Wood, on her podcast, interviewed Kyle twice! Highly recommend a listen! As always, Brad, great post!! I listened to Randy Hillier be interviewed on Grey Matter by Leighton Grey. Randy commented that the party will change, but NOTHING will change. I hope this is not true and bills will be repealed!!

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Thanks, imo the Liberals are ideologically locked into their woke agenda, and if they get booted out, may one day return to where they left off, ie destroying every traditional element of Canada in Marxist fashion

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We must decimate them in the next election. And then spend five years saying why they should NEVER form a party again. Like the Germans did to the Nazis.

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

It might be difficult to repeal bills with a senate that is 90% liberal.They call themselves independents but they answer to master Trudeau

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Entirely pre-conceived

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Yeah, well, there's also this matter of being put on the public record. If they entertain any thoughts about stalling any of Poilievre's plans, they're going to be out a pound of flesh and a pint of blood. Each.

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

Singh is who we should hate the most!!!!!!!!! He keeps the monster who kills us.

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Singh is fact as dangerous , if not more so, than Trudeau, Singh has held the country hostage for more than 2 years!

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Jun 4Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau called that snap election in the middle of the ‘Covidinsanity’ b/c he and Singh had made their pact; two Minority form a coalition, just like European countries do. The party’s of LEAST votes join to form a majority then they SCREW Canadians. Over and over again. They must laugh their SOCKS off together. We cannot allow them 16 more months. They are spending OUR hard earned money like a couple of drunks and with glee, laughing in our faces because WE who PAY these idiots are powerless. And they know it. Time to get really, really angry.

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Anger without action doesnt accomplish much

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Very concerning how dangerous Trudeau really is with his ultimate goal for Canada, the economy has been destroyed, young people are becoming very worried about their future and in turn the future of Canada , another year and a half is too long to let him continue his tyranny which is only being made possible by the traitor, Singh himself, these men have no moral backbone and are only interested in feeding their own insatiable egos.

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Jun 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

Nice article.

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With thanks, wish it were under better circumstances

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Jun 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

He loves being Prime Minister. That's why he stays on.

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Addicted to POWER

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It's true that Trudeau is a Globalist puppet but he's doing exactly what he was told to do. It's to destroy Canada's culture , it's traditions , it's identity and way of life so that Billionaire Globalist's can steal Canadas' vast natural resources and leave Canadians homeless and starving.

You Will Have Nothing And Be Happy!

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50 olicemen and secret service men, i guess he feels like a god..however this has gone before our eyes.

this is june second, and he is still walking. in reality i guess canadians just don,t give a rats ass.whats the anthems of yje muslims, what the anthem of singhs people. oh yes, singh is not allowed in his ow country, i am surprised trudeau wasn,t in the states to celebrate with the other dictator biden, two peas in a pod for sure, but singh couldn,t go because he is not allowed in the usa.

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Yes, Canadians do give a rats ass. Trudeau called that snap election in the middle of the ‘Covidinsanity’ b/c he and Singh had made their pact; two Minority form a coalition, just like European countries do. The party’s of LEAST votes join to form a majority then they SCREW Canadians. Over and over again. They must laugh their SOCKS off together. We cannot allow them 16 more months. They are spending OUR hard earned money like a couple of drunks and with glee, laughing in our faces because WE who PAY these idiots are powerless. And they know it. Time to get really, really angry.

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Tim Hortons coffee, NHL playoffs, and good ol' Molson.

See, it pays to return bread and circuses in full. Keeps the guard dogs' tails wagging.

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In a case like that, don't give him any kind of a security detail. Force him out into the open alone and unarmed, and see how brave he really is.

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Wouldnt last 10 minutes

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Time to catch Covid again ?

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Kempler has remained discreet about his brother Trudeau, who was responsible for his fate. Even if he were to lose the election, he would rejoice in the WEF's success in acquiring Canada at our expense. He might be too psychologically troubled to be personally happy and successful eventually.

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And remember Kyle was Margarets son TOO. Apples and trees. Kyle as nutty as his mom and his half brother. Ps. I wonder how much Kyle grifted for his nothing burger interview with Tucker. It was NOT what it was advertised as. Big old nothing burger.

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Brad Kyle is the last person I would ever trust. He was trying to sell his bitcoin on the coat tails of the CONVOY. I smell a rat.

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He made his bed and chose to be unfree. No sympathy for this despot.

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...over the summer, a tour around the Laurentians might be of value, if looking for future interviews 😉

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