Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I think that White Anglo Saxons Christians should get a lawyer and start a Class Action Suit against Trudeau for his deliberate racist attack and Genocide against Canada's own citizens.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Evil is as Evil does..aka Turdeau..as Christian’s we need to take back our Country from the globalists who are trying to destroy the Canadian way of life..not a easy task..but we we know the enemy is finally..only begun to fight..destroy the money changers get your Country and life back..you up for the fight..?

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When will Canadians start to wake up if at all or is it too little to late but the serious question needs to be asked is why on earth are our Canadian born MP,s remaining silent on this matter. They are every bit as much traitors as the Blackface communist leader and his bobblehead fools including Jagmeet so we need to kick them all out. our political system as it is remains broken beyond repair so get rid of the lawyers the rich and elite and the lifetime relics that hang around in power. Make lobbying illegal lets get some free thinking young go getters in Ottawa to take over and start the long road to making things right and restoring the Canadian way of life.

I am I believe like most Canadians who do not give a fiddlers damn about any other 3rd world ideas this is Canada why should I concern myself with some stone age ways of doing things Ramadam be damned, wearing hajibs or whatever it is covering your face if you want to keep those customs stay in your own bloody country please do not come here. Why oh why are these idiots so bent on transforming my life I was just fine before you came here.

I love the Canada of 20 years ago before the government started their divide and conquer tactics there was very little if any racism everyone got along. This country was formed by mostly europeans escaping from dictator and colonial type countries and not by the stone age indians who lived here in ignorance and poverty and no matter how much money you throw at them that will not change unless it is on an individual basis.

Having traveled quite a bit to other countries on business as well as pleasure I can tell you that none of them embraced any newcomers to their power system or government and in fact most of them would oppose violently any interference by outsiders so why do we allow that here.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

If Canadians knew and understood their history they would laugh at Justin Trudeau’s amusing presumptions. The French arrived in Canada in 1534. Jacques Cartier explored the St Lawrence River and went on to be the commander of Charlesbourg-Royal in 1541. I think Jacques was French?

Cristopher Columbus made landfall way down in the Caribbean in 1492. He was Italian, more or less. Believed to be from Genoa. But he claimed his discoveries for Spain. However Champlain was known as the Father of New France — founding Quebec City in 1608. I think he was French as well.

History records that Champlain moved around a lot. The best book on Champlain is “Champlain’s Dream” by David Hackett Fisher, who as it happens is an American. As far as influence it was the French who named their vast territory New France. Though New France was of no interest to Old France. At the end of the Seven Years War the French chose to keep the Sugar Isles, instead of New France. New France was ceded to Great Britain in 1763 at The Treaty of Paris. There are easily found maps on line showing the extent of New France — included the Ohio Valley, the Mississippi Valley, the St Lawrence Valley, and much of the Ottawa Valley.

Now the fact is the Seigniorial Elite in Lower Canada contrived to marginalize Great Britain’s influence in Canada. They gave every Governor General the run-around. The fact is few people of English extraction ever settled in Canada.

The French in Lower Canada were isolationists, wanting as little to do with the English, or their neighbours to the south, as possible. In fact isolationism was pretty much policy. Things changed, when after the American Revolution, England and the United States established the present borders signing the Jay Treaty in 1794. New France shrank!

One supposes Great Britain could have left New France and the rest of the continent to the United States. But they didn’t.

After the Jay Treaty the next blow to Canada East was the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 which redirected trade up the Hudson River to Lake Erie rather than up the Saint Lawrence River. Still there were few English in Canada. Those that spoke English were Loyalists whose forebears lived in New England.

Of course lots of stuff happened in Upper Canada between 1794 and 1867. But it was the French in Canada East more than the English in Canada West — as the two jurisdictions came to be called — whom wanted what came to be called Confederation — but is a Federation. Each has a different legal definition. Why did the French want this? That is very interesting — but too much to write about here.

The French in Canada East wanted to ensure that trade could be restored. Naturally enough it had to be east west trade! South was America. The answer was a railroad. Without an expanded country, made official in 1867, there was no collateral to borrow the money to build the railroad. After 1867 it was the Scot’s whom provided the know-how. And the Irish whom provided the labour. The money was lent by Bankers! That too is for another comment.

Still there were few English to speak of in Canada. They preferred to settle in the United States. Why not? They spoke English.

When Justin Trudeau accuses the English of various influences he deems nefarious he is wrong.

Indeed if it was not for a strong Loyalist defence and an Indigenous defence in 1812 Quebec would be a State in the United States. Furthermore it was the French whom abandoned Louis Riel and Métis to their fate. It was the French who understood the importance of the 11 Treaties signing over the Western Territories to Canada. It was Trudeau’s French forebears whom made that happen. Well not really Justin’s. His grandfather was an entrepreneurial guy who owned a string of gas stations. Fair enough, he worked! That said the Trudeau’s are parvenus, not old stock — de l’ Ancien Régime.

And last, John A McDonald was a Scottish immigrant. He knew nothing about the politics in French Canada. He was used. No wonder he drank. Little is revealed about history by learning what happened! Unless you know and understand the how, why, when, where, what and who — you are easily manipulated. And indeed Canadians are manipulated. Almost every factory, and industry necessary to build the railroads in Canada was located in Quebec. Hundreds of thousands of jobs relieved the French speaking serfs from indenture in Quebec.

These people laboured on the Seigniorial grants and were barely educated until 1867 changed that. Those Seigniorial grants were enormous. Well below the church and the elites in Quebec, the petit gars lived like medieval serfs. Change was forced on the Quebec elites because the world outside Quebec changed. The Scots had their Enlightenment beginning in the mid 18th Century. It marked a paradigm shift from religion into reason. French Canada did not have its enlightenment until the mid 1950s.

Justin Trudeau has yet to have his enlightenment. He blames the English for his backwardness. He has Scots forbears, he should know better. And the Americans? They had a Revolution in 1775. And a Civil War beginning in 1861. Canada may very well have one or the other soon enough! And for much the same reasons as the Americans had one of each.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

My dear God! Is it this hopeless??? How could one narcissistic empty,soulless "people kind" destroy this magnificent Country of Ours in only eight years???!!! :'(

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Scotland's leading Political Party just elected a Moslem as their new leader. It's a Global War !!!!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Having a second thought about how to fight back..how about a round table coalition of Canadian alt media intellects not just knowing what problems are but to put some concrete solutions to those fix the problems to ferment a plan to save Canadians from the ravages of globalism and the Rotchilds world usury banking system as follows..what you thang..?

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Knowing what the problem is..formulate a plan to fight it..educate people..build a coalition..start fight that you are willing to die for.

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What’s to be expected of a BASTARDIZED PM. Ramadan is your justification, publicizing

your daily overt fasting, as the Pharisees, then gore yourself after sundown while demonizing

the very foundations of our country. Why don’t you also grow a beard as your Muslim, you

then can truly resemble them or else let your hair grow, wrapped up, then paint your face

black for you decimate, black powder, darkness of EVIL which will eventually blow up to your egotistical inflated persona.

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Western Europeans & Anglo-Saxons immigrated to Canada for reasons history has documented and by their contribution by building, farming, fighting in wars and without asking for support or handouts. Justin/Jughead are intentionally destroying any representation of their contribution by denigrating their cultural cohesiveness and tolerance recognizing they're still the biggest threat to their misguided attempts to dilute effectiveness in upcoming elections.

Canadas new immigration will have a visual imbalance without sounding like a bigot, however I'm convinced the discrepancies won't be as noticeable in Quebec for obvious reason. Québec's royalty run Canada and will do anything to protect their French culture even if it costs the rest of Canada to become a 3rd world .

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Whatever it takes to get to the end result of taking back Canada from the Communist Turdeau’s and Liberals..we are in ever a street fight to save Canada..street fights do not go nicely ..expect to get hurt but do not give up the fight or they win.

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The late Senator Joseph McCarthy was vindicated by the Venona papers. He was right all along, except his numbers were too low.....There were many more Communists imbedded in the U.S. Government.

So it is in Canada today! We owe Senator McCarthy an apology! He nailed it!

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