Liberal MPs Must Choose: Canada, Or The Country You Came From
In 2019, the government of Australia cancelled dual citizenship in Parliament. Cultural Action Party can see why.
True to his nature, PM Justin Trudeau has unilaterally transformed Canada's federal government. Like Pierre Trudeau before him, our current PM seems to believe that he has a right to rewire Canadian society to his personal liking.
That his liking stands in direct contrast to the will of the people is a moot point. As national leaders, neither Pierre or Justin have placed Canada at the top of vocational priorities.
In their stead arrived a 50-year agenda of socio-political transformation as facilitated by the Liberal Party of Canada. As a microcosm, we look to Trudeau Jr.'s current current Cabinet configuration.
Currently, at least 56 foreign-born members, 22 with dual or triple citizenship, hold seats in House of Commons and Senate.
Media in Canada have yet to articulate the impact of transitioning Parliament to an ersatz "United Nations" political configuration. Cultural Action Party[est.2016] take liberties to take a closer look at this "post-modern" development, and its impact on Canadian society as a whole.
Trudeau loves to ramble on about the "progressive" nature of his government. What he omits is that his assembly of MPs has morphed from one whose primary-- as in exclusive -- dedication to working for Canadians interests has gone the way of the Dodo bird.
It's one thing for Liberal member of Parliament to be born in other countries. It's quite another when they choose to work for those countries rather than employing full dedication to Canada, as well as their local constituents.
Is it too much to expect that MPs whose salaries are paid by local constituents should work exclusively for the betterment of their lives? The truth is that yes, it is. Because to dare to defy their will is bound to bring out an ideological prison cell known as “accusations of racism.”
CAP don't care-- we're impervious to such accusations. On this basis, we push forward:
Arguably the most ethnocentric of the lot is a triple citizen of Pakistan, Britain and Canada:
“I call on Canada to support South Africa’s application to the International Court of Justice regarding the current conflict between Israel and Hamas and the impact this conflict is having on the people of Palestine,” Toronto-area MP Salma Zahid wrote in a statement posted on Twitter.
Yes, Ms. Salma-- except for one point. On a technical basis, your job description has nothing to do with Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Islam, Judaism or any related entity.
Her boss-man, Justin Trudeau, has not a problem in the world with "dual loyalty" within his government. So why should Ms. Thang give a damn? At the risk of coming across as Luddites, there was a time when blatant dedication to foreign nations-- inclusive of tacit support for terrorism-- would be considered a treasonous act.
No more, because in one sense or another, Trudeau is holistically focused on 3rd World Liberal voting immigrant communities. Thus, a radical shift in political orientation from national to global.
In this dynamic we witness a phenomenon which has recurred over and over within Liberal Party politics. MP's like Ahmed Hussen, who in their early years fully dedicated themselves to ethnocentric community politics, only to break out into the larger political arena using this foundation as a launching pad.
Interesting how mainstream media have not once entertained this concept. The structure has existed for decades. Begin your political career within your ethnic or religious community, gaining woke "brownie points" along the way. After which Liberal strategists come along and pluck them out of their myopic bubble to run in ethnic-dominated ridings.
Ground zero for the schematic is the Greater Toronto Area, where Trudeau and the Liberals have kicked Butts for the past decade. CBC won't tell you, Globe & Mail won't write about it, but it’s arguable that Liberal-3rd World political synergy in the GTA has been responsible for keeping PM Trudeau in office for the long term.
Half citizen Liberal MPs-- Iqra Khalid, Ahmed Hussen, Omar Alghabra, Salma Zahid and others maintain a stranglehold on urban Toronto ridings. Through a calculated matching of ethnic voter identity with that of selected MP candidate, the Liberals dominate the most densely populated ridings in Canada.
Media say nothing. Either they are instructed not to do so, or they fear being branded "racist." Whatever the reason, this silver-bullet of success for Team Trudeau goes undetected.
As if this wasn't bad enough. In 2023, in Justin Trudeau's "no core identity" Canada, these politicians are free to dedicate themselves to political issues from beyond our borders.
Nothing has brought the phenomenon to its apotheosis more than the current conflict in Gaza:
"Two MPs currently visiting the West Bank say they're concerned about Israeli settler violence in the territory."
"Liberal MPs Salma Zahid and Shafqat Ali are touring the West Bank and Jordan with New Democrat MPs Heather McPherson, Matthew Green and Lindsay Mathyssen. The week-long trip is sponsored by Canadian Muslim Vote, a registered non-profit charity."
And where, pray-tell, do the funds come from to finance the trip? Chances are strong that they come from Canadian tax-payers. And the benefit to those tax payers, as well as Canadian in general? Try nothing, and roll downhill from there.
Repeat after CAP: "Trudeau's post-modern, no-core-identity Canada is the greatest thing since sliced bread."
Not. But what can the "little people" do about it? As with every aspect of Liberal governance, this would be not a damn thing.
"These events are happening and I hear this on the ground from many people," stated Liberal MP Shafqat Ali told CBC News.
"I think that needs to be looked at by the Israeli government so the violence would not escalate further."
CAP would like to see the violence decrease as well. But we don't work for the government of Canada. No matter what a person's perspective, it's safe to say that Liberal MPs are not paid by Canadian taxpayers to minimize war ten thousand miles away in the Middle East.
Nor is the role to prioritize one's international ethnic and religious affiliations. If media were not being funded by the Trudeau government, perhaps at least one journalist would come out of the bag to inform Canadians of this salient fact.
It doesn't happen, because in 2023, foreign nations, their diaspora communities and their votes sit atop the woke globalist totem pole.
As for the rest of us, Liberal government demands are simple: shut up and pay your taxes.
So sad. I don’t understand how it is allowed. Policies that divide people into groups only weakens a nation. Everyone around me drinks the kool aid and seems blind to the frog in slow boiling water.
The more MP's from foreign countries the better the chance he will remain in power as these MP's are picked and carefully placed in areas where there are many of the same nationality .Chances are pretty good that people will be more inclined to vote for someone like them hence more ethnic liberal PM's means more votes for Trudeau. He is an ace at trickery and deception.Makes a weasel look transparent.