The more MP's from foreign countries the better the chance he will remain in power as these MP's are picked and carefully placed in areas where there are many of the same nationality .Chances are pretty good that people will be more inclined to vote for someone like them hence more ethnic liberal PM's means more votes for Trudeau. He is an ace at trickery and deception.Makes a weasel look transparent.
So sad. I don’t understand how it is allowed. Policies that divide people into groups only weakens a nation. Everyone around me drinks the kool aid and seems blind to the frog in slow boiling water.
You can't expect a Liberal MP to risk his job by admitting his foreign allegiance, can you? For many, Canadian citizenship is about convenience. Too many in governments relative to their ethnicity's percentage of the population.
The comments from some of our elected government officials is unacceptable, in my opinion they have no right as backbenchers to visit this war zone and show support for Hamas, the NDP MP should be fired, McPherson is among the most outspoken and is a spokesperson for the NDP.
I, for one, could not agree more. Of course this prescription must be applied to every minority — and would have been if exceptions had not been made for Israelis.
Our media in Canada — both MSM and alternative — seldom reveal the extent of dual passport holders in Canada as is the case in the U.S.
MSM support for Zionism is self evident. Never will the MSM record the history of the Zionist imperative since its inception. Zionism — root, branch, flowering and fruit — is a record of despicable duplicity and mass propaganda, murder, rape, and despoliation.
Western world countries policies of encouraging third world invasion into their national domains is backfiring. And furthermore do not suggest to me that I am anti-Semitic — my heritage is in part Jewish.
In fact my father was in Palestine in 1936. His mother repudiated her Jewish heritage after WWI took her husband’s life and their properties were foreclosed — because they said, she, being a woman would weaken their collateral.
After witnessing the obvious Zionist terrorism in Palestine when he was with the British Expeditionary Force enforcing the Balfour Resolution what was he to think?
He witness British soldiers, bayonets attached to their rifles, prodding at Palestinian men forced to run gauntlets.
As a child in the 1950s my father said nothing about his family’s history. Except I remember he and my mother referencing something on TV about Palestine they were watching and my father saying “no wonder his mother thought as she did.”
I, growing up felt a deep sympathy for what I then understood to be a righteous sympathy for Jews and events commonly received as facts which I felt were a testament to human depravity. My father was silent about his thoughts and feelings — and his experiences too — he witnessed during the 10 years he was in the Mediterranean theatre. His comments were cryptic.
From an early age I read deeply, to the extend I found school ridiculously redundant vis-à-vis history, economics, politics.
Gradually I concluded an impenetrable fog obscured what were claimed as facts, but couldn’t be.
These “facts” were intentionally promulgated and I now regard the 20th Century as commonly understood and received as a lie.
The 20th Century is a record of lies upon deception, upon omissions, upon propaganda, upon false flags, covering like a blanket, every manner of wicked and evil atrocities intentionally promulgated by powerful interests whom are continually whitewashing events few people are equipped to discern.
As I see it, people are fed up. History is emerging. Sites like yours, Brownstone,, and apps which list the hundreds of English language newspapers published around the world — including in India, Israel, China, Brazil, Japan, England, Russia, Germany, Australia, Africa and etc. etc. are revealing a pattern of dots which when connected concede the MSM in the U.S. and Canada are laughably deficient.
I see a world emerging which is not interested in wars, deception, or the instrumentalism of political propaganda. My circle of friends and acquaintances are discussing things formerly taboo. They have opinions and questions they did not offer or ask even five years ago.
COVID inoculated indeed — people have decided they were deceived. People are lifting the blanket. Correctly they are no longer believing the talking heads or the pundits and opines promulgated by the owners and controllers of the MSM.
A few people I know are angry. They have been negatively and tragically impacted by recent inanities they formerly barely gave their attention. These are well educated and informed people whom as one woman said to me recently “I no longer believe what I used to think automatically.”
What mumbo jumbo is this? Anti zionism is the new anti semitism. Lies and propaganda indoctrination work, just look at the protesters! Good luck living under the caliphate. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Hah! Whom in the right mind is not anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist? And please go and practise the typical Jewish turnaround somewhere else upon someone else. Some people know history, as it was, not as propagandized.
As to mumbo jumbo, again hah — have you been listening to Mr Netanyahu — now there is a master of mumbo jumbo. May I suggest you reference the letter sent by Balfour to Lionel Rothschild, explicit in its terms and cautions. With respect to wolves in sheep’s clothing — this fairy tale was told in reference to Jews. …Warning the naïve about their duplicity.
As to lies and propaganda — Marx and those Frankfort school protagonists — knew how to wield that cudgel. Now there was deception ! First these Jews criticize the technological developments of Western man and capitalism and the consequence of that development on the “masses” then, appropriate capitalism, before transforming it into an instrument of monopoly financial legerdemain — including buying the MSM media, which serves in effect as a platform for promulgating the Zionist Jewish agenda. Which explains your showing up here. Mumbo jumbo — to be sure!
Yes you know exactly what I said. First you clabber-claw then after my chastisement you retreat after which you respond, all innocent of intent, then you choose to insult those commentators you disagree with.
If Castro was really Trudeau's father than we also have to dual citizen PM of Canada. So things can get worse. I was just watching some idiot Liberal peaching about getting rid of all the Fossil fuel production in Canada , where do these people come from? The Boreal Forest absorbs Canada's total carbon admissions many times over so in reality Canada is a Carbon Neutral County . Like I have been saying for years , Canada needs a Civil War to set things right again or at the very least a separation of some provinces from Canada.
Where I live another 10,000 patients from a clinic are being dropped by their doctors . This is directly related to the mass influx of new immigrants coming to Canada . These are mostly seniors citizens , I am waiting for a letter in the mail saying that I am dropped also . I am sure not a single new immigrant will be dropped , just old white stock Canadians. I read that Trudeau has saved 139 million dollars through the assisted death ( M.A.I.D ) program so far , I wonder how much Trudeau will save for the Health System by killed all the seniors this time. It nothing but CRIMMINAL in what he is doing.
C’mon Brad! How much money and arms and material is gifted to Israel by the Canadian government every year? Not near as much as is gifted to Israel by the United States every month.
Money donated to ordinary people suffering from oppression is not necessarily an endorsement of the politics practiced by the elites in their societies. If I donate money to a community of the downtrodden in Canada it most certainly does not mean I support the politics promulgated within their constituency. Bombing is not diplomacy. Diplomacy is an art; bombing is something different — in the case of Gaza and the West Bank, bombing is an atrocity. Unsuitable behaviour I might add for those whose claim to the experience ought to elicit empathy rather than justify the same means and methods used against them elsewhere.
this should NOT be allowed!!! No one voted for this coalition government, it was just rammed down our throuts!! Having dual or triple citizenships should never be allowed and serving in such important portfolios with that much power. Divided alliengencies have no place in governments. The PM and his :post-modern", racist producing/hate promoting, narcasistic government should be ushered right out of the government and NOT given any pension services.
...neither Pierre or Justin have placed Canada at the top of vocational priorities.
In their stead arrived a 50-year agenda of socio-political transformation as facilitated by the Liberal Party of Canada.
Who says the two sides of the kings coin, are not together, as much as they seem apart; example of a lead society. After the flip, you and I just believe in the toss. Heads or tails; when both function the same way, is there a difference???
The more MP's from foreign countries the better the chance he will remain in power as these MP's are picked and carefully placed in areas where there are many of the same nationality .Chances are pretty good that people will be more inclined to vote for someone like them hence more ethnic liberal PM's means more votes for Trudeau. He is an ace at trickery and deception.Makes a weasel look transparent.
Media has buried all this trickery
So sad. I don’t understand how it is allowed. Policies that divide people into groups only weakens a nation. Everyone around me drinks the kool aid and seems blind to the frog in slow boiling water.
All opposition is "racism"
I agree that we should require federal, publicly-elected government members to choose sole Canadian citizenship.
Essential for survival of our country, aka the reason the Liberals maximize dual.citizens in Parliament
or, at the very least, any dual citizen should be required to declare it.
You can't expect a Liberal MP to risk his job by admitting his foreign allegiance, can you? For many, Canadian citizenship is about convenience. Too many in governments relative to their ethnicity's percentage of the population.
According to the common-law and possibly even the Magna Carta, foreigners in government is forbidden.
Remember the stink put up by the Liberals when it was revealed that former conservative leader Andrew Scheer had dual citizenship?
The comments from some of our elected government officials is unacceptable, in my opinion they have no right as backbenchers to visit this war zone and show support for Hamas, the NDP MP should be fired, McPherson is among the most outspoken and is a spokesperson for the NDP.
I, for one, could not agree more. Of course this prescription must be applied to every minority — and would have been if exceptions had not been made for Israelis.
Our media in Canada — both MSM and alternative — seldom reveal the extent of dual passport holders in Canada as is the case in the U.S.
MSM support for Zionism is self evident. Never will the MSM record the history of the Zionist imperative since its inception. Zionism — root, branch, flowering and fruit — is a record of despicable duplicity and mass propaganda, murder, rape, and despoliation.
Western world countries policies of encouraging third world invasion into their national domains is backfiring. And furthermore do not suggest to me that I am anti-Semitic — my heritage is in part Jewish.
In fact my father was in Palestine in 1936. His mother repudiated her Jewish heritage after WWI took her husband’s life and their properties were foreclosed — because they said, she, being a woman would weaken their collateral.
After witnessing the obvious Zionist terrorism in Palestine when he was with the British Expeditionary Force enforcing the Balfour Resolution what was he to think?
He witness British soldiers, bayonets attached to their rifles, prodding at Palestinian men forced to run gauntlets.
As a child in the 1950s my father said nothing about his family’s history. Except I remember he and my mother referencing something on TV about Palestine they were watching and my father saying “no wonder his mother thought as she did.”
I, growing up felt a deep sympathy for what I then understood to be a righteous sympathy for Jews and events commonly received as facts which I felt were a testament to human depravity. My father was silent about his thoughts and feelings — and his experiences too — he witnessed during the 10 years he was in the Mediterranean theatre. His comments were cryptic.
From an early age I read deeply, to the extend I found school ridiculously redundant vis-à-vis history, economics, politics.
Gradually I concluded an impenetrable fog obscured what were claimed as facts, but couldn’t be.
These “facts” were intentionally promulgated and I now regard the 20th Century as commonly understood and received as a lie.
The 20th Century is a record of lies upon deception, upon omissions, upon propaganda, upon false flags, covering like a blanket, every manner of wicked and evil atrocities intentionally promulgated by powerful interests whom are continually whitewashing events few people are equipped to discern.
As I see it, people are fed up. History is emerging. Sites like yours, Brownstone,, and apps which list the hundreds of English language newspapers published around the world — including in India, Israel, China, Brazil, Japan, England, Russia, Germany, Australia, Africa and etc. etc. are revealing a pattern of dots which when connected concede the MSM in the U.S. and Canada are laughably deficient.
I see a world emerging which is not interested in wars, deception, or the instrumentalism of political propaganda. My circle of friends and acquaintances are discussing things formerly taboo. They have opinions and questions they did not offer or ask even five years ago.
COVID inoculated indeed — people have decided they were deceived. People are lifting the blanket. Correctly they are no longer believing the talking heads or the pundits and opines promulgated by the owners and controllers of the MSM.
A few people I know are angry. They have been negatively and tragically impacted by recent inanities they formerly barely gave their attention. These are well educated and informed people whom as one woman said to me recently “I no longer believe what I used to think automatically.”
The truth will out.
What mumbo jumbo is this? Anti zionism is the new anti semitism. Lies and propaganda indoctrination work, just look at the protesters! Good luck living under the caliphate. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Hah! Whom in the right mind is not anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist? And please go and practise the typical Jewish turnaround somewhere else upon someone else. Some people know history, as it was, not as propagandized.
As to mumbo jumbo, again hah — have you been listening to Mr Netanyahu — now there is a master of mumbo jumbo. May I suggest you reference the letter sent by Balfour to Lionel Rothschild, explicit in its terms and cautions. With respect to wolves in sheep’s clothing — this fairy tale was told in reference to Jews. …Warning the naïve about their duplicity.
As to lies and propaganda — Marx and those Frankfort school protagonists — knew how to wield that cudgel. Now there was deception ! First these Jews criticize the technological developments of Western man and capitalism and the consequence of that development on the “masses” then, appropriate capitalism, before transforming it into an instrument of monopoly financial legerdemain — including buying the MSM media, which serves in effect as a platform for promulgating the Zionist Jewish agenda. Which explains your showing up here. Mumbo jumbo — to be sure!
I have no idea what you just said. I’m just against mobs and radical ideologies, and internet armchair experts for that matter.
Yes you know exactly what I said. First you clabber-claw then after my chastisement you retreat after which you respond, all innocent of intent, then you choose to insult those commentators you disagree with.
What you hate is being contested!
If Castro was really Trudeau's father than we also have to dual citizen PM of Canada. So things can get worse. I was just watching some idiot Liberal peaching about getting rid of all the Fossil fuel production in Canada , where do these people come from? The Boreal Forest absorbs Canada's total carbon admissions many times over so in reality Canada is a Carbon Neutral County . Like I have been saying for years , Canada needs a Civil War to set things right again or at the very least a separation of some provinces from Canada.
Where I live another 10,000 patients from a clinic are being dropped by their doctors . This is directly related to the mass influx of new immigrants coming to Canada . These are mostly seniors citizens , I am waiting for a letter in the mail saying that I am dropped also . I am sure not a single new immigrant will be dropped , just old white stock Canadians. I read that Trudeau has saved 139 million dollars through the assisted death ( M.A.I.D ) program so far , I wonder how much Trudeau will save for the Health System by killed all the seniors this time. It nothing but CRIMMINAL in what he is doing.
$139 million? Big Frackin Deal. He gives $2 billion per year to his preferred Muslim nations
C’mon Brad! How much money and arms and material is gifted to Israel by the Canadian government every year? Not near as much as is gifted to Israel by the United States every month.
Money donated to ordinary people suffering from oppression is not necessarily an endorsement of the politics practiced by the elites in their societies. If I donate money to a community of the downtrodden in Canada it most certainly does not mean I support the politics promulgated within their constituency. Bombing is not diplomacy. Diplomacy is an art; bombing is something different — in the case of Gaza and the West Bank, bombing is an atrocity. Unsuitable behaviour I might add for those whose claim to the experience ought to elicit empathy rather than justify the same means and methods used against them elsewhere.
"United we stand......Divided we fall.....".....and, sad to say, we have been in free fall for a long time.....
this should NOT be allowed!!! No one voted for this coalition government, it was just rammed down our throuts!! Having dual or triple citizenships should never be allowed and serving in such important portfolios with that much power. Divided alliengencies have no place in governments. The PM and his :post-modern", racist producing/hate promoting, narcasistic government should be ushered right out of the government and NOT given any pension services.
So jt should go back to cuba
...neither Pierre or Justin have placed Canada at the top of vocational priorities.
In their stead arrived a 50-year agenda of socio-political transformation as facilitated by the Liberal Party of Canada.
Who says the two sides of the kings coin, are not together, as much as they seem apart; example of a lead society. After the flip, you and I just believe in the toss. Heads or tails; when both function the same way, is there a difference???
Your Children will Never Own a Home...
Maybe it's your grandchildren...
Trudope ‘rambles’ alright! Kick him out with them. Maybe he could share some pointers🤮🤮🤮