Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

In Canada you can be commited for mental illness, on the corrupt medical systems, say so. You can be drugged and kept out of sight of family and friends indefinitely on the corrupt medical systems say so. You can be coerced into accepting the unthinkable to separate yourself from pain that the corrupt medical system is either inflicting on you or refuses to eleviate. killery clinton said that those who are not on her side of politics are mentally ill, in a cult trans.

MAiD for the mentally ill is a political tool to get rid of the ruling parties enemies. Been done before, erased but not forgotten, and they are bringing it back as health care. What was good is now evil, what was evil is now good, the world has been turned upside down by globalists lust for complete power. So HANG ON FOR DEAR LIFE, literally.

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I think you're right.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Legalized Genocide placing Old White Stock Christians at the front of the Que.…

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This shit Makes Me wanna fkn puke 🤢🤮

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Trudeau qualifies for having a MENTAL ILLNESS , I suggest he submits himself for termination.

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...and his mother.....

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Especially when we know she suffers from Bipolar disorder. How can anyone in that house grow up normal. It isn't a wonder JT is so broken!! MAID for JT!!

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not only should there be concern regarding the possible murder of the mentally ill in Canada under Trudeau, which is reminiscent of the Nazi's treatment of those they deemed "life unworthy of life" and "useless eaters" (see Aktion T4 and Hartheim Euthanasia Centre).

There should also be concern for the fact Communists have historically labelled their political opponents mentally ill through the odious misuse of psychiatric institutions, which is a form of medical tyranny. They imprisoned or executed dissidents wrongly deemed mentally ill by the state. See "Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union."

Couldn't happen in Canada, you say? Already Trudeau has labelled his political opponents on climate change mentally ill. See the story "Trudeau Calls Canadians Mentally Ill, Blames ‘Anxiety’ Caused by ‘Climate Change’ for Opposition to his Agenda."

Though it's more likely to come from some official body in cahoots with globalism and medical tyranny such as The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario, who during the plandemic labelled vaccine-hesitant people mentally ill. See the True North story: "Treat vaccine hesitancy with drugs and psychotherapy: Ontario College of Physicians."

And take note that the federal government built trailer park prisons in every province for those who refused the jab. Rebel News posted photos of them, as I recall. They were not used en masse as in Australia or China, but the fact that they were built at all and that the feds tried to cover it up should sound the alarm. The so-called fact checkers claimed that those who sounded the alarm -- namely Randy Hillier -- were "conspiracy theorists" -- but in the end, he was proven correct.

So yes I think it's entirely possible that Trudeau et al could label political dissidents mentally ill, imprison them, and then murder them, calling it euthanasia, as was done in the USSR and is still being done in China. Canadians really need to wake up. We've been asleep at the wheel far too long!

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Looks as if Canada will become Canadastan withina generation. Founder, Pierre Trudeau. Facilitator, Justin Castro, Esq.

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It's already happening now.

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You are not wrong.

I've noticed recently that anything posted on Facebook, from X (formerly Twitter), now is absent a subject matter picture, replaced by a telescope thingy to dissuade interest to reduce the chances anyone will open it and read the contents that haven't been blocked yet.

I've also noticed that Facebook is now so chalked full of advertising pretending to be 'posts' that it water's down the effective use of Facebook as a tool that can be used for information sharing by members of the public, the community. This information blackout of sorts (preventing the sharing of information) aids in the regime's ability to say and do whatever it wants, including the use of medical 'care' to go after any dissidents. The smaller the audience the more people are prevented from hearing pr reading about anything but Gov't propaganda. In essence turning the populace into a government social justice force designed to go after dissidents. This is classic communism, tactics of war, against the thinking public.

I've resorted to visiting some group sites on Facebook to see what the prevalent attitudes are. It's horrifying how many Karen's and snowflakes who chirp the current governments narratives, who try to enforce compliance on language, attack the free speech of others on said site, who aggressively pursue anyone with a differing view who challenges their world view, words hurt, and people shouldn't be allowed to say certain things, because "it's rude" or it's perceived as a personal "attack" or "bullying" and moderators should step in with more rules and sanctions against free speech (because they perceive it as dangerous). There are alot of young people 20s, 30s, 40s, who support this kind of censorship, who ambush a particular poster aggressively with virtue signaling being the basis for their argument. These people have become virtue signaling junkies who rabidly attack anyone who's comments they don't agree with. Some of the topics for example range from someone complaining about poor customer service at a particular Tim Hortons here in town, or that someone posted a picture of a notoriously aggressive homeless drug addict with significant mental health problems who attacked the person who posted the picture. And instead of showing empathy to the person who was attacked, these Karen's go off on them for posting the picture. This is Orwellian level crazy. These are the attitudes that the current government and their funded media are fostering in the general public, and they're using social media as a weapon to retard the populace. Classic communism.

We've got fully grown feminized men in their 20s defending Universal Basic Income, crying about how hard it is to work at Tim Hortons because they shouldn't have to smile at customers, and those customers who got bad service, wrong orders, ignorant treatment, should try to be nicer to said Tim Hortons worker because they don't get paid enough to have to put up with such hardships while Corp Tim Hortons rakes in billions. It's so unfair 😫 according to this group. And when someone says anything to enlighten or correct, a horde or 50yr old white privileged Karen's (likely previous helicopter moms) jump on in defense of these babies! In the mean time they're working to destroy future opportunities, market variety, and create bread lines. I can't wait to see what happens when Trudeau drafts them to fight in their contrived WW3 to implement their vision of Canada as a 'modern' Post Nation State.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

And yet they preserve and protect themselves, the demon possessed.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

HO Canada #vilePM

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

is that not his mother he is dancing with. she is very unstable for sure. when you lose a child, and i don,t care what the age is, my own was a baby girl, mrs.trudeau son, oh he died in a avalanche, did he.as i have said before michel was dating sophie first, come your own conclusions on that one. how anout the dictator himself, he is far from stable.is it his turn next.???????

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

I know of a case of euthanasia performed by MAID. The person in question was mentally ill and also terminally ill. But she had enough presence of mind to know what was happening and to say she did not want to die. So how did MAID end up killing her? She signed the paper under duress and suffering from depression. A year or two later they killed her. She said she wanted to live but they claimed she was not in her right mind when she said that and they had to honour her wish when she signed. But I believe she signed under duress from family members who wanted her gone. This is a case where all the supposed checks and balances to prevent murder did not work. Yes, she was terminally ill but so what? If she wanted to die naturally that was her right. I can see MAID being used to kill people who are pressured into signing the paper by family members who want them dead, who consider them a burden or just want their money. The idea of putting old and sick people to death will become normalized over time. It's a slippery slope. The media and so-called fact checkers scoff at the claim that there's a depopulation agenda, but we are seeing it unfold in real time. If killing old and sick people becomes normalized, it will be a license for mass murder.

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I think Joseph Goebbels and Adolph Eichman would be impressed.

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I always spell this wrong, the movie 🎬 "Soilyent Green". Everyone over 49 went through the retirement curtain to that long awaited vacation in paradise. In reality they were killed and turned into food pellets for the populace to eat 😄

The fist clue was when Trudeau silently opened up the unlimited access to Abortion, at any point in pregnancy up until the moment of birth. Canada has no limits on Abortion. Trudeau also significantly funds Abortion in other poor countries like Africa. And any Conservative running for Office who raises the Abortion debate (in fact they dont dare and the liberal media raises it for them if they don't) is relentlessly persecuted by the media so that there is zero conversation about limits on Abortion, so the public never gets to know that Trudeau's made Abortion limitless in Canada.

The next clue, transgenderism. They're sterilizing the current generation with affirmation care. Those who receive it will never be able to have children of their own. And those who commit suicide who will never have children.

And now MAID, which is becoming limitless as well.

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People confuse kindness with evil. Making it easier for a depressed person to commit suicide is evil. Most people who think about committing suicide change their minds. The MAID program is so easy to access and it moves ahead so quickly, within 30 days, that once the person is committed, they're far more likely to follow through. That's my opinion. There's no data being done on that. A mother talked about her 18yr old son who accessed MAID. He didn't have to consult his parents. It was all done in secret. Can you imagine the government conspiring with your 18yr old son to end his life behind your back? They're taking advantage of people who don't have the capacity to make an informed decision. Depression is painful, intolerable pain that can last for years. But inevitably, things do change. Better medications are developed, or circumstances change, or people get better.

An 18yr old doesn't have that hindsight. Because they're too young. So in my opinion, the Liberal Gov't is conspiring to encourage sick people to kill themselves. And they're wrapping legislation around it and calling it humane. Let's experiment shall we. Let's take said Liberals from the legislative body and try it on them and their families. I bet they'd sing a different tune, if it was them. Arrogance, hypocrisy, evil agenda.

My mom died from the damage done to her central nervous system, her brain, by the flu shot she took in November 2010. She was dead by April 2011. She slowly succumbed to paralysis until she had complete locked in syndrome. It was a painful slow death. And while she could have accessed MAID then, in her condition, she rejected that. She wanted to go out on jer own steam. She wanted to experience the course of her own death. It was a personal decision of course. I'm not sure what I would do. But I believe it should be an option for those who are old enough and terminal. Trudeau's Liberal government has taken it way too far. They think bla bla bla, they believe yadda yadda yadda. They don't know anything. They don't know what's fair and what isn't. I'd like to put a paper bag over his head, tie a belt around it and tell him to choose, to end it now, or end it on his terms. I bet he'd hold out as long as he could. These people who say they know anything about dying, don't.

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Media present evil as kindness.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Oh they are sick! They tossed their journalistic integrity a long time ago, if they even had integrity. Which they probably didn't because they're born Liberals. Didn't the NYTimes cover up the holocaust during WW2? Most Americans didn't even know about it, until after the war, when American and Canadian soldiers discovered it.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Great concern for all those troubled teens and now more at risk for death as a choice!

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Right, because the sub-text means that mentally ill teenagers can be knocked off.

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The problem with teens is that MAID can easily become the "cool" thing to do.Suicide can be contagious especially at an age when there is such a strong need to belong.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

Exactly. Especially after what this overreaching perverted government has done to them. Very few children struggle with body dysmorphia gender affirmation. It's part of our psychological makeup to struggle with our sexual identity because we are born in a gendered body, male or female. The brain has to psychologically affirm that gender one way or another. At a very young age children recognize they are a gender, one or the other based on biology. It's definitely a parent's job to affirm that biological gender. It's part of our development as human beings. Those idiots who think otherwise, who confuse their children by giving them some other option are psychologically damaging the natural development of the child. We should affirm the biological gender. That small number of youth who continue to struggle with the affirmation process are suffering from mental health problems. There's treatment for that. But to say every child or adolescent who questions their biological gender should be able to make changes according to their every desire is not only negligent, they're causing harm. Most of these people eventually affirm to their biological gender. And those who have prematurely gotten full mastectomys or neutered themselves or taking permanently altering hormones are at a much higher risk for suicide. So all this damage has been done to today's adolescents and in walks Trudeau, once again, with a solution, MAID for people struggling with mental illness. This PM is immoral, deviant, stunted, misinformed, narcissistic, arrogant, irresponsible, just a plain bad person all around, probably perverted and evil, and he's in control of this whole country. Yes he's responsible for these deaths. And we haven't even started talking about all the funding he shells out for these "social Infrastructure" programs, or the abortion industry he's so proudly fostered in Canada and around the world. Trudeau's accomplishments put the Grim Reeper to shame!

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Annette, In my mind you have described Trudeau to a T, I fail to understand why there isn’t a stronger voice to force him out, I think the biggest failure with Canadians is our complacency and he and Singh are well aware of that, I , for one feel like a hostage.

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Yes. Hitlereque, transitioning Canada to eugenics capital of the world.

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I feel like a hostage too, and worse. I'm not sure how each and every one of us feels exactly, but I feel your pain. I am so concerned about this government (regime/dictatorship) that the stuff I picture in my head, the fear of what could come, what this government is capable of, keeps me up at night.

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What I see in Vancouver: youthful, vibrant Asians, Middle Eastern with multiple children; tired, grey-haired whites on their own. As planned by govt?

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Forcing him out isn't going to solve our problems. It would just put the DPM Freeland in as the interim PM until the Liberal Party calls an election. By then they could put forward a candidate like Jolie that almost all Liberal voters would like. Right now, there's enough Liberal voters who dislike Trudeau so much they're willing to try Pierre Poilievre. It would be advantageous for the Liberals to get Trudeau out, because voters are being driven into the arms of the CPC. They have to stop that. Our best option is for Trudeau to call an election asap and run. But they won't do that. I get it. The thought of Trudeau makes me physically ill. But we have to get the whole LPC out of the PMO.

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He could be replaced by that mousy thing with the squeaky voice, in which case NOTHING will change.

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Those troubled teens will be white/first nations

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Simply unbelievable how a handful of people can force so much wickedness on millions without serious pushback, but... that's how Communists, Fascists, Marxists and American Democrats operate.

In America, we have school teachers secretly transitioning children's sex even to the point of secretly giving them hormones to start the process without telling the parents, though some states have outlawed this. Imagine, immature children who can barely make decisions about what they may want for dinner are being allowed to access life altering drugs & hormones on simple request. They're creating a generation of drugged up, sterile, indoctrinated, roid-rage crazies, robbed of a normal life.

Most of these children grow older, change their mind due to maturity and all of the horrible health consequences; and then end up sterile, frustrated and VERY angry. "Why did you let me, a child, do this to myself?" Law suits are mounting.

We haven't gotten to secret euthanasia... YET. May God help us sooner rather than later. 🙏

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Brad Salzberg

MAID is almost secret euthanasia because anyone over 17 can access MAID for depression without having to consult their parents and the whole process can take place within 30 days, from application to lights out. Unless the applicant tells their loved ones, nobody would know until after the fact. Transgenderism (society wide, schools, sports, etc.,), BLM, the Abortion industry, safe injection sites, are all funded by the Trudeau government and the Biden administration. Remember back when they were talking about "social Infrastructure" Bills, asking for trillions in the USA and billions in Canada for "social Infrastructure"? There was alot of discussion about the Infrastructure bill that traditionally is designed to pay for roads, bridges, hospitals, etc., and the Democrats said that there's a such thing as social Infrastructure and we're doing it no matter what people say. That money was given to lobby groups for those sick programs. And leftard progressives like Democrats and Liberals put massive funding into Transgenderism, racism, safe injection sites (encouraging drug addiction and pushing it into the streets). These Globalist policies are designed to tear apart the social fabric. That coupled with their attacks on white Christian conservatives, Patriots, families these Globalists are turning Canada and the USA into Post Nation States. That's the goal. Trudeau said "when I'm done with Canada you won't recognize it anymore ". Trudeau promised to turn Canada into a "Post Nation State". He also said "covid is a convenient time to start the Reset." And all of the socioeconomic policies put forward by the Biden administration and the Trudeau regime are the same. And I haven't even pointed out their immigration scheme, a deliberate redistribution of wealth policy that is a hidden policy, like a Trojan horse. Abuse the borders with significant illegal or "irregular" entry, they encouraged and condoned an invasion, and called it immigration reform, but used that "immigration" as a tool for their wealth redistribution goals. And these goals are stated as goals on the WEF and UN websites. So these politicians are peddling the WEF UN agenda. This is about the efforts of Globalists who have hijacked the free world, and who are destroying our Nations. This is their Post Nation State agenda. They also have a huge boner for depopulation and they're using the green agenda to do it. They are targeting us through our kids.

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Communists, Fascists, Marxists: the Liberal Party of Canada incorporate all three. Thanks, Michael.

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this will came back and bite them so hard in the arse, i hope i am around to see it. i lived in that province for 35 years brad, one of the cleanest cities in the world, what more can be said about the restaurants, and the women, lol.. oui oui oui.howeveri worked for a jewish firm for about 20 years, and the jewish people the french people, les maudits anglais. lol. and i cannot forget about the good people from the islands, we had a ball until 1976, when the french came in and took all the english signs down, i looked at the owner, and i told him . welcome to the dirty 30,s where the germans bought out the media, guess who that reminds me of.something major has to happen in this country, and i sure as hell, hope that miss smith gets her way, no difference since quebec already has their own pension plan. why not alberta.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Author

Well put imo, Amglos outside of Quebec are not privy to the real world attack on Anglos in that province...on purpose.

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I think the Libs should start with themselves!!! They would definitely qualify!

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and one other thing, this education in quebec, even some of the federal liberals are totally against it, what the legault coorupt party is doing to the english, wow put the shoe on the other foot, and watch the king of the lgbtq commuinty jump. even pueblo is against it, along with leblanc, they the french people can see the writing on the wall. and, thats why the new quebecois are saying we want to separate, well if alberta leaves you,re out billions a year. because a real canadian won,t break.

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They're doing the Anglo.wipe out in Quebec, but non-Quebec media never say so.

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With the knowledge of Health Canada admitting to SV40 being present in the clot shots and Justin Trudeau pushing these gene altering poisons, MAID is just part of his legacy of communism if his real father was Fidel Castro.

Dr. Mary's Monkeys is a book based on the R and D of placing SV40 in the polio vaccines in the 1950's for the purpose of assassinating Fidel Castro with a fast acting cancer causing agent. If this was successful, Justin would never have been conceived. I detest JT!!

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When the Marxists in power define Christians as mentally ill......perhaps the sleeping church will wake up.....but I doubt it.......

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SAD SAD SAD that the church has no political component, which Trudeau, Hussen, Khalid and the rest are using to their advantage.

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