Jan 3Liked by Brad Salzberg

Isn't the muslim faith against euthanasia?

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Yes, the program tacitly targets whites

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Jan 2Liked by Brad Salzberg

Now the Liberals are after our guns/rifles , if we allow them to continue we will only have sling shots to defend our homes and protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. If they come for your guns/rifles make sure your gun safe is empty.

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Fascists always confiscate public's weapons

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The only suicide Canadians need is the Lib gov’t!!! Truly evil to their core!!! What a waste of lives they have created! Evil to their core!!!

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All that's missing are the Nazi armbands......

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Pink Facists, per LGBT, Transgender

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maybe some mental challenge human may have to take a chance, my self would love to see a revolution. some how. someway, things have to change.

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We may as well accustom ourselves to the reality of more and more dual or triple citizenship holders in our cabinet and government positions as well as mayors of all our major cities, the writing is on the wall for sure!

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I really despise him. It's a shame politicians and many organizations priorities have turned away from the very things they are supposed to do, and are paid for. You speak out you'll be cancelled or attacked by Brownshirts, the woke mob, or fanatics.

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10 ways Justin Trudeau made Canada even worse in 2023


Trudeau ridiculed globally for mandating menstrual products in men’s bathrooms https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trudeau-ridiculed-globally-for-mandating-menstrual-products-in-mens-bathrooms/

Trudeau gov’t honors trans activist who defunded women’s rape shelter as ‘champion of diversity’


‘A political Christmas miracle’: Official petition to oust Trudeau surpasses 370k signatures


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