Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Another way to fragment and divide a once strong nation. So sad.

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Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Never should this be allowed! They all got to go home.

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Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

This is extremely disturbing.

The other issue with the mere consideration of a policy such as this, aside from the benefits of only 5% of the population is.. where does it stop? Once Sharia law is slid into the financial sector does it continue a slow creep into Canadian society as a whole? Probably..Mandatory head and face covering for all women,christian Canadians included. Legalized rape and beatings of non-conforming Canadian christian women. Public stoning, no women allowed in public without a male escort. No post secondary education for females. Where will its end once it begins? The second coming of the crusades under the guise of affordable housing for “everybody”.

Just when you think the state of Canada can’t get any worse, Justin’s handlers write the new budget and slip that little caveat in.. whether it is something that is a real possibility or another fabrication that will stir up the “old stock”and get the divisive wedge driven further into the heart of the population, will soon become apparent. They would love nothing more than some sort of violent backlash, “hate” rhetoric or “old stock” protests in order to once again invoke the beloved emergencies act, freeze some bank accounts and detain some more Canadians for years without charges. Cancel the upcoming election and secure his “leadership” under a war measure type act, for a time to be determined by him(his handlers). This snippet comes from far above the pm’s pay grade.. he’s merely the puppet front man/ fall guy for this agenda. Nothing but a face for us all to hate, that’s all JT is and ever will be. He is not smart enough to come up with anything that has happened in the last 8 years. His only job is to broadcast the game and pick out his socks. He’s protected from absolutely everything and anything, hence the endless scandals that are always unpunished. The masses scream and yell about it and the corruption of the judges/self appointed officials that look into the scandals.. it’s just a part of the theatre for the drama teacher… it’s not going to change. He was chosen decades ago to serve the purpose of the takeover class, nothing more nothing less. Pierre and “The Club” groomed him from the start in order to pass the audition for this “role”

Canadian’s need to come to the unfortunate realization that the way things were 8 years ago are never coming back. There will be no voting our way back. Hang on to your hat’s Canada the actual shit is about to hit the fan.

Thanks for the writing Brad, glad to see you’re back!

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Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

I demand Vatican mortgage exemption then. No interest for Catholics either. I am sure Jewish community and others can follow suite. No way one demographic be given this privilege alone. That means he (the Bas* who shall not be named), bloody plans on inviting millions to move on in and this land will become theirs. No F way I will be ousted out of my birthplace. And be told I can’t eat during their Ramadan ( British folks were harassed eating at restaurants), or wear a veil. I will wear wth I want. I am so irked by this its disgusting. I’m rattled because I have seen enough video of them chanting death to Jews and Christians enough that they claim it will be their land soon here blaming our poor reproduction and that they are reproducing like rabbits. Its alarming. We were under Chinese threat now this. Which of the two evils we gotta put up with?

What do we have to do to oust this prick outta Canada? in another year he can bloody destroy Canada to point of no return.

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Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

I'll wager that JT will become the wealthiest PM in CDN history.......thanks to enabling our enemies in destroying our country..........all while protected by the federal police.....

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Apr 17Liked by Brad Salzberg

Well I wondered how so much corruption could slide right on by without someone in the Liberals/NDP finally speaking out. My guess now is that with so many of our MPs and cabinet ministers holding dual citizenship from other less democratic countries - this is just the way business and governing gets done. We are slow rolling to Venezuela 2.0 and a Canada that is so far from the “true north strong and free” that I was fortunate to have been born in-how far do we have to go before there is no coming back? Most Canadians have no idea what’s happening directly under their noses and are too lazy or naive to question what we are told.

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Apr 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

I know that Trudeau is spending some money on Men's Washrooms. This guy took a video of the Men's Washroom at the Federal Airport in Ottawa , he couldn't believe what he was seeing. There on the wall of the Men's Washroom was a Dispenser for Tampons and Kotex Pads . Worse even , it's probably a Federal Crime for ripping it from the wall. This is really SICK!

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Laws are made for specific reasons. It is not a cherry pick for specific interest groups or cultural groups to pick what they like or don't like.

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Trudeau just gets stupider & stupider by the day. Amazing I didn't think he could get any stupider.

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These type of Sharia law compliant

" mortgages " are already available from Islam based finance companies in Canada . not our typical big 5 Canadian banks as far as i know The issue here is Trudeau, Freeland and the rest of those seemingly intent on destroying the Canadian culture and way of life are pandering and catering to the Muslin voter base and supporting an acceptance and indulgence of Sharia law which has some very concerning elements to it. In addition at present some individuals in the Islamist group are reaping havoc and hate .in our streets,public and Jewish spaces to the point that many Canadians are calling for their deportation ,loss of PR and citizenship not making their culture mainstream

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Trudeau should be charged with GENICIDE , it's exactly what he is doing to White Anglo Christens in Canada.

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Does sharia law forbid income tax too ? If it does that's the deal of a lifetime. o taxes and interest free mortgage.WOW I'm in.The hell with all other religions this is too good to pass up.Bet you the banks will love it.

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I wonder how much of the CARBON TAX goes to the WEF fund so they can continue their great works around the World?

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I think that at least 39 million of Canadian residents are totally sick of this boy child’s bullshit!! The budget chrystia freebase tabled was over 40 billion in useless spending

He knows his political goose is cooked and now his mission in life is to inflict as much damage to the economic health of this country as possible in the next 18 months.

I think it’s time that Christians invent some new beliefs as well. How about we don’t pay taxes to a government that’s led by a lunatic ?

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I don't know what made me think of this while reading your article ,


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Well now... i can certainly see how a certain element of the "demographic" would seek to make hay outta this one! However loaded "trigger" words like "sharia finance" will cause 'death to whitey'... due to aneurysms of panic... rather than 'head choppin!

As usual, the truth is to be found on the other side of the heavy breathin rhetoric. Let's start with one false assumption - "A privilege for 5% of our national demographic" - err, you think that only Muzzies can benefit from the arrangement implicit in 'profit-shared' banking arrangements(that btw is what the term "islamic banking" means. It's not 'coop banking' but it shares similar concepts in part.

See, the 'interest' on money is 'riba' in their way of thinking - it's not KOSHER - in other words. So they work according to a formula which gets around that. Each to their own. I can't see how it's gonna walk into your house and bite ya's!

I'll tellz ya one thing that WILL tho! Accumulated public 'debt'... as brought about through a little trick that the "socialist" guy 'WEASEL ONE' played on ye BEAVER FOLK. See - up till his reign of error, the BANK OF CANADA actually played the role of a public institution - of the NATIONAL INTEREST KIND. THEY DIDN'T OPERATE ON DEBT created to profit private interests...

"between 1939 and 1974 the federal government borrowed extensively from its own central bank. That made its debt effectively interest-free, since the government owned the bank and got the benefit of any interest. As such Canada emerged from World War II and from all the extensive infrastructure and other expenditures with very little debt"...

but then the "socialist" Pierre and his \OLD STOCK\ Communists handlers like "Lester" became enamored of the BIS -bank of INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS - AND - told the B O C TO BORROW MONEY FROM PRIVATE BANKERS.

And guess what - the media, the socalled 'opposition' parties and the government itself just muzzled themselves about the whole deal! Kinda sorta just like .... these daze! Between 1970 to 1980 the debt of the B O C rises 5 fold. That was just for starters! But it was verboten to talk bout it. Canadian way and all

"he Basel Committee’s solution to the “stagflation” problem of that time was to encourage governments to borrow from private banks, that charged interest, and end the practice of borrowing interest-free from their own publicly owned banks. Their argument was that publicly owned banks inflate the money supply and prices, whereas chartered banks supposedly only recycle pre-existing money. What they purposefully suppressed was that private banks create the money they lend just as public banks do. And as banking specialist Ellen Brown states: “The difference is simply that a publicly-owned bank returns the interest to the government and the community, while a privately-owned bank siphons the interest into its capital account, to be reinvested at further interest, progressively drawing money out of the productive economy.”

Banking in the 'people's interest' and 'islamic banking' have a lot more in common than the frenetic, frantic provocateurs of public debate would like you to realize. But hey! Maybe ya'll feel it's your 'duty' as "old stock" folk to bend over for the BIS and it's cartel of moneychangers like every ol JOHN BULL HAS DONE ... cap in hand.. since PATTERSON INVENTED THE BANK OF ENGLAND AT THE BEHEST OF THE [don't worry redactions on hand!]from Amsterdam who moved in with Cromwell and never left.

damn fuzzy wuzzies should keep their hands offa our hallowed 'debt/usury/interest' heritage! Is there NOTHING SACRED anymore? Our lack of anything resembling a productive economy is ALL THEIR FAULT!

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