May 23·edited May 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

My understanding is there is negotiations are still taking place and there is no clear consensus. England will not sign ,,Not sure if congress will sign on..

Unfortunately the agreement in it's current form fits Trudeau's vision of the world. At one time Trudeau wanted climate lockdowns included in the agreement. But I don't think it didn't go anywhere. It is also interesting this agreement was not really debated in parliament and few Canadians know about it.

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May 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

There has been NO debate in this Trudeau parliament ever since the NDP/Trudeau agreement.This will follow the same pathway of the rule of the globalists and we will be ruled by unelected officials of the WHO(who by the way did a TERRIBLE job during the last pandemic).Not really any better being ruled by the Trudeau/Singh cabal.Look what these 2 did during the last Covid mess.

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I think Trudeau may have been asked about the agreement and said he would not give our sovereignty away , but his word means nothing...but I do agree totally with your comments.

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May 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

Another nail in our coffins! What a bloody disgrace this Liberal/NDP government is! Everyone I know has NO USE or tolerance for the PM and his "lackies". Why, oh why has he not been removed???!!!! Total disgrace on the global scale!! Certainly for Canadians! Surely there is SOMEONE that has the power to take him out, wait, isn't that the Governor General??? We can't expect much from her, as she is just using the position to pamper herself on our hard earning tax dollars! Lunacy needs to stop!! FULL STOP!

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Trudy and Jabmeet LOVE nails in the Canadian coffin.

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May 24Liked by Brad Salzberg

When Freelandrescher let slip her unbridled glee about being able to freeze the bank accounts of supporters of a cause the boss disapproved of, the Forum pulled her aside and issued a stern warning to her.

What they should have done instead is make not a peep right away, but rather have her and sockboy quietly canceled overnight. If Schwab's successor has a single working brain cell, both of them will never be seen or heard from ever again.

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May 23Liked by Brad Salzberg

A lot more perhaps irrevocable damage can be done by fruit loop Trudeau before, hopefully, CPC takes charge.

Parallel to Klaus Schwab retiring, the NWO is likely well anchored to his satisfaction.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

For as long he is in control, Justin Fruitcake will continue on with One World Order advocacy

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I just finished reading my local news , 90% are lies . Justin FRUITCAKE if you didn't know sold all of Canadas' Gold reserve to China so Canada is owned and controlled by the American Dollar which is crashing big time.

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I put this on Twitter. Great job and I cannot believe how our news industry ignores ALL the real news. It is disgusting. Will they report on what happened today? Giving all migrant, even illegals, Canadian Citizenship? Trudeau will give our country away for votes, he is desperate and destroying our country.

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With thanks

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Protection money. And no amount ever satisfies that lot.

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Yes, this has been coming & it will be signed. I want to see if the conservatives will stand against it & as part of an election promise tear it up. I know the PPC would.

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ppc they still around, really daryl.

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Hopefully they'll be around to pick things up from the ashes after we crash & burn. I'll vote for them as they need to keep their 5%. You need a true conservative voice. Be nice if they got a seat but .....

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Why should the Conservatives clean up their mess or clear away their ruins?

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Can we mention the gas chambers now? Can we mention the Nuremberg Code now? Can we mention public hangings now?

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Treason! Where are the arrests?

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Liberals decide who gets arrested, as it is in China.

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It's time to bury potatoes... little potatoes. Enough of the dictatoeship

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My understanding is that very few if any overseas nations are interested in signing on to this shit.

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i do believe a revolution is ready, at least go down fighting. come on canada wake up. first thing is get rid of quebec, they started this crap along time ago send them dow nth e st. lawerence river. along with their waste.

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follow amerikas way of removing a bad leader---hire the mossad to take care of the problem

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Thanks to Stephen Harper for starting this, right? 338 MPs GUILTY of treason.

Our MP is Martin 'pantywaste' Shields... another CONservative. Useless as useless gets.

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really trudeau, still blaming harper.lol. give it a break dumbass.

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If Agenda 2030 was signed by PM Harper...then call him what he is. Traitor.

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