The meeting of Xi, Gavin Newsom and Trudeau in San Francisco in November tells you all you need to know about the CCP’s plans for elections in the USA and Canada in 2024.

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Liberals never stop destroying Canada-- that's a rule.

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By conservatives I presume you mean conservatives as opposed to the Conservative Party...even it has questionable people in its leadership who dislike actual conservatives like Bernier. Real conservatives in Canada are a cultural anomaly who only get pulled into service every 15-20 years to clean up the mess of the Liberals incompetence and malevolence.

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Fair point

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Bernier is an actual conservative? Then why did he leave the Conservative Party of Canada? Do you realize Bernier started his political career as a Quebec separatist? Now you want people to believe he has changed his ways and become a Canadian patriot? Have you checked into the history of Bernier with the Libertarian Party of Canada? Have you checked into the last couple of years when Bernier was an MP and still a member of the CPC? Do you realize that Bernier has not published a constitution for the PPC? Do you realize that not having a constitution for the PPC allows Bernier to operate essentially as a dictator?

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I left the CP...or maybe more accurately the CP left me when it voted unanimously with the Liberals to criminalize parents who objected to their minor children gender transitioning.

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If the CPC is CINO then why did the real conservative bernier want to be their leader? Did he campaign on transforming the party into real conservatives? When is the ppc going to publish a constitution?

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Because the Conservative Party is CINO. That’s why it keeps splitting. It needs to purge the liberals and socialists from its leadership.

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The only reason Bernier isn’t the CP leader is some due to some sleazy vote manipulation.

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Then why did bernier lie and say he would give Scheer 100% support as the new leader? Why didn't bernier file a complaint if there was improper voting procedures?

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Have you taken a look at the ppc? Since they have no constitution then how can they possibly vote on policies? Who is responsible for a leadership contest if there is no executive party committee? Since there is no candidate selection committee how is it possible to be fair and transparent when dictator bernier personally selects each of these individuals? How can the party be transparent with their members and legally account for money and spending when there is no official selected by the membership? Why does the ppc claim the high moral ground when nobody is accountable to anybody within the party?

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It is said that all is fair in love and war.For the Liarberals all is fair in politics and any way that produces a win for them is legal wether it is or not.For Trudeau who totally lacks a moral compass anything goes.Get ready for an interesting jaw -dropping next 2 years.

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If viewed through the Chinese lens, the issue becomes clearer. Apropos the "Long March" by which the CCP first retreated, then consolidated, then went on the offensive, their dogsbodies in the West make similar jerky trajectories - without forgetting for a moment what the 'goal' is, and the heroic role of those who sacrifices go towards it.

For China, the word Canada is inextricably tied to the name of NORMAN BETHUNE, the very prototype of the Canadian's role as willing sacrificent in the "long march" to the promised land of the WEF. Folks like Trudeau & Son are trained to believe themselves "vanguard" elements of a social movement which needs move by stealth to secure the cooperation of 'petit-bourgeois' elements before taking off the mask when the enemy has been sufficiently weakened.

The ACTUAL vanguard elements running the show behind scenes look upon them as Kerensky-style dupes to be disposed of at the first opportunity. Likewise, for the CCP Canadians are collectively a pack of lazy Norman Bethunes who must be cajoled into heroically euthanizing themselves in service to the "revolution" - either by way of phony pandemic hysterias or indoctrination acquired in the school system which FABIAN SOCIALISTS[think Pearson} successfully took over 3 generations ago.

Elections are a phenomena to which the past tense needs be applied. Canada's future is Kampuchea @ 1976. Those who doubt it will be the first to find out the hard way "how things really work" in "revolutionary politics" of the kind Fidelito believes in.

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