Liberals Re-Engage China To Steal Future Federal Election?
“Relations were strained for most of 2023, underscored by accusations from Canada that China was meddling in its elections. Now, they’re back.”
"Three weeks before Canada’s 2019 federal election, national security officials allegedly gave a classified briefing to senior aides from Justin Trudeau's office, warning them that one of their candidates was part of a Chinese foreign interference network."
"National security officials also allege that [Liberal MP Han]Dong is one of at least eleven Toronto-area riding candidates allegedly supported by Beijing in the 2019 contest."
Considering the current polling position of PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, it should come as no surprise that Liberal Foreign Minister Melanie Joly is ramping up a return to political engagement with the government of China.
Her problem being that this time out, eleven manipulated Liberal MP victories may not do the trick. Something along the lines of 88 seats is what it may take for a successful stealing of a future federal election.
“Relations between the two countries were strained for most of 2023, underscored by accusations from Canada that China was meddling in its elections."
"The fundamental reason why China-Canada relations have fallen into a low point in recent years is that there has been a serious deviation in Canada's perception of China," said Wang Yi.
"Wang laid out three ways Ottawa could improve relations. The first involves correct cognition, with Canada recognizing it has caused a diplomatic rift."
Spoken like a perfect pedantic communist. You mean to say that the entire situation is-- gasp-- Canada's fault? Leaving jocularity aside, serious students of Canadian politics should be able recognize a potential swindle when they see one.
As it happens, the Liberal Party has over a half-century of history in terms of "partnering" with the government of China. An equally important partnership with Canadian media ensures that general society lacks awareness of such. That was, until Justin Trudeau and mother-inherited mania pushed the process over the top.
After two years of estrangement, Trudeau and Minister Joly have made a choice to re-engage:
"Wang told Joly that China hopes the Canadian side will interpret China's domestic and foreign policies objectively, rationally and correctly."
CAP translate from simplified Chinese:
"Do exactly what you're told, and big daddy China may just help you out in terms of establishing a globalist schematic to ensure victory in a future federal election."
It's a hypothetical, but what rational Canadian citizen wouldn't at least suspect that this re-engagement exists as subterfuge to hide away a potential rigging of a future election?
"This is a positive development. We need to have regular dialogue at the highest levels," said Vina Nadjibulla, research vice-president for the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.
Of course, Ms. Thang would say as much. Along with Canada-China Business Council, APFC stand as one of our nation's most successful China-pushers. For decades these non-profits have been silently working toward the integration of China into the fabric of Canadian society.
"Joly requested the call, and her office says it’s part of her promise to take a pragmatic approach to diplomacy."
Mayday! Mayday! We need help with the maintenance of Canada's Liberal pseudo-dictatorship, and frankly, we can't think of a better assistant than the communist government of China.
Enough to make Old School Canucks wonder if democracy in Canada is finished for all-time. Cultural Action Party [est. 2016] made the call the moment Trudeau Jr. was propped up to his prime ministerial position.
Federal elections are no longer a matter of the Liberals versus the Conservative Party. Since the PM's initial election in late 2015, the true configuration looks like this:
The Conservatives versus the Liberals, China, Political Islam, Punjab, United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, World Sikh Organization, in addition to Canadian Media and Academia.
Call CAP paranoid-- you wouldn't be the first. But don't you ever get the feeling that our country has been hi-jacked by globalist forces, stolen from its rightful owners, and transitioned by the Liberal Party into the hands of nefarious foreign forces?
Perhaps those glued to the CBC don't see it this way, in addition to millions of new arrival migrants who cannot see the forest for the trees. Is this one reason why Trudeau's Liberals continue to pack our cities and towns with "low awareness" 3rd World voters?
Upon which we posit a question that should be front-and-centre in the minds of 40 million Canadian voters:
On this basis, is it really possible for Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives to gain victory in a future election? Call us nihilistic, but does it not appear that if the Liberals cannot win legitimately, they will use illicit methods to achieve their ultimate goal?
And what, pray-tell, is this "ultimate goal?" How about...for Liberals to remain government forever. As in, for a successful transition from democracy to one-party authoritarian state.
Just as it is in China.
The meeting of Xi, Gavin Newsom and Trudeau in San Francisco in November tells you all you need to know about the CCP’s plans for elections in the USA and Canada in 2024.
By conservatives I presume you mean conservatives as opposed to the Conservative Party...even it has questionable people in its leadership who dislike actual conservatives like Bernier. Real conservatives in Canada are a cultural anomaly who only get pulled into service every 15-20 years to clean up the mess of the Liberals incompetence and malevolence.