Our government has gone AWOL. The constitution is a farce. Trudeau , Singh and Freeland recognize they are losers in white English speaking Canadian minds and they care little about it . This is about the sad dissolution of a country deliberately redesigned for globalist agendas.

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Liberals know Anglophones and other Canadians of European heritage won't buy their socialist revolution, so everything they do has a element of disempowerment and depopulation for whites.

Euthanasia the latest, as well as Covid, Abortion, immigration, Multiculturalism and every other major social policy decision by the Liberals.

They want us gone I would say

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In all my years I have never seen such Canadian evil! I find these people disgusting and despicable to say the least! My best friend of 60 plus years is French-Canadian and she too is disgusted. Slime is not strong enough to describe these evil demons!!!

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If you check Trudeau’s heritage, he is more white than French(scottish from mother’s side!)

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Your bang on with this problem Brad, the other problems we are having is the Abortion laws in Canada, with the Government willing to kill our Babies, while promoting the foreign cultures, then there is the Temp, Foreign Workers program, brought in by Mulroney back in 1985, for unskilled workers, but now the same program is being used by ALL the parties, that is where our jobs are going!!!

This program was for UNSKILLED workers, with no education and couldn't speak our languages, but not ANYMORE, these unskilled workers are now filling SKILLED Labour jobs, where our kids are going to school to get the higher paying skilled jobs, that are being filled by Unskilled Labour!!!

So these companies could still get the work done, but at wages less then Minimum wages!!!

Because if these companies used Canadians, they are forced by our Labour laws, these companies HAVE to pay Canadians Minimum wages, but NON-CANADIANS, they are not protected by Canadian Labour Laws!!!

Need Proof, back in 2020, Trudeau and Kenny's governments were allowing CHINA to bring into Alberta. foreign workers for SKILLED Labour jobs at these Chinese companies operating in Canada!!!

Both Kenny and Trudeau knew all about the Labour Laws, but allowed China to escape those regulations, at Chinese slaughter houses in Calgary!!!

When 1,000 workers came down with Covid19, so China loaded them up, on a planes, sent them back to Mexico and brought in 1,000 more, to work at the same jobs as the last ones!!!

ALL this while there was 100,000 UNEMPLOYED workers in Alberta!!!

But the key thing here, is all these jobs were Skilled Labour Jobs, that you needed to be trained on, in order to do these jobs, the "Temp. Foreign Worker program", was for UNSKILLED Labour jobs ONLY!!!

I know this as a fact, because ALL three levels of Government, stripped 1,500 jobs from Canadian's, at Winnipeg, in 1998-99, where I lost my 14 year career, that I went to school for to get these higher wages, just to have ALL the governments, allow this employer to bend the LAWS, helping this employer, to bring in Foreign workers and drive wages down, in the same industry, as was the case in Alberta!!!

Under this Temp. Foreign Workers, Program Canadians are loosing, more and more SKILLED Labour, jobs every day!!!

Just look at these EV battery plants, are you telling me that Canadians are not qualified for these jobs, NOPE, it's to keep the wages down!!! When ALL of these jobs, are to be offered to Canadians "FIRST" before these companies, can even apply, for this program in the FIRST PLACE!!!

But don't believe me, check-out the program on the Federal government website for yourself, and lets force the government, to drop this program, before we have, NO JOBS AT ALL!!!


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Abortion has prevented the birth of approximately 2 million white Canadians over 30 years.

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Sad, but true.

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Trudeau's Immigration Poster Boy who raped and killed a 13 year girl in Burnaby BC in 2017 was just found guilty of raped and 1st degree murder in a Vancouver BC court today. Trudeau had tried to hush up this event by even paying the girls parents to keep it quite. It's really is a great day for justice in Canada and a Major Blow to Trudeau's control of the Justice System of Canada.

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well i guess the slime has some of pierre in him afterall. i mean didn,t pierre pay of the student that justina was banging. he should have been in jail, how about the ugly guy from quebec, scaling the cn tower on private land, he got a slap on the wrist, another quebecer, can get away with anything. its not the canada i was brought up in for sure, as for quebec, they never got over losing the war at the plains d,abraham.

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Some Pierre and a great deal of Castro

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His god Allah didnt come up with an innocent verdict for him, now did it?

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Trudeau always said that he wanted to sever ties with the British Common Wealth. This may be first volley fired in doing so where he can say that it wasn't him that initiated it. It just makes sense because no respectful dictator would or could be aligned with a Democratic Government.

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A piece of the puzzle for transitioning Canada to communist state is what it is

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All 338 Elected members of the WEF infiltrated Canadian Government and the Liberal/NDP Criminal Cabal are all guilty for the ruination of Canada. EVERY Government Department is a catastrophe and a drain on the taxpayer. Nobody is coming to save us. We are on our own and being attacked daily by the nefarious crooks running this banana republic. Oh well, at least we can get our free menstrual supplies from any federal toilet. CLOWN WORLD in full view.

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Have you heard the latest, Trudeau back in 2019 announced that he was taking abortion to a new level... Under Trudeau's new Changes, you can have an abortion, but now you get to SELECT what sex you want and KILL the other one!!!

Which is against the LAW, you are not to know the sex, it is either you want the kid or not, because you can't afford it or you were rapped or just don't need it!!!

But now Trudeau is allowing you to SELECT, which sex you want and of course the largest ethnic groups in the world, Chinese and the Muslims, only want boys!!! Do you know WHY? Because a Girl/woman can only have one baby per year, where as a Man can have 1,000 babies, in one year, see the difference, any culture looking to take over the world, would only have BOYS at birth, for that very reason!!! Look at how these two culture treat women, they are not considered the same as Men and even kill the Girls, for that very reason!!!

They don't need to raise women, when they can just wipe out, all the other men, in the world and save the women, from the other cultures to restock their numbers as half breeds, our own Native culture in Canada, were some of the first, in the slave industry!!! Gangues Khan, was knew to have fathered 1,000 babies, from other cultures and now this logic has come to Canada!!!

Which is why, I'm going to be talking to the RCMP, Because this move by Trudeau, is conspiring to commit MURDER, through his SELECTIVE abortion clinics, coming to a city near you!!! Wish me luck???

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Trudeau is a mentally ill hater and a communist lover

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So will this lieutenant governor general be "in exile"? Will this indiginous Lt gov general have to double up with the other indiginous (different tribes) gov general in ottawa at Rideau Hall with trudeau & Co, on unceaded land from First Nations people who might have walked over from Northern Asia? Now that's a Canadian Pow Wow.

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It's all about destruction.

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I bet Trudeau will reduce his sentence and give him 10 million dollars to live on, he did it before.

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This is terrifying.

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Hmm, wasn't the French here first subjugating the natives before the English arrived.

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Dec 9, 2023
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Govt and media do not want Canadians to see "History of Islam"

What they want us to see is the "History of Whites Oppressing Non-Whites"

End of history lesson.

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Dec 9, 2023
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There may be a serious downside to severing ties with Britain.

More anti-Anglophone punitive measures from Trudeau and his Liberal turds.

3rd world Domination of govt, and more

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Sad for sure.

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