Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

When I see Joly, there is only one comment that comes to mind - dumber than a sack full of hammers.

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And she is mentioned as a possible replacement for Trudeau, can anyone believe that? She is about as unqualified as they come in the very important Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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Exactly why she was chosen: because she's a bimbo with zero interest in anything except the public sector.

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Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

Sure, Joly doesn't have intellectual and diplomatic tools to deal at that level.

Johnson... Once respected, he turned out a Liberals dud with a poor legacy.

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Her sentence isn't even proper English.

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Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

There is one positive note to mention. Peoples all over Europe and even the Usa/Canada are starting to drift away from these failed Liberal Governments and are turning towards Conservative Governments for a brighter and more prosperous future.

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Yes they are, something that media in Canada are desperate to bury

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ya, all the complicit beavers at the CBC are on it...

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Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

That photo is from the first Canada Day Celebration with Trudeau. I remember watching on TV and thinking why the heck he was partying it up with the nanny? I was shocked when I saw her get up to podium and was introduced as the Heritage Minister. His wife’s expression says a thousand words about what she was thinking. Trudeau is all round a despicable person and he and his ilLiberals are ruining Canada.

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Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

If only Sophie was willing to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in a tell-all book.........

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You can bet she was forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement

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that will never happen, and you all know why.

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Too much at stake financially? Wouldn't want the kids to find out? Too much at stake existentially? Or is it like she says....too much love and respect ? I get a kick out of people who actually seem to believe their own BS.

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Jun 18Liked by Brad Salzberg

That picture you chose says it all.They think this is a game played at our expense.(and I include the ex-wife) Comments are made that Joly is incompetent.Heck they ALL are,the whole party has mismanaged everything ,again at our expense. Welcome to the shitification of Canada under Justin Trudeau.

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Will no one free us of this tyrant?

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Jabmeat Singh holds the keys to the kingdom

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The sooner Trudeau and his gang of Woke miscreants leave the political scene, the better.

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I'm thinking John Banner is her favorite actor.

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I see that Trudeau arrested A Political Speaker from England . He was in Calgary speaking up against Trudeau's Communist Agenda in Canada. Trudeau's Free Speech Police arrested him as he left the building. Welcome to Canada!

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