This multiculturism and diversity are what is ruining our country. If they come here, they should follow our laws, and be loyal to our country and not make demands that our government take care of the countries and people. We should also not have to fund them when so many of our people are homeless, jobless an struggling especially our military, seniors and veterans who built and fought/fight for this country. This letting in 500,000 more and handing them everything is ridiculous. my late husband went through WW2 as a child during the Blitz in England an came to Canada in 1967 after being totally vetted, immunized, passing a background check etc., while waiting for four years for approval, and had to have money when he came here, no handouts. He also had to have a sponsor and a job within a year. But that has not been the case with many immigrants, migrants and refugees. We are swamped with criminal activity and ungrateful people. We have enough problems with many Aboriginals, we do not need anymore. Our country is broken!!

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Thanks for the comment

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You are welcome!

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Along with Canada, the U.S, Britain and some European Countries one hears next to no mention of diversity being an added bonus in enriching a country, they know full well it would not work and cause a whole lot of disharmony, it always has been human nature to want to associate with people who have similar values and cultures.

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Angela Merkel called Multiculturalism a failure in Germany. Which it is in every country forced to take this path.

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All of this was very poorly managed, more so intentionally implemented, by the Liberal clan to the detriment of the well-being and respect of Canadians.

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Thank you.

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Until Canadians do a Dublin, we are just disgruntled basement boys.

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Nov 25, 2023
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Agree. And! What would be our Dublin? Can’t think of anything. The Freedom Convoy told us what happens to those who rebel.

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It iis time to turn things on Trudeau an his merry band of whatevers then!!

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Nov 26, 2023
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My comment comes from studies and knowledge. Try it, you might like it!!

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Oh, we can do a Dublin, you bet!! if the Palestinan protestors and Aboriginals and who ever else can do we can and should too!!!!

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so brad, from my point of view, that your artcle is telling me that canada is finished. so the only thing i can really hope for is...... that quebec gets invaded by trudeaus chosen people, he has stabbed president trump in the back, he has backstabbed the india,s pm. and this guy is still walking. wow let the french people have him when they get invaded.

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Not finished, but it's first incarnation is likely finished.

Next up a socialist state dominated by 3rd world powers abd their communities

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Yes, they should fit into ‘our’ ways and keep their ways at home if they want. Diversity has been a divide in many ways, not a strength. They don’t realize the s**** bucket Trudeau and Singh are. No doubt, many would want to be with their own cultures practising their culture in their own country but in peace! Trudeau is only trying to stack his voting supply with immigrants. Welcome to our beautiful country, but wake up please as to why he/she/it wants you here. Other than voting reasons to keep him in power, he has no use for you. A drama game for him- he lost reality a long time ago🤮😵‍💫🤮

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3rd world communities may finally be realizing that the Liberals use them for their own purposes, just as they use whites in their own way

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Amen to that statement, Brad!

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Nov 25, 2023
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An absolute disgrace, as well as counter to every principle of democratic governance. Media say nothing/

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media is not allowed to say anything, remember they have been bought out.

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Nov 25, 2023
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Yes he did for even more control, as well the PMOs office has hired a communications expert to improve Trudeau pummelling poll numbers.

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Nov 25, 2023Edited
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In my opinion, not so much poorly managed as intentionally implemented.

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Nov 25, 2023
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Protected from cultural degeneration decades in advance; see Trudeau, Pierre.

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