Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Was Carney not hired by Trudeau to be his personal advisor on how to win the next election and paid for with tax dollars? HOW MuCH? We’ll have to get Larry Brock to look into this deal.

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Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Mark Carney, hmmmm would that be he is part of the carney circus. Very evil goof, don't think Canadians would want him near anything political, in fact bringing him on board as a consultant!!! How much tax dollars will he cost? I say not to worry about this WEF Shill, most Canadians are awake to the disastrous liberal nine years....will we get a non confident vote, or will the illegal Bloc help to prop up the liberals. We need a hurricane to hit our parliament

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Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

jesus murphy this guy is scary. During the 2008 economic meltdown, which Canada escaped more or less unscathed comparatively speaking, I thought he was a demigod. Now he thinks he's a god. Even if you don't agree with Poilievre, a vote for the Conservatives is a vote against this guy running the country.

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Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Excellent article. Mark Carney is a very powerful and evil man. However, I don’t think there is anything we the people can do to stop him.

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Thanks, wish it were under better circumstances. Hopefull this toad never becomes PM

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Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Seems he fancies himself as the 'boy wonder from the NWT' who wants to be King of the World.

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It's not enough for his home riding to be in the East. It's actually a smart idea for him to be a native of the Laurentian elite landmass.

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Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

And with his Education Credentials, a PHD in Economics from Oxford, he can run circles around our P.M with his degree in Drama

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there is lots of ways to stop all of them.

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Epstein had quite a list I bet

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and trump said he would let everyone know also. now, thats what i call transparency.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Brad Salzberg

Should ask Carney - was it his idea to get Klaus to tell Chrystia to tell Michael Sabia that freezing the bank accounts of innocent citizens was a good idea? Seems like he would be exactly the kind of brains trust behind such an action. He already tells politicians what to do, so he's not going to be one.

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He is Klaus and Chrystia.

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Leave it to Trudeau to pick a guy that is even more controlling than him(did not think that was possible.)As for his statement that fixing the world requires rigid controls on personal freedoms all I have to say to that one is "You better lead by example"If you think you can keep on jet-setting and partying all over the place and living in your million dollar mansions eating steak while the rest of us are cooped up in 15 minute cities eating fake meat made of bugs , not allowed to vacation or drive or fly anywhere then watch your back as you will have some king of revolution on your hands.

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Far more dangerous than Trudeau, he's a smart guy & the sheep love someone to follow they think knows something. He said he's not interested in the job & I doubt he want's to step in after Trudeau's mess but I could see him making a run down the road.

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Carney and his crony-Capitalist functionaries manufacture consent by positioning themselves as saviours which is the opposite side of the crony-Capitalist coin. Blaming Capitalists for the present distinction is a posture. Look to Russia and Russia’s experience with Communism to see the game. Bankers funded the Bolsheviks. Why?

For the same reason the Bankers are behind the present attempt to bring Russia into the fold of the World Economic Forum. NATO is in service to the aims of the WEF — as simple as that. In point of fact these are evil men whose agenda to run the world is Communism. The means is a dialectical materialist ideology posing as virtue when in fact the real aim is Totalitarian. First wreck the world then present as saviours of it.

Henry Hazlitt in 1945 explained that single issues are presented as solutions to complex problems. For example balance-of-trade issues which are themselves not the problem. This is an inflection point argument. There are others. Interference in domestic economies are many and have consequences leading to the introduction of saviours like Carney.

His solutions are inherently destructive of the dwindling countervailing means of resisting the Totalitarian destination. These may consist of pegging its currency too high, encouraging its citizens or its own government to buy excessive imports; encouraging its unions to fix domestic wage rates too high; enacting minimum wage rates; imposing excessive corporation or individual income taxes (destroying incentives to production and preventing the creation of sufficient capital for investment); imposing price ceilings; undermining property rights; attempting to redistribute income; following other anti-capitalistic policies; or even imposing outright socialism.

Since nearly every government today including Canada is practicing at least a few of these policies, it is not surprising that some of these countries will get into balance-of-payment difficulties with others.

The Trudeau’s for example have done everything possible to undermine Parliament. Parliament is an elected body. The people in the PMOs office are unelected as is true of the Courts. How often have we witnessed the Federal Government designing a body of influential law makers like judges whose role is not law making but the enforcement of laws. It is Parliament in a true democracy charged with creating legislation and thus laws as defined by Parliament not the Courts which have been making laws contrary to Canadians’ interests. Is Canada a sovereign nation or not?

The Globalist Agenda is a removal and replacement program. Remove the people and replace Parliament, i.e. the people, with the WEF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the World Health Organization, the United Nations — and dozens of unelected bodies who serve the purposes of the crony-Capitalist class.

The entire body of Congress in the United States — with a few exceptions — no longer represents the people whom elect them. How is that?

People like Carney are spokes persons for the elite establishment — now global, not national. These types are given space in the elite owned Media to hawk their wares. Their wares are certain memes repeated over and over again. Media is a salted mine. Fools gold has been replaced with the real thing along with a smidgen of the real thing done to suck in the greedy and self interested and naïve and foolish. Mark Carney is a ringer.

Trudeau is an incompetent and foolish and naïve man in service to his deepest desires. He craves acceptance. Carney is much more dangerous. He is unelected. He is unaccountable.

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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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as i have said many times before canada is dead. unless we have a vote to vote quebec out. btw, quebec wouldn,t be allowed to vote, just canadaians. i would love too see the outcome of that election, one thing i know for sure, we still have two canadian jets, they flew over today, what a wonderful sound.my neigbour and i was hoping they would go to ottawa ans scare the crap out of the wokes.

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Does he come from Quebec?

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NWT originally I believe

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TOTALLY agree!

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Spot on, great article, absolute truth, should air on every media outlet non stop for a month.

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