Thank you for this post. For some reason, it's one of the most disturbing for me. I had not realized this and I really appreciate you having highlighted it. Is there a name for this phenomena? I have been trying to define what it means to be Canadian (academically) and I can see even more now why that task is so difficult.

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We outnumber Trudeaus minions so let's show him we won't be pushed around. The last few years I've noticed people at retail outlets saying Merry Christmas, possibly because we the majority are fed up with the happy holidays BS. As the saying goes, if we don't all hang together we'll hang separately.

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Another 400,000 immigrants arriving in Canada by years end, you need not guess where most of these will be coming from, more future votes for the Liberals.

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Hmm. One such as I, a paranoid, would think that your government and their typing pool (media, CBC) had the goal of upending your Judeo/Christian roots and culture. Why would they do that? Well, something about making omelets. Or maybe the Phoenix. You have to burn down a country/society/culture, before you can raise up the new one.

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