Can't wait till the liberals are gone along with the NDP, There will be a celebration day every year after it, I can see it coming

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Justin and his minions don’t fund 1000 media outlets, they use OUR TAX DOLLARS to fund our own destruction. The Americans will be more interested in building a northern wall. The Russians and Chinese can come down from the north to complete the transformation. What do you think 1933-1939 felt like?

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Just Turdo and Jagmeat should be tried as traitors to the country!

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Have been waiting for him to attack our flag. Could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. He’s not worthyof being a Canadian!!!

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Historical note: The infamous legislation that changed Dominion Day to Canada Day was passed late on a Friday afternoon when most MPs had left for the weekend They did not have a legal quorum to pass this legislation. The scumbags went through all three readings in that session. In spite of this the Lieberal dominated Senate rubber stamped this treasonous bill.

The reason for this change is that French Quebecers do not like the word "Dominion" because it has certain negative connotations for them which differ from the founder's source--a Biblical phrase; viz., "He will have dominion from seat to sea."

This legislation was one of the earlier cases of cultural genocide against English Canada by Turdeau Sr's criminal cabal.

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Justin Castro uses the same technique within Ominus(sp) bills passed at 2 am.

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i am sorry, but there is only one way out of this mess. we need a revolution, who and when i don,t care. as for the flag, who started all the bull shit over our flag, well guess who, quebec, because they never did like royals, and besides that, they never got over the war on the plains of d,abraham. none of this should matter in this day and age, bring on the revolution win or lose, at least we tried.

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