Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Not a peep from Trudeau. ????????? Is that the same Trudeau who said he would take personal responsibility for any laws broken by his unvetted imigrants????? I remember the exact words: "I will take personal responsibility........" These people come here and bring their wars with them.

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Did we ever find out what the sentence for that Syrian immigrant who raped and killed that 15-16 year old girl in Burnaby BC . This fellow was Trudeaus' POSTER BOY in 2015. He was found guilty of rape and murder in a Vancouver Court, but is he actually in jail ?

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Convicted but not a word since then.

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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Another piece that hit the bullseye. Well done.

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Thanks, but wish it was under better circumstances. As in, would be awesome for Canadian media to stop protecting fundamentalist jihad.

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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

It is truly disturbing to see how Canadian media, politicians and the corporate sector have turned a blind eye to the dangers posed to our society by islam. The "slow drip of sharia" has begun in Canada. It happened in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan over a period of a no of decades and now it is happening on a faster pace in Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, England and Germany. The islamists play the long game; and it starts with the push to incorporate the false notion of "islamaphobia" into our mainstream to keep citizens from legitimately criticizing islam - and then it progresses with the building of more and more mosques (centres of islamic power), increased immigration of muslims, and more muslims in seats of political power. (eg a significant no of mayors in England are muslim, including London's mayor). Also, the call to prayer will then be introduced into population centres - first on a very occasional basis; and then it will occur gradually - almost imperceptibly increasing in frequency over a period of many years. And more and more politicians (both liberal and conservative) are "useful idiots" who open the doors to this dangerous ideology. And eventually "no go zones" develop and expand as has the been the case in Sweden, England, France. And as the islamic population grows, the fundamentalists become more aggressive in asserting sharia values and attempting to suppress western values through intimidation and violence. (eg Hebdo murders, assassination of Van Gogh, destruction of churches in France, etc) Furthermore, many islamists remain hostile to western values and resistant to integration into western society. And the moderate ones remain silent. (That is why I don't distinguish between moderate and fundamentalist islamists.) Anyhow, in my view Canada is on this path. Sadly, many Canadians have been brainwashed into believing that multiculturalism means accepting and accommodating an ideology that is very detrimental to our way of life. And many are arrogant and foolish enough to believe that our supposed "democratic" way of life will soften the sharia-based ideological beliefs and values of many islamists.

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Canada is being conquered one step at a time and instead of protecting Canadian interests Trudeau gifts the country to China, Izlam, Punjab

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Jan 30Liked by Brad Salzberg

Spot on. There is no logical reason for his immigration and other policies other than to radically transform Canadian demographics and society.

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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Methinks he is an imbedded Jihadi who went active. All part of Global Jihad! If they hear from "Allah," that is all it takes to lock and load or light a fuse........That makes every Canadian patriot a potential victim!

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Under Trudeau every Anglophone Canadian is a potential victim

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Examine the Average IQ scores for ISLAMIC countries.


The likely cause is he is a STUPID MUSLIM.


Toronto, home to North America's largest Muslim community is FULL OF THEM.


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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

The incident in Edmonton left me baffled at the lack of information and thanks to your probing Brad the frightening incident is clarified, it is maddening that we are being deceived by Trudeau and his spineless media. I will be sharing your article to acquaintances.

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With thanks.

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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

We are so fucked! And we’re doing it to ourselves. Europe is in extreme protests. We are hoping our taxes won’t go up more.

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50 year set up for our fall beginning with Pierre Trudeau

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

Thank you corrupt gvmts representing evil unelected billionaires to bring chaos to the world with engineer wars to then create refugees to then relocate them to western countries. GVMTS globally are attacking and destroying their own citizens. They dont care about any pp in the world wherever you are from or us. They use us ALL as fodder. That is who our common enemy is.

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A global disgrace upon western nations. Meaning White.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29

It is because we are the last bastion of freedom -western world in the way of their evil satanic one world order. We could be blue or black. Doesn't matter. We happen to be of European descent therefore yes white-But they don't care about ANY of us. They manipulate, create the pain, hostilities, casualties and/or hijack a people with drastically different cultural views to bring tension, distrust into a stable nation to destabilize it. Add their created wars, media lies and hateful propaganda to incite, to create division -plot for food shortages and attacking farmers, grid down etc with no services ....after adding all the ingredients...How might this look? Gun control for law abiding citizens when the gvmt has had a secret visa program for people that get denied entry suddenly allowed-including terrorists. How on earth is this possible and allowed? As John Kennedy stated in his speech before his assassination "“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning”.

Obumer's propaganda movie and lines such as "can't trust white people" and "what KIND of american are you?"-meaning playing on another divide and conquer theme of left and right- if the world were reversed -just pretend-and western nations were mostly black-you can rest assure the line would be "can't trust black people". It is a means to an end. They want depopulation -500 million worldwide from 8 billion???? So with the forced poke (5G plays in this) , their wars and radicalized people infiltrating our countries by design, their planning for food shortages etc -all warfare and preplanned. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/hunger-games-world-bank-and-cargill?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=581065&post_id=140738763&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=gdaod&utm_medium=email



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Where is the Canada I once knew? What sad times these are.

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Gone, baby, gone, you're country is gone. As in, STOLEN

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RemovedJan 29
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Jan 29Liked by Brad Salzberg

I would gladly take Harper over JT any day!

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Having noticed a declination of the compass back towards 'middle ground' - as in - less biased to one side of the the great(fake)"judeau-christian vs. islam" debate, in your last post, looks like that blip of sanity created need for this 'all hands on deck' return to the dead end "blame it ALL on the Muzzies" script.

People who pretend that there is a greater danger to Canadian sovereignty (and survival) from "arrivals intent on committing terror acts in the name of Allah." than there is from folks committing terror acts in the name of Yahweh are playing fast and loose not just with the facts, but with their own chances of surviving the coming storm.

And though I'd indicated I'd be hangin up the spurs here in my previous comment, it was your response to that comment which necessitated this final return squire.

There was NO (yes, I have the screenshot) reference to violence of any kind in the comment which you deleted. In fact the only word which could be inferred to have any inflection whatsoever for such an interpretation was the word "kil(redacted)ing" - which was contained within quotation marks, as the sentence was lifted entirely from your own post.

Had hoped to end on a high note, as my previous comment suggested, but resorting to spurious reasons for eliminating comment on an issue which will ultimately render your efforts null and void seems so tormented a logic as to be a fitting epitaph for the struggle of folks who never even got out of the starting gate, in identifying 'the main enemy' in the culture war which will sink their nation. Bye!

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Feel free to comment in the future. I am not out to censor. If the post is at all reasonable, I will approve. But no suggestions of violence or targeting a specific community.

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This image portrays the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, recognized for advocating peace. However, it lacks relevance to your article, and it's crucial to avoid misleading readers with unrelated visuals.

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How does this photo relate to the article? Have you sourced it correctly, considering that the specific community has always preached peace? Do you have permission to share this photo in connection with this article?

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We need to be scared, very scared.

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PART 2 of the MOOSE-ILUM article.


OK the second shoe has fallen now. If you have not read Part 1 yet a link is provided at the bottom, and you should read that before continuing.


As I wrote the first part (at the link below) I was thinking about GAZA, and the World’s problems with places like GAZA.


Mohammad was a Military Leader, not a Philosopher. In some respects, Islam resembles a Religion, but at its core is a CULT-LIKE strategy for World Dominance. That is frequently referred to as POLITICAL ISLAM. Rather than argue that point let me provide an example.


GAZA - Population at 20 Year Intervals


• 1948 – 200,000

• 1968 – 400,000

• 1988 – 800,000

• 2008 – 1,600,000

• 2024 – 2,400,000


Islam’s strategy for World Domination is built on increasing populations as quickly as possible. The Qur’an warms Muslims to remain ‘quiet’ while their numbers are low and wait until things change. That strategy worked well for Centuries, but as time progressed it started to fall apart. The Islamic World was unable to keep up with Europe and its advances in Technology. Islam’s last great ‘success’ came during the cover of World War One, when from 1915 to 1921, the Turks slaughtered 2 Million Christian Armenians. The slaughter continued in secret well after Turkey was defeated and signed a peace treaty. But there was no way to hide the Armenian Genocide forever in the Modern World.


In 1948 GAZA was a nice place to live in and had great promise, but a small group with extreme views soon took control. Among Islamic populations it is dangerous to oppose the extreme religious bigots. There is constant pressure for all to adopt the views of the most ‘religious’ in each group, those who seem to worship Allah more. No one wants to appear to be ANTI-ISLAMIC so out of fear for their safety they go-along. Things work that way in the smallest and the largest of crowds. It’s been that way for 1400 years now. Islam dictates every aspect of a Muslim’s life.


I do not know how many people familiar with situation in ISRAEL read my initial post, but most likely got it right away. A Caliphate in Canada or any other country would expand until its resources became depleted and another GAZA would be created. The only solution to GAZA-like scenarios is a significant reform of ISLAM, and allowing the Qur’an that has remained unchanged since the days of Mohammed, to catch up with the Modern World.


Side Note – The UN


Twenty years ago the UN encourages Migration but clearly stated that it had to be at the advantage of the Country receiving foreign populations. Today the UN is dominated by a large number small Islamic countries and its rules now claim that Nations have an obligation to accept Refugees. Borders are no longer sacrosanct, and countries are expected to take in as many ‘Refugees’ as want to cross their borders.


Sorry, but that’s just nuts. Any nation that accepts that as Truth is committing SUICIDE.



Part 1 - Announcing two new Caliphates – East and West Moose-Ilum




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